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[week of the Monaco Grand Prix]

Violet Morales

I stare at Charles. My brows furrow into a frown as I study his face. Is he joking? Yes I'm sure he is but his eyes look serious. I don't understand.
There is no reason for me to actually question Charles because I'm sure that he is just trying to make me feel better about the situation since he hasn't been around much. As his eyes meet mine, he opens his mouth to speak again, "I'm deadly serious Violet, you can't stay in that job!"

So he wasn't joking at all. Perhaps he knows me better than I know myself even though I'm the one who has been working in that hell hole. Charles has always been generous but this, I think is too much to even ask of him. "No I couldn't Charles. You can't just do that for me. I have a life here that I'm only just getting back into, it's too much to ask. Besides what would I even do?"
"Well I'm sure they would be able to 'create' a graduate scheme for you. Vi you would be working with the best people. My people. You would be able to live your dreams and I could see you actually being happy. Who wants to stay in this place forever?" The smile that appears on his face melts my heart and I almost want to cry. I've always had a difficult time in saying no to Charles, especially when he spouts out these ideas that just sound so perfect an opportunity.

"Okay! But you would have to speak to whoever to see if it would even be possible?" Seeing Charles visibly relax back into the cushions at noticing the smallest pull of getting me on side with his plan makes me want to slap him. He could never understand the emotions that I am feeling right now bubbling away inside me. His life has been nothing but about chasing his dream of being in Formula 1 and now he's got there. Everything pretty much gets handed to him on a plate, wine and dining every night and he's mr rich boy. Of course I'm happy for him. He's one of my closest friends and I've watched him beat himself up for not qualifying where he wanted to in karting race at the age of 12. But he could never understand this. This feeling. The feeling of being told that you could go, chase your dreams and work somewhere with people knowing that they would hold you in high regard. That my degree wouldn't have been the waste of time it's currently feeling like. The conflict inside of me about the time I've already spent away from my home city, being away from my friends and what I would do about this apartment. Charles would never get it.

He nodded as a concerned expression crosses his face. He could see the cogs and thoughts mulling over in my head as I continued to think. "Of course I will. Don't worry Vi I will sort this for you one way or another." Then it was my turn to smile. Always wanting the best for me. "Thank you C, I appreciate it and if nothing actually comes of this, then you know I still appreciate you for trying all the same."
"Oh believe me if nothing can be done then I will make sure something changes and we get you on the team." A chuckle leaves my mouth at Charles' determination to set this right for me. "But I must ask one thing of you V..." Uh oh. I can feel the colour slowly draining from my face when I look into his eyes. His expression is soft and none demanding but there is a hint of seriousness on his face too. "Will you accept my offer of a paddock pass as one of my guests to the Grand Prix?" The traces of a smirk appear with one raised eyebrow as he adds "this time".

I know that I considered saying yes to the offer if it came up. But now that it has and with all the other parts of this conversation on the table, I don't know what to do. The offer of a paddock pass is something that fans only dream about and here I am getting the chance of getting my hands on one for free from an actual F1 driver. "I think it would be great for you to be around me and meet some of team. They can get to know you and see how amazing you are, some positives for this yet to be made job." Charles continues and gives me one of his famous melting smiles which makes me smile too. "Okay fine!" I concede to his charms.
"Yay! Go Vi! You're gonna fit right in with the team I just know it V. Bring Riley with you so you're not alone in the paddock seeing as I will be racing and all."

I'm happy Charles had mentioned our other friend. We don't talk about her often unless we all plan to meet up. Our friendship is weird like that. I guess we just don't really need to because we know so much about each other. However we occasionally have the odd Group FaceTime and we are all in a group chat together along with everyone else. 'Lola is missing' is the name of it. Our chat was made when Riley's old dog went missing and we were all tasked to help look for her. She passed away a few years ago but no one bothered to change the name before then so it has been that ever since. We love it though.

My bath had long since been forgotten about by the time Charles left my apartment. It was around 11pm when I finally retreated back into my room. The tub was a sorry sight. Bubbles were no longer and the cold water makes the room feel like Antarctica. Shivering and debating life's choices for a second, I plunged my hand into the icy water and pulled the plug. What a waste of a lovely bath. I blame Charles. Always.
Now I have a whole other set of problems that I need to get my head around since I've finally given into getting a paddock pass off my bestie.
I collapse down onto my bed, run my hand down my face and sight deeply. This is going to be one long week.


Violet : Fancy a weekend in the F1 paddock? Xx

Riley ❤️ : OMG so you have finally given in?! xx

Violet : Wait what? Have you been plotting again? Xx

Riley ❤️ : Noooo...👀 Charles was worried about you Vi xx

Violet : I love Charles but seriously you two need to chill! He asked me if I wanted a job at Ferrari, there isn't even a job going xx

Riley ❤️ : You think I don't know? It will be amazing Vi, I'd kill for an offer like that. Legit or not! Xx

Violet : Yes but what if nothing comes of it and I got my hopes up for no reason? I will have just wished my life away and still be stuck in that hell hole xx

Riley ❤️ : Relax!!! Charles says everything will work out Xx

Violet : In Charles we trust 🫡 xx

Riley ❤️ : Exactly. Now then what are your plans for rocking the paddock runway? Xx


Authors notes: 📝


What do we think of Charles and the job offer situation?

Can't wait for the paddock content that is coming!

Violet and Riley are about the rule the F1 paddock 😊

Don't forget to comment your thoughts and leave a vote!

Hannah X

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