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[week of the Monaco Grand Prix]

Violet Morales

I know that this will be one heck of a busy week. Not just because of work but because of the Grand Prix this weekend. My number one priority on my list is to see Charles Leclerc and if he doesn't answer my texts soon I will just go and knock on his door, demand to see him until he actually appears. It wouldn't be the first time either. I've been to the Monaco Grand Prix twice in my life with my actual family. Well when we were speaking and spending time with each other that is. Even though I'm best friends with an F1 driver, I haven't been since.

Charles has asked me a couple of times if I have wanted to join him and the Ferrari team in the paddock. Every single time, I have declined the invitation because I wouldn't want to the whole world looking at me. He knows that I have huge crowd anxiety. Although, having now been at university those anxious thoughts have started to slip away. I'm not saying that I don't get anxiety attacks or have the odd bad day, because I do. But I am saying that it is so much better than it was. Mostly to do with being away from home and not seeing my family. So maybe if Charles asks me this time, I might say yes.

It is now Tuesday and I'm just finishing up at work before settling off on the drive home. Ever since the weekend, the city has become more and more busy and many people have begun setting up for the weekend of racing. I take the diverted route back to my apartment along the back roads of Monaco. The only time during the year that I normally drive this way apart from if I'm taking a walk somewhere.
Once again the sun sets out to sea as I drag myself from my car into the elevator and up to my floor. The orange and yellow glow over my kitchen and living room surfaces greets me as I step inside. There are times like this when I'm happy I have a neutral colour scheme. I set about once again making my meal for one and snuggling into the sofa to watch some ice skating YouTube. A guilty pleasure of mine.

After loading up the dishwasher and cleaning my kitchen worktops, I run myself a bath. Bubbles galore of course. My bath is my comfort place. I love it and I love having them. Being able to have a bath with a gorgeous view and not having anyone bother me because I'm high in the sky is such a godsend.

[Violets bath inspiration 😍]

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

[Violets bath inspiration 😍]

Just as the bath fills up and I stop the water flow before the bubbles float over the side, I hear my apartment buzzer go off. That's strange. I wasn't expecting company at 8pm this evening unless I made arrangements and forgot about it. That's a very Violet thing to do. Thankful that I hadn't chosen to undress beforehand, I exit my en-suite and make a start towards to the door. The buzzer goes off a second time just before I reach it.

I open the door slightly before it's pushed open and I am tackled with a hug from someone much taller than me. "Violetttt" a voice I know too well reaches my ears before I bring my arms that had been frozen to my sides, up to the person's back and embrace them. "Hey you!" I smile into their neck before we both pull away.
My eyes meet the familiar face of Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc. His smile reaching his dazzling ocean-like green blue eyes and the world travelling tan evident on his skin. He is dressed in a black hoodie and dark jeans with not one Ferrari logo in sight. A must for sneaking through the city to visit one's friend at night so it seems.

Charles pushes my front door shut with his foot and walks towards the sofa before plonking himself down on to the cushions. "Sure make yourself at home" I chuckle before taking a seat in the opposite arm chair. "How is my V doing then? It's been what 4 months since I've actually seen you." He looks at me with a frown forming on his face like he's trying to remember when he actually saw me last.
Does seeing him for half a day in Italy really count?

A smirk reaches my lips before I reply "well someone doesn't answer their texts but I'm fine C, just this ridiculous job and all. Which you would know about if you responded." What a better way to start this conversation when you haven't seen each other in so long, then telling them what they have done wrong. "I know I know, I'm sorry. I do read them. But as I'm sure you will have seen, things just have gone from bad to worse in the last few races and we're all just trying to stay positive and work out what is going wrong." Charles sighs and his eyes leave mine to focus intensely on one of the books on the coffee table. He looks so tired and worn down. Seeing my best friend go through so much and not being able to be there for him is heartbreaking.
I give him a sympathetic smile and nod. I know it's so tough on him. Hopefully now that Charles is home, he can lean on us for support and we can look after him while he is here. Have fun and take his mind off everything that has been happening recently.

"Anyway what's going on with this job Vi?" Charles directs the conversation towards me as I recognise well his avoidance technique when he doesn't want to talk about something. I tell him about my shit job and how as a graduate, I just feel that I'm not getting anywhere near where I think I should be. That I want to be able to do something enjoyable and I haven't worked my butt off for this degree to be in some small run down place.
My job is petty and I feel a bit like slave in some ways, always doing the little jobs that no one else seems to want to do. I don't know whether that is because I am a graduate and they feel that they can pay me the same as some people who I see doing so much more. My ramblings move on to talking about my boss and how much a dick he is to his staff and I tell Charles about Jaqueline, the one nice friend I have made. However even talking with her, I still don't see the potential of the job.

"What about if I got you a job at Ferrari?"


Authors notes: 📝


Charles has entered the premises!
What do we do think?

Is Charles really offering to get Violet a job?

Don't forget to comment your thoughts and leave a vote!

Hannah X

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