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Hi there, it's Mark here. As Izy got tired from writing, I continued. If you'd ask about the competition, don't ask. It was a failure.

On February 13th (or maybe 12th) we had an earthquake. Everywhere was shaking but the building wasn't damaged. I just thought that was something suspicious. Cause I've read a book about earthquakes and the building would probably be damaged on that kinda strong earthquake. We just took the position we learned in kindergarten (well, I haven't gone to kindergarten but nevermind) and waited for the earthquake to pass. Then, I saw ENFP, ESFJ, ESFP and ESTP play UNO under the desks. Were they serious? We were shaking and they were just caring about a game? Weird. Izy and Amy were shouting "Yo have mind? If yes, just stop your game." "This is a serious occasion so how do you keep relaxing and even playing?" Blah blah blah. They just kept talking for 2 minutes. 

I didn't even try to talk cause I knew it never works. Just let them fail. Then we rushed to the school's big garden and stood up in lines. And after a ton of talk, our principal told that it was just a simulation of an earthquake and it was not real. Well, did I say that it is not normal to "only shake" with no breaking of a single wall? Yes. I could understand that it is fake.

It was history class, but our class teacher came and talked about the earthquake for 20 minutes. I was about to sleep because I was in the right side of the class (this means I am not very close to the teacher) but I didn't. On the last 10 minutes, the teacher called the "UNO players" to the front of the class and just told nothing. She just said "You know yourself way too much. Just go to your seats and continue what you were doing." 

On the next 2 weeks, everybody said "An eartquake is happening" 24/7. John was telling that an earthquake happens all the time but we can't feel it if it is lower than 4 degrees. Well, I knew that (I think everybody should know that) but they acted like we were about to die. I wasn't sure about some of the guys' mind. I am not sure now either. 

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