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Violet Morales

Monaco. Home.

The bright lights, sounds of the sea and the many bustling people in the streets, is something I didn't realise that I missed so much whilst being away at university. Ever since I have been adjusting to my new job, I have also been readjusting to life back in my home city.

As I drive through the city on the way home to my apartment, I am reminded of all the times I used to run along these streets after school with friends or just simply walking to the shops. The sun is setting a golden and orange blur over the harbour horizon as I pull into the apartment block garage. Thankful to be on the top floor as I know I will see the sunset all the way to the end. Taking the elevator to the highest place and slipping my key into the lock, a breath of relief leaves my mouth. Another day done. Another day in that awful place.
Don't be fooled when they tell you that Monaco means a life of luxury, for some yes but not for all. Not for me. I grew up here and have spent pretty much my whole life here, however, nothing can prepare you for living, working and fending for oneself in the luxury state. It's a hell of a lot.

As a recent graduate, I was expecting to be able to find a job quickly and a good one considering where I am living. I thought that there would be a reasonable amount of choice in Monaco looking for a marketing job since so many brands, celebrities ect. have lives here. But no. Don't let that fool you either. My crappy job is with a tiny marketing firm at one end of the state. My boss is a elderly grumpy git who doesn't do anything nice for his staff or explain things properly. Of course I didn't know that when I was interviewed or when I started a week ago. However, I'm happy to say that I have made at least one friend there called Jaqueline, who has taken me under her wing and sorted me out. Otherwise my job is fairly dull and not life giving at all, on the plus side though at least it provides me with a roof over my head and food in my belly.

The friends I have seen since being back from university have all said the same thing. 'Just quit already I'm sure you can find something better'. The friends that I haven't seen, well I will just have to fill them in when I do see them. My friends are my family. My blood family are well; we just won't go there. I have a great friendship group but there are only three friends that I'd trust my life, my secrets and my world with. Riley, Charles and Delilah.

Riley Jackson, who I have been friends with since I was four years old and we have done literally everything under the sun together up until I left for university.

Charles Leclerc, yes the F1 driver but most importantly my closest guy friend and someone who I became friends with because we lived next door to each other. Or as next door as you can be in a detached house and we have been inseparable ever since.

Delilah Bain, a girl I sat next to in English at school. She made me laugh once and that was it. Life long friend. Our friendship group have collected and departed members for over 20 years but since myself, Riley, Charles and Delilah all came to know each other we have never argued or fallen out. The others call us the 'foundation and the core' of our group. A lovely thing to remember my friends by I suppose.

The sun fades out to sea and night drifts in towards the building as I begin preparing my evening meal. Salmon, asparagus and rice. It's not to everyone's taste but I love it. I'm grateful to have made arrangements to see Riley tomorrow on my day off. Just so I can lovingly complain about life to someone.
I went to university in Italy and although my three favourite people were only a phone call away, I missed them terribly. It wasn't that I didn't make any friends at university, I did and I know that I have made friends for life there. But there are friends and there are friends. Friends that you can tell you kissed someone drunk and they will laugh and then there are friends that you can tell them your deepest secrets without worrying it will go beyond their ears.

The tv unfortunately never has anything interesting on anymore, so I settle upon watching some Ferrari challenges on YouTube featuring my dear Charles and teammate Carlos Sainz to see what he has been up to. I've only met Carlos a few times and I am very aware that a few of the F1 drivers live in and around Monaco. Surprisingly, I haven't really met any of them who isn't Charles of course. To be honest I have been away and out of Monaco for the best part of three years, although when I am at home, I tend to stay out of the way when I know Charles is to be hanging out with the drivers or if I know some are about like during the summer break. That's when I tend to go on holiday and spend my days out of the city doing what I believe to be are fun activities. My friendship with Charles has always been kept quiet, save from our own friends of course because I didn't want to feel the pressure of the media and everyone thinking that they know everything about me just because I'm his friend. He's a busy man trying to catch that Verstappen guy to win races and never really answers my texts apart from the occasional tap in and ask how I'm doing. But watching every F1 race and qualifying means that I feel connected to Charles and I know that he is okay even if he doesn't tell me himself directly. Being a Ferrari fan does have a heartaches though and it cuts deeper when you are so close to one of them and you know how much mental pain they can be in.

My apartment is quiet save from the noise of the traffic far below me. The stars twinkling over the sea as I turn the kitchen and open plan living room lights off before making my way to my bedroom. The reason I loved this apartment so much when I viewed it, was the way it was laid out and the fact it was so less noisy then other places I have lived throughout my life. Plus the bath overlooking a floor to ceiling window for the view was a big yes for me. I change, throwing my clothes into the washing basket before snuggling into bed and flicking on the tv on the wall opposite. Returning to YouTube and continuing the video.
My phone buzzes on the bedside table next to me.


Riley ❤️ : Are we still on for tomorrow? Xx

Violet : Absolutely can't wait xx

Riley ❤️ : Awesome! Normal place? Xx

Violet : Of course because where else 😂 xx

Riley ❤️ : NEVERMIND!!! Xx

Violet : 😂 Gnight love you xxxx

Riley ❤️ : Love you more xxxxx

I smile at my screen before scrolling through my other messages.

Charles ❤️

Violet : P1 quali well done!!!🙂 Good luck with the race tomorrow! Be amazing like always! X
                                                 (Read Saturday 16:02)

Charles. A typical man. I love him but he's not the best at communication unless he's actually around or there is an emergency. The only time he is great at talking is face to face. He will listen, laugh and always bring a smile to whoever is around. That's why I love him.


Authors notes: 📝


What do we all think of this first chapter?

I've really loved writing this so far and I can't wait to see where it leads.

Don't forget to comment your thoughts and leave a vote!

Hannah X

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