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[Thursday, week of the Monaco Grand Prix]

Violet Morales

I hate it when they do this. Conspire and share things behind my back. Just like getting me into this damn paddock. "Tell me what?" I can't help but feel a glare forming on my face. I don't like secrets. I can't deal with them, especially after what happened with my family. But Riley and Charles are my family too and now they are keeping are things from me. I don't like this.
Charles looks at me dead in the eyes, his expression soft with hope being clear upon his face. What was he doing to tell me?
"I'm just going to say this now so I can get it off my chest and I don't want you to freak out about it the whole weekend." Okay now I'm worried. "So you know when I spoke about getting you a job?" Charles continues as I nod slowly, my eyes fixed with his. "Well I managed to get you an interview with the marketing team for a graduate assistant job. Turns out they have just posted one!" I gasp. He made it out like he going to tell me something terrible.
"Oh my God really?" I smile and rush from my seat to give him a bone crushing hug.
Charles chuckles as I let him go. "Yes of course, I said you could count on me to do something. The interview is on Monday though while the teams are still around. You can do that right?" I nod happily, suddenly very thankful that Charles had talked to my git of a boss.

I'm way too excited about this potential opportunity. I know that there are some skills I probably don't have for this job but I do know a lot about Formula 1 from Charles. I take my seat again and he explains all the logistical information I need to know. What the job will include, where I'll be based, the kind of work I'll be doing. It sounds incredible. A dream.
It's rare that a new job in Formula 1 means you travel with team. But this one does.
It's for a marketing content assistant, meaning assisting with videography, social media and helping with the drivers and team with their marketing campaigns. The reason for travelling with the team is so we are able to assist in the content making, knowing what would be good for marketing strategies. Ferrari want a fresh set of new eyes in the paddock, to keep an eye on the other team's marketing and to help construct content which will be appealing and engaging during the 21st century. Honestly it sounds so fun.

However, I have to be realistic. There is a huge chance that I won't get this job, even when Charles has clearly put in a good word for me. I mean I didn't even submit an actual application. Will I need to do one?
We chat some more before Charles tells us that we definitely need a tour. Meaning that we don't have much choice in the matter but me and Riley wouldn't say no to a tour of the Ferrari garage and motor home anyway of course.
Charles leads us down various corridors, showing the different rooms and workings of Ferrari. Finally, we reach the garage and the pit lane. Inside mechanics works on the number 16 car, pit crew peering over monitors showing data and graphs, with lots of other commotion happening behind the garage shutter. This is what the fans don't get to see but here we are, living the experience.

"Hello everyone" Charles beams as he introduces us. "This is Violet and Riley" he gestured between us. Some of the team nod and mumble hellos before returning to work. I wonder how many people Charles has shown the inside of the garage and introduced his team to. We gaze at his car a little longer before he takes us to the other side and out through the opposite side entrance towards Carlos' garage. Whilst we don't go inside, we pass another corridor that Charles fails to mention. "What's down there?" I point behind me to where we had just passed by. Charles turns to see where I'm pointing. "Oh that's where mine and Carlos' driver rooms are. It's off limits to visitors for privacy reasons." I nod thoughtfully before continuing to follow him up some stairs and we enter the cafeteria. "And this is where we eat. Aka the best part" he smiles as we take a seat at one of the tables.

After ordering lunch, Charles asks me if I want to look over the job application with someone. "Like a team member? I ask hesitantly. Charles nods "yes a team member. Diana?" He calls someone over. A woman with brown hair and blonde highlights tied back in a ponytail, Ferrari polo, black trousers and a clipboard appears. "Violet meet Diana. Diana meet Violet, my friend I told you about who will be applying for the position. Diana is one of our recruitment assistants." He introduces us and explains everything. "Oh lovely to meet you Violet" she shakes my hand as I nod and smile awkwardly. Her accent actually comes out as unexpectedly Italian, and that instantly makes me like her. I love Italians.
"I'll walk you through the application, since you were shall we say a word of mouth applicant via Charles. Is that okay with you?" I nod before getting up and following her into a small meeting room. I glance behind me but Charles and Riley are already in conversation.

Diana takes a seat opposite me as places her clipboard down on the table and takes out a pen. "Now I'm not going to make you fill out the whole application, but if you could tell me a bit about yourself so I can make some notes then that would be really helpful." She smiled at me as I nod. "Okay well I'm a graduate of a first class honours in Marketing from Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata" Diana lifts her head at the mention of my university in Italy and my twinge of an Italian accent coming from the pronunciation. "You studied in Italy?" She questions.
"Yes, best 3 years of my life. I'm now mostly fluent too as well in English, French and Spanish."
"That's amazing Violet what an achievement!"
Her praise makes me cheek heat up and I can feel the blush appearing on my face as I duck my head down and chuckle. "I guess so."

"So what makes you think you would be good for this job?" Her question doesn't so much as catch me off guard but I wasn't totally prepared.
"Well...I...er have grown up watching Formula 1. My father was a big fan and I used to watch it with him. I know you know my connection with Charles and I've watched him rise through, all the way from karting.
But I know that I understand what I would be walking into. I have watched F1 change into what it has become today. How drivers have come and gone and we have tragically lost some. How certain strategies work and some don't. That the fans are such an important part of the community we have and that the sport wouldn't be what it is today without them. The platform that is promoted must be engaging, supportive and respectful to everyone. Formula 1 is difficult to navigate and sometimes things are hard to digest and accept.
I want to bring to this team, a perspective of someone who has grown up with the sport but who is more then willing to help develop and learn how to lead this team into the future of the sport."

"Thank you Violet, that was great." I give her a small smile, unsure as to whether I said too much and was too opinionated. "And Charles says that you live here in Monaco but are willing to travel with the team?" I nod. "So is this an interview?" I ask. Aware that Charles mentioned something about interviewing on Monday. "I guess you could say that" Diana responds. "We thought whilst you were already here that we could give you an informal interview so you wouldn't have to go out of your way on Monday to come in. Is that okay with you?"
"Oh yes thank you" I give her another smile as not be ungrateful.

We exit the room together and Diana bids me a goodbye before I go back the table where Charles and Riley are waiting for me. "Soooo how did it go?" Riley scoots her chair towards mine and leans across the table at me. I pluck up a smile for her. "It went well. Diana is nice. I think I did the best I could." I see Charles shoot me a glance. One that tells me he knows I'm unsure. He pulls himself up from the chair and sighs. "I'm proud of you V, but girls I've got to go do press conference things so I'll see before you go later. Hang about here, eat free food and drink champagne!"
And we both do just that.


Authors notes: 📝


Thoughts on the potential job opportunity!

I'm closely awaiting a Violet and Lando meet.
Don't worry it's coming very soon.

What do we think of Diana?

Don't forget to comment your thoughts and leave a vote!

Hannah X

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