Competition rush

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It was the end of December. Miss Tiffany (our maths teacher, and our class teacher, ESTJ) told us that there is a knowledge competition. The volunteers could join the competition with 5-membered groups. The competition includes many groups and there is a point system. The fastest group (and answers true) will get the most points in the competition. You need to be fast and true at the same time.

Our group met in the lunch break and we  all agreed that we wanted to join the competition. We were really happy if ISTP wouldn't say "We are 4 members bro, so we will find a 5th member - that's way too hard - or just give up the idea." INFJ answered "You have never wanted to join the competition right?"

I just got between them. "OK, just lets think bout a 5th member. If we can't,  we won't be able to  join. That's all." Cause

Next day, INFJ came to us, running. She said "I have found a 5th member if you allow. I haven't asked her to join yet, but I wanted to tell u first." ISTJ was more curious than us "Who is it?" he asked.

"ESTJ" she said. "I have talked with her about the competition. She says that her group is the worst cause there is ESTP so she does not wanna join the competition with them." We discussed about this topic for 5 minutes and we decided to take her to our group. "I'll handle the asking part. She may say yes but I am not sure." INFJ said and went out of the classroom.

》2 days later

"Yep, Miss Sandia, we're joining to the competition... Yeah, of course 5 members. OK, the members are me (ISTP), ISTJ, ENTP, INFJ and ESTJ. What? A name? We didn't think bout it. OK,OK, we will give you a name this weekend. " After ISTP speaked on the phone with the teacher, we had to find a name for the group. It was already 6:45 p.m. so we went to our dorms and did our homework.

》The next day

We talked about the name of the group but we couldn't have a common name idea. I accidentally found a great name: The Strivers. After we signed up to the competition, we went to the classroom. Everything was normal and there was no action, but we knew that it'll change 5 days later.

On the next days, we studied a lot for the competition. After the studyin periods, ISTJ (he is into literature) knew all the famous books and their writers, ESTJ (she always reads history books) could answer the hardest history questions correctly, INFJ (she is the best in geography among us) memorised all countries' capitals and their most known properties, ISTP (he likes science) could remember all the periodic table and could calculate the forces, and I (I am into math)could multiply bigger numbers in mind.

When we asked INFJ, she even knew Philippines' capital is Manila. After this question, we thought we were ready for the competition. So we didn't study for it anymore.

》Competition day

We just found Miss Tiffany and asked the competition. She said "Oh didn't I tell U? The competition is cancelled. You can go to the class now."


Anyways, it was our worst day. We didn't even talk. After the classes, I did my homework and slept at 7:30 PM. I need my beauty sleep.

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