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Theta abruptly left the arena behind her,ignoring the many cheers of her fellow peers. Celebrating her victory in the arena, but to her their was no sweet victory when it came to harming a fellow sister. A Sentinel. What she had just done,harming Zeta for the sole purpose of entertaining Vanessa and others was sickening. Out of all the battles she had faced thus far this was the only battle that truly had a meaning. And that meaning was Delta. She had fought to see him,and finally after a difficult battle she could finally lay eyes on him. Theta struggled to remain conscious, the effects of releasing her power was indeed taking its toll on her. Already she could feel her movement becoming abit sluggish. She was struggling to maintain her footing,and randomly her vision was blurred.

Theta gripped onto the wall her legs beginning to give under her own weight. Never had Theta felt so weak in her life,and she hated it. She stumbled down the hallway,her heart pounding loudly in her chest before Theta came face to face with the door which she knew Delta was behind. Though behind Theta stood two of her fellow Sentinels, ones she wasn't too familar with but none the less she respected them. Sensing the presence of the Sentinels,Theta used the remainder of her strength to turn to the newcomers,her hand firmly on the pistol she was hiding. She then pulled the pistol from her person,aiming it at a single Sentinels head which seemed to surprise them.

"Ms. Ives sent us." The male Sentinel informed the ready Theta who's hand began to tremble for some odd reason. The male Sentinel eyed Theta up and down before a untrustworthy smirk appeared on his lips. He noticed how weak Theta appeared to be,yet even in her current state she appeared very beautiful to him. And above all very,very tempting. "And for what purpose?" Theta questioned, her gaze never once faltering from the steel gazes of the two Sentinels. "Your reward,you ungrateful wretch." The rust haired female sentinel spat,immediately making Theta's blood pressure rise. "Takes one to know one." Theta countered as the red haired sentinel closed the distance between the two. "You smart mouthed bitch,if we were to meet in the arena" "Enough,Sestia. We have our orders." Reminded the male Sentinel whom addressed the female Sentinel by her name.

The Sentinel known now as Sestia gritted her teeth, before turning on her heels and made her way down the hall. Leaving nothing but the image of her flaming red hair in the distance. The male Sentinel apologized for Sestia's rudness before producing a strange electronic key and sliding it against the matching electric lock. The sound of the door unlocking sounded throughout the hall before the male Sentinel took his leave. Leaving the electronic key in Theta's shaky hands. Theta struggled not to lose her composure before the door itself began to slide open. A sliver of light growing as the door opened revealing the weakened body of Delta. He lay sprawled across the cold steel floor,nude for the most part with only a thin white blanket to cover his dignity.

Immediately Theta rushed tp Delta's side, scooping him into her lap. Pleading with her long time friend and ally,she had never seen Delta in such horrid shape. His once peach colored skin was now the shade of fresh snow. Delta's one good eye was now a dull crimson,devoid of any emotion whatsoever. Tears began to sliver down Theta's cheeks as she rocked Delta's limp form in her arms,praying he would recover quickly. She then began tp feel Delta stir in her arms,taking a shallow breathe before opening his one good eye to the lovely Theta. Who's tear filled gaze shook him to his core but his own words would be the ones that would shake Theta. So much in fact that we would forced into action at the sound of a pen falling. "Y-you have to get out of here,now." Delta informed Theta, gripping onto her shakey hand.

This was the moment she had been waiting for,the moment her choices could dictate the remainder of her life. Theta had waited many years for this, but she hasn't expected to leave alone. But there was one one thing Theta had learned after years of being breed a disciplined warrior was that their were choices a warrior had to make. Ones that tested their very will and sanity. And most of all their loyalty to one another. And Theta's loyalty was to Delta,but also to herself. And in Theta's heart was telling her to leave a long with her will to survive. She had to leave. And leave Delta behind as well.

The Rogue ~Volume One of the Sentinel Saga~Where stories live. Discover now