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In the midst of what appeared to be a specially designed area stood a woman,her long flowing obsidian hair blocking her entire face from view. Yet many of her fellow brothers and sisters knew her all too well. She was the first of them all,the success which had brought so many children and teenagers to their early graves just so they could have the possibility to emulate her. They were told the moment they had awakened to become like her. Strong,agile,and cunning. But most of all,a inhuman specimen built for nothing but utter combat. She was one of their many superiors,she was a "Sentinel." A person who's very body was reconstructed by the genetics labs of the Sentinel Genetics Project. Or what they were more widely known as SGP.

People,no beings like her had one perspose. To eliminare the target at all costs no matter the risk. She knew this more than anyone,she recalled the moment that cold hearted woman with slate eyes called her, her "Masterpiece". But now she knew better she was only the beginning of this private hell we and many others like her had been thrust into. The woman stood in place watching the two youths of her kind surround her. She couldn't help but to sigh in irritation, they were rookies. There was no way they would even lay a scratch on her. She almost thought that the higher ups wanted her to finish them off, it wouldn't have been much of a surprise to her.

One of the young Sentinels stood before her,carefully walking around her as if looking for her blind spot. And that was his downfall,she had none. The woman realized he was very young and highly inexperienced in this certain arena. His body trembled at the very sight of her as he mustered the courage to leap towards the woman. Immediately she side stepped him,before in a blink of an eye appearing infront of him a mere centimeter from his face. All the blood seemed to drain from his now pale face as his bright blue eyes seemed to search te woman's own dark cinnamon hued eyes for the slighest bit of sympathy. But here, there was no need for sympathy. Not in their world.

The woman quickly delivered a bone shattering jab to the young boy's chest,hearing the sound of his very chest cavity caving in under her touch. He released a strained cry before slumping to his knees gripping onto his pain radiating chest. The young Sentinel called out for his companion, another young Sentinel who appeared to be maybe 17. The woman had never seen this Sentinel around but it didn't really matter. The only thing that mattered was surviving another hellish day. The young girl's gaze darted from her hurt friend to the woman before her,who deadly beauty seemed to stop her in her tracks. She knew she was dangerous but she also knew running would earn her punishment, and that was something she was steying desperately to avoid.

The woman before her extended her right hand for the girl beckoning her to come at her. "If you don't come at me,you'll face worst consequences. I can promise you that." The woman informed the young girl, referring to the higher ups. Or more importantly their creator,a cruel woman who hid her I'll intentions for them and for the world through false promises. Vanessa Ives. Creator of the syrum that turned a total of 25 normal humans into something inhuman. Something above man,and something that scared many of them. She was a vile woman who cared nothing for their safety, all she wanted were results. If you were of use to her she allowed you to love another day. But of you were to lose your usefulness you could kiss your life goodbye.

The young girl flinched at the thought, clearing her throat as she readied herself to trade blows with the woman before her. The young girl soon charge towards the woman at top speed with the intent to survive radiating in her eyes,but it wasn't strong enough. Not against her. The woman before her seemed to almost dissapeared in a blur,throwing the young girl off as she searched for her around the area coming up empty handed. "Your too rash." The woman mocked, catching the young girl's attention. She quickly turned to spot the woman leaning against the stone wall behind her,seeming very relaxed despite the situation they were in.

"I've got you!" The girl exclaimed running towards the woman who smirked, simply remaining in place as a sudden raven haired blur appeared behind the girl. The girl immediately stopped in her tracks,gasping as what appeared to be an exact copy of the woman stood behind her. The same smirk evident on her face as she gripped onto the girl's throat,beginning to slowly but surely choke her. The girl gasped for air,her face slowly turning red from the lack of oxygen as she struggled to breathe. Although she continued to stare at the woman in front of her who slowly began to step towards her,with a murderous intent in her eyes.

The girl struggled against the woman's iron grip,hoping to beg for her life. Tears began to well up in the crevices of her eyes as she watched as the woman's once cinnamon hued eyes began to fade into the unnatural translucent hue of a Sentinel. "It's over." The woman stated as she readied herself to plung her entire arm through the girl's chest but was stopped by the familar voice of her creator. "Enough Theta,well done." The voice complemented over the intercom system which echoed throughout the entire area. The woman known as Theta simply nodded,her eyes returning to their natural hue in a blink of an eye. She stepped away from the girl extending her hand towards the copy of herself who immediately retracted her hand from the girl's neck.

The young girl stumbled to her knees gasping for air,all the while running her fingers across the evident bruising now on her windpipe. Continuing to gasp for air she watched as Theta made contact with her copy, who seemed to meld into Theta's very body which gave off a warm crimson and autumn leaf hue. Theta then turned away from the girl before making her exit from the arena,already glad as the large metal automatic door closed behind her sealing her off from the onlookers of her fellow Sentinels. Even among her own kind she was considered a monster,a monster who wasn't afraid to kill a fellow brother and sister in arms.

Theta quietly leaned against the cool metal wall,feeling the elevator begin to move upwards to her room. She quietly stared down at her hands where traces of the young Sentinel's blood remained. Theta simply wiped the still damp blood on the side of her black jeans before wiping her own face which now was covered in tears. She gritted her teeth before angrily punching a metal wall,watching as it immediately dented into the size of her fist. She hated this,she hated fighting. And most of all she hated feeling so alone. "I hate this place." Theta breathed into the air,knowing that at moments like these were the reason why she strove to leave this place. She wanted a place where she belonged, where she could have a normal life. Not this life,a life of a warrior. She didn't want this,yet it was thrust upon her like a curse. And it was all thanks to one woman,Vanessa Ives.

The Rogue ~Volume One of the Sentinel Saga~Where stories live. Discover now