
739 18 0

Violet Morales

Friday. My day off so the best day of the week obviously. The sun beams through the blinds as I rise for the day and head into my en-suite to take a shower. Washing off my ugly week of work and refreshing myself for the awaiting day ahead. Making plans to see Riley has been the one thing keeping me going and finally the day has come. I've only seen her once since returning from university and starting work, so this is exciting for both of us I hope.
My outfit for the day isn't anything special but it is put together since we are going to one of cafes near the marina and it's expensive. Not the best idea for my bank account but this is what I do for my best friends. I can sacrifice half a day of no heating and put on more layers to have a lovely catch up lunch with Ri.

 I can sacrifice half a day of no heating and put on more layers to have a lovely catch up lunch with Ri

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[Violets outfit inspiration]

We have chosen to meet at 1pm so I still have a couple of hours before making my way for a short distance down the road. I flick open my book whilst on the sofa and sigh. There are times that living on my own has been amazing and overall I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience so far, however, there are many times that I feel lonely and wish I could be with people. At university I lived with four housemates throughout my whole three years. They were people who I was put with in student halls during my first year and we stuck together ever since. I'm not sure I will ever see them but they were great friends and company. I've had many sleepovers and stayed a people's houses but maybe I should start thinking about having a flatmate. Although it might be a bit too chaotic. Stop overthinking Violet.

Around half past 12 I make my way to the elevator and take it down to the ground floor. I exit my apartment block through the entrance of glass doors and into the sunshine. The sun making contact with my skin as I head towards the marina to meet Riley. The boats sway and glisten under the sunlight and the groups of tourists making their way from one end to the other. I cross the road and onto Quai Albert 1er to find the place we are meeting for lunch. A huge smile appears on my face as I see Riley standing outside Caffè Milano, her blonde hair in French braids while she styles cream linen trousers and pink top. A very Riley outfit. Our stylish hipster girl.

[Riley's outfit inspiration]

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[Riley's outfit inspiration]

Her face brightens and becomes a cheek stretching smile as she sees me approaching. I pick up my walking pace to reach her faster while we both spread our arms wide and embrace each other with a tight hug as soon as we are in close distance. "Hello hello Vi" she exclaims before giving me another hug. "Hi la mia adorabile Riley" I respond as I continue to hug her. I learned so much Italian whilst I was away so when I can use it amongst friends and have a chance to speak it, I will. It's such a beautiful language and I feel privileged to now be able to speak it mostly fluent.
We giggle as as enter the restaurant before taking a seat. "So Vi how are you?" Riley studies my face trying to get a read on me as the waiter reappears with our drinks and takes our food order. I sigh. She knows about my troubles with work and how much it has been affecting me mentally. "I'm okay. Just work stuff you know" Riley nods and places her hand over mine across the table. "It will get better, I promise you."

I manage a small smile in return. "Maybe it will" I continue "but what if I don't want to work at a small shitty firm for the rest of my life. I have just graduated and really want to do something with my life. I haven't worked my ass off for that degree for this crap job." I feel frustrated and I know that there is only so much Riley can say to make me feel better. We continue to talk about my job for a few more minutes until all that can be said has been said. "And how are things with you?" I smile at her grateful for my own initiative in making the change in topic. "I'm really good, hoped I would've been able to see a bit more of you since you have been back but that hasn't been the case"
"Yeah I know Ri, I've missed hanging out so much". We chat more until our food arrives. I know that the pizzas here are divine, words from Charles. My pizza fills my plate, layers of toppings and stone baked base greet my watering mouth.

Tucking into our delicious food, Riley speaks up. "I presume that you have been keeping up the F1 for Charles? Just like I have" she smiles, her eyes wandering out the window at the mention of our best friend. I always thought that Riley had a little crush on Charles. Not that I would ever bring it up with her but she has always flirted with him a little from my point of view. I mean how could you not, an F1 driver who is very good looking and one of your best friends. I know that if she really did like him that way then Riley would go for it in a heartbeat. That is just the type of person she is. If she wants something there's a big guarantee that she will get it. However, since Charles knows so much about us and we have known each other forever, then I doubt that he is someone that she would be able to woo easily. Charles is stubborn and never gives in easily. I suppose that is what makes him such a good driver in the sport.

"Of course I have. You know Charles, he doesn't communicate so how else are we supposed to know if he's alive and kicking!" We laugh and continue to roast our dear Char at how rubbish he is with his friends. "You know at the last Grand Prix in Spain he DNFed but had such a good qualifying starting P1 and everything. It was so difficult to watch afterwards" Riley told me in a pained expression. I was glad that she felt it the same way I did. The pain and hurt in my chest when Charles did well but something happened during the actual race. Although I know it wouldn't be as near enough the pain that he would be feeling at the time. "Yes it was so sad, I really felt for him. I can't wait to give him a big hug when he returns back home for the Grand Prix here next week" I respond looking out the window at the boats bobbing around in the bay. A smile made its way to my face as I thought about our home Grand Prix. I've been there throughout Charles' ongoing career in racing since we were younger. Nothing has ever brought me as much joy as seeing one of my friends pursuing their dreams like he has. Now he's in F1 and having won races, it's just incredible to see how far he has come since then. I don't really feel like the same can be said for me in my current line of work.


Authors notes: 📝


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Hannah X

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