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For seven days straight Theta waited for Delta to emerge from his imprisonment. Seven days of pure torture Theta was sure he was living through. His body plagued with probes and random shocks of electricity,that was something even Alpha would be unable to handle for so long. Theta stood silently leaning against the steel wall behind her,lost in her thoughts. Completely unaware that she was being spoken to by a scientist who of course was under Vanessa Ives's thrall. "We have you matched against a few underlings of Zeta today. Be prepared to show no mercy." The man informed Theta who simply nodded towards him,shooing the troublesome man away. Fighting in that accursed arena was not her top priority. What was,was making sure Delta would survive to see another day.

Knowing that the match could not be avoided Theta trecked to the arena. Where loud shrieks and cheers seemed to echo off the very walls. Voices belonging to fellow Sentinels,some scientists and of course many belonging to possible donors. Donors who either had money or had a fresh source of specimen that Vanessa was always desperate to find. Theta bit her bottom lip lightly until it bled,silently wiping away the light blood trail before stepping into the arena. Clad in her Sentinel combat attire,Theta stood her cinnamon hue eyes glued on the woman before her. The woman seemed very confident,almost cocky in fact. She playfully winked at Theta which only seemed to increase the already kindled fire in her belly.

But something about this opponent seemed very familar,the way she seemed to almost float across the sand covered ground. The way she egged on the crowd around them,making the cheers even louder if possible. The woman stood at least 5'6 with a flawless ivory complexion,shoulder length long yet abit unruly magenta hued hair and electric green eyes. And from what Theta could tell she could have been no older than 19. Things seemed to click in Theta's head when the girl formed a single spark of electricity on her index finger,as if giving Theta a taste of her power. She wasn't an underling! She was the real deal! She was Zeta,the 6th in creation of the "Sentinel Project". And a dangerous one at that.

Theta immediately turned her gaze towards one of the scientists on the sidelines of the arena, at top speed rushing to him. Her speed stunning the man as she roughly grabbed the scrawny man by his shirt collar. " You said she was an underling!" Theta exclaimed in irritation as the man swallowed a lump in his throat before he spoke. "T-There was a change in plans-" "By who?!" She shouted at the man who seemed to tremble at her very presence. "Me." A voice answered from behind Theta, she immediately released the man as he stumbled to the safety of the crowd. Theta then turned to meet the soulless slate grey eyes of Vanessa Ives. A playful smirk forming on her lips at Theta's sudden outburst.

"I thought I would spice it up a little for you Theta,you deserve a real challenge." Vanessa commented with a smirk almost taunting Theta who seemed to almost growl towards her. "You want a challenge, do you not?" Vanessa asked Theta who's cinnamon hued eyes for a brief moment reverted to their translucent hue in order to scare Vanessa but it only seemed to please her. "Yes,I do." "Good then enough said." Vanessa stated as Theta bit back the many words she wished to exchange with this horrid woman. She immediately turned on her heels tp return to the taunting Zeta,but was stopped by Vanessa's words. "If you win,perhaps I will let you see him. That is if you win that is." Theta gripped her hands into tights fists before turning to the despicable Vanessa Ives,a glare already visible on Theta's face.

She wanted to see him,she wanted to be by Delta's side no matter the cost. Even if at the moment the cost was indeed her life. "I will win." Theta stated before returning to her place on the battleground, where Zeta who's electric green eyes seemed to almost give off their own electric currents. "Shall we,Theta?" Zeta quesrioned, her electric green eyes becoming their awakened translucent hue before Theta. Theta stood her ground,closing her eyes briefly before her eyes too became their dangerous translucent hue. "Your move." Theta egged on becoming rather serious for the first time in a long time. She wanted to win,no she had to win. For herself,and for Delta.

The Rogue ~Volume One of the Sentinel Saga~Where stories live. Discover now