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[Saturday, weekend of the Monaco Grand Prix]

Violet Morales

After a rather interesting day yesterday, today is one of the days I've been most excited about since accepting Charles' offer to come to the weekend. Sometimes I prefer qualifying over the actual race because it can get really exciting and unexpected things happen. A lot of the time, the races are won by the same teams and drivers which can get repetitive. Though naturally any win is always worth celebrating of course.

As I arrive in the paddock, I realise there are a lot more people then there has been in the previous day. This makes me nervous. I clutch Riley's arm as we make our way towards the Ferrari motor home. Dodging team members, fans and the media all the way down. I notice a few of the drivers around but so far I haven't laid my eyes on Charles or grumpy man Lando for that matter. But I'm glad it's that way.
I don't need Charles to get us unwanted attention by being overly loving with his friends. Whilst I love him dearly, he does draw attention to himself of course. The handsome man that he is.

We enter the Ferrari chaos and head straight to the canteen area. Basically we didn't have breakfast and one of the perks of being Charles' guests is that we can enjoy the food here too. What good food it is. I could eat here all the time and never be tired of the food.
I'm so looking forward to seeing his family today. Whilst I grew up around them, it's not often that I see them anymore. I try to pop in and see his mum at her salon if I am nearby. However it is on the other side of the harbour to me.
Charles does eventually appear and greets us both with apologies and hugs. I get the feeling we won't be seeing all that much of him today.

We settle ourselves on the balcony with Charles' mother Pascale and brothers Arthur and Lorenzo ready for the mornings Practice 3. Whilst it doesn't go as well as I think we'd all hoped, as Charles shows P9 again in the rankings and Carlos at P11, we turn our focus to the more important part of the day. Qualifying. I'm so looking forward to it, maybe even more the race. Qualifying can get really interesting towards the end as the tyres start to get up to temperature and especially at a track like Monaco. It really matters where you qualify as there isn't a lot of room for overtakes.

In the hours between Practice 3 and Qualifying, I take the opportunity to explore the paddock a little more with Riley. As we pass the McLaren hospitality, I see Lando Norris talking with who I only can presume to be his race engineer. Unfortunately for me, the timing is uncanny. He looks up and out into the paddock from his chair just as we're just passing. Catching my eyes as they sweep across the papaya orange motorhome, a glare starts to form on his face as his eyebrows knit together. I can handle a rude man. I give a small smile before turning my attention to Riley and continuing down the paddock. Surely he realises he can't be rude forever right?
If he and Charles are good friends, then oh he has no idea what he's in store for regarding mine and Charles' friendship.

Qualifying comes around much more quickly then anticipated. Resulting in Riley and I racing back down the paddock to Ferrari only just making it in time to see Charles head out on to the track. I know the out lap isn't all that exciting but I wanted to see everything I possibly could. Both Charles and Carlos make it through Q3 and Q2, with Lando also ending up in Q1 as well. My heart races as I see Charles wizzing around the track. I'm trying not to focus on the actual lap times as Max Verstappen puts in purple fastest sectors in 1 and 2. He comes across provisional pole for which he has been the last four races. My heart beat quickens as I see Charles put in a purple sector for 2 and he crosses the line P2 with Carlos making it at P4. He made it. They both did. I'm so happy, not a bad day for being a Ferrari fan. My eyes scan the board as I see Lando will be starting P7. Not bad either.


Dinner with Riley, Charles and his family is just what we needed after the day's events. It's lovely to catch up on all the news between everyone and celebrate Charles in a P2 start.
"So Violet, any boyfriends on the scene?" Arthur nudges me playfully as Charles hits him over the head with a napkin and glares at him before I see him trying not to smirk. I laugh. "Er no, happily single thanks Arthur."
"Yeah don't go hitting on our Vi or I'll see that you don't get to drive my car" Charles smirks from the other side of the table. Arthur rolls his eyes and I feel him go to kick his brother under the table. "It's not like you're having any luck in that department either Charl so you can shut up and don't worry I know how protective you are over Vi."
"Arrêtez ça maintenant les garçons!" Pascale quips from the head of the table, and they both shut up immediately. I smother a giggle. Oh it's fun.

As I make my way back to my apartment from Charles' mothers house, I notice the main walk is quieter then usual. I presume they've closed most off the roads so people don't think they have access when actually you can still walk around. Perks of knowing the trade secrets when you've lived here your whole life.
Nearing my apartment, I notice a couple of guy's hanging around one of the many sports cars parked along the street. Normally I wouldn't be so wary but since it's a race weekend and there are bound to be a serious number of drunk fans out every night this weekend. I decide to give them a wide berth. I cross the street and continue walking.
My apartment is only about 500 yards away until I'm in line with the guys who just seem to be chatting away. The closer I get the clearer they become. A few of them are wearing McLaren shirts and a couple in normal smart casual clothes. Then I see him. Lando. Throwing his head back laughing at something one of the others said. I avert my eyes but just as I do, he catches them and the brows of his face begin to knit together to form a frown. I look away quickly. None of them appear to be drunk and I know Lando can't drink, same as Charles, so they must just be having a get together maybe food perhaps.

I continue walking to my apartment at a speedy but consistent pace. I haven't looked back since and I have no intention of knowing if I'm being followed. After all I'm a woman, walking alone, at night, in the dark, in a city currently full of F1 fans. 
The safety of my apartment block comes into view and I practically run to the door and straight into the elevator. I open my door, turn the lights on and sink in my sofa. I have no idea what came over me or why I'm breathing so fast. If I'm thinking about it realistically, the people Lando was with are probably just McLaren employees and perhaps a couple of friends. So no one that would or could really hurt me. I'm just being silly and it's not like just because Lando was rude to be doesn't mean he'd do something. He's a respected F1 driver who is friends with Charles. That must count for something.


Authors notes: 📝


Merry Christmas everyone!

Sorry it's been so long since an update.
I hoped you like it!

Got a special treat for you all for the next chapter...
Here's a hint: it's not Violet's POV.

Don't forget to vote and leave a comment.

Hannah X

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