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Delta's words continued to echoe trough Theta's mind as she took her leave from his holding cell. Her body slowly regaining the remainder of her formal strength. Strength she knew she would need for the days ahead. The time to act was now,that much was clear. Although it had always been planned,but Delta had always been a huge part of it. Theta hated the thought of leaving Delta behind,hell she even argued with him about it. But she of all people knew how stubborn Delta was. When he made a decision it was nearly impossible to change his mind,but she wanted to so badly. No matter the plan which spilled from Theta's lips like word vomit,Delta would hear none of it. He was adamant on Theta leaving this hell hole. Without him.

Still Theta couldn't feel Delta's pale fingers trail down her right cheek,resting on her full lips. He smiled weakly towards Theta before mouthing out the words"Leave."To her, which almost made the young Theta break down before him. Forcing back her oncoming tears Theta had left her dear friend behind,swearing one day the two would cross paths once again. And that together they would run away,dissapearing before Vanessa Ives could even blink. Quietly Theta made her way down the long hallway,roughly brushing pass many scientists and fellow Sentinels who eyed her suspiciously. But it mattered not,because in a mere 10 minutes she would either be gone or dead.

Making her way back to her room and grabbing the bare necessities along with keeping track of time,Theta rushed to the elevator which led to to horrid office of Vanessa Ives. Theta knew she would have to follow the plan she and Delta had created 5 years ago down to the t. Every second would count,and everything she and he had predicted had to be accurate. Stepping into the steel elevator Theta watched as the floors began to rapidly approach her,faster than she had expected. Quickly Theta put on her guise which only consisted of an all black hooded cloak which was more than enough to hide her face from view along with any other features that would give her away. Theta sucked in a shallow breath as the number "50" flashed on the holographic screen before her alerting her that she had reached her destined floor.

Shaking away any jitters she had,and for the first time actually utilizing all her training as a Sentinel against her creator, Theta charged through the doors. Bolting from one side of the room to the next at top speed. Avoiding a confrontation with other Sentinels as much as possible,but soon it would be inevitable as a loud screeching alarm sounded throughout the compound signalling an escapee was on the loose. And this time, that escapee was Theta. Ignoring the many shouts of her fellow Sentinels questioning what she was doing and why,Theta ran. Using her inhuman speed to bypass the others,and making her way to the entrance of Vanessa Ives's office.

Using merely a fraction of her strength,Theta kicked down barricaded door only to come face to face with the wicked woman she had grown to hate. Vanessa sat fairly comfortably at her mahogany desk,her slate gray eyes seeming to be focused elsewhere. Her gaze lingered towards the bay window which overlooked the entire city called Authuria, which rivalled many other cities in both beauty and technology. It was one of the many cities in the era whom was named after one of the greatest warriors in exsistence, Authur. The Great King Authur,whom was rumored to be the greatest warrior of all time.

Yet Theta was not ready to be thrust into the vast world before her,one so techonologically ahead of its time. A world where she knew it would be fairly difficult for her to hide within,but she was intended to try. And most of all survive. Using her inhuman speed Theta crosser the distance between she and Vanessa within mere seconds,bounding onto the wooden desk. Her gun already securely in her grip as she aimed it point blank at Vanessa's head. A smug smirk appeared on Vanessa's lips as she seemed to stare Theta dead in the eye. "Well then,this is an unpleasant event isn't it?" Vanessa questioned as Theta gritted her teeth before pressing it against the woman's skull firmly, hoping to drive through the fact that she was not joking.

"If you make any sudden movements I will not hesitate to blow your brains across this room,understood?" Theta breathed,desguising her voice the best she could all the while sounding abit threatening. "Oh my very well then,what will you do now? Surely you are aware that you will not make it out of here alive." Vanessa pointed out with a smirk as a brief smile appeared on her lips before she roughly pulled Vanessa from her chair,pinning her hands behind her. "I am aware,which is why you are going to be my hostage." Theta informed the shrewd woman before placing Vanessa in front of her,ordering her to walk. And with little hesitation Vanessa did,watching as many Sentinels eyed the scene. Ready to defend their "Creator". " Order them to surrender, I haven't the time to deal with them."Theta spat towards Vanessa whom began barking orders,ordering the oncoming Sentinels to lower their weapons and to allow her captor safe passage.

Theta frequently checked her watch,ensuring she had not yet run out of time for her escape. Currently only 3 minutes had passed which meant Theta only had 7 more minutes remaining before she either escaped or was put to death for her treason. "You'll never make it out of here alive." Vanessa commented with a smug look as she was forced to continue down the vast hallway. Filled with ones she had created,ones whom she had trained to risk their very lives. And today was no different. Vanessa watched as a looking figure appeared before her and Vanessa. A lump immediately formed in her throat as her cinnamon gaze landed on the new face.

The man was fairly tall appearing to be at least 21 years of age. He had a flawless milky complexion which complemented his icy blue eyes. Yet his blood hued hair seemed to almost mock his icy gaze. Which from what Theta could tell was devoid of any sympathy. His very appearance sent fearful chills down Theta's spine along with the onlooking Sentinels who refused to move a muscle. Afraid it would anger him. Theta watched as the man closed the distance between them in a crimson blur,his hand slinking around Vanessa Ives's waist in one swift movement before back tracking and reappearing a few feet before Theta.

A triumphant smile was plastered on Vanessa's lips as she gripped onto the man shirt,her grey eyes flickering from Theta and then two the crimson haired man. "End her." Vanessa ordered as the man nodded before nonchalantly stepping towards Theta,his hands immediately overcome by vast water particles collecting at his very fingertips. Theta now knew who this man was,and most of all she knew she stood no chance against him. He was absolute,one of the most powerful of them all. Alpha.

Theta took a few cautious steps back,preparing the oncoming assault from her predecessor. Knowing fully well that she would not survive a battle with this man. He was one that Sentinels like Theta strove to become,a emotionless warrior. And he stayed true to his title "The Cold One." Never had Alpha showed any emotion whatsoever, he was the perfect Sentinel who would never stray from the mission. And he was a big problem for Theta.

The Rogue ~Volume One of the Sentinel Saga~Where stories live. Discover now