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[Saturday, weekend of the Monaco Grand Prix]

Lando Norris

Quali day in the special place that is Monaco. Charles' home race. Thursday practice yesterday could've definitely gone better. Only P11 and P13 unfortunately. But I'm optimistic about qualifying today after talks with the team. I'm hoping the upgrades coming to the next Grand Prix will be worth it, and we can get right up there. Fighting. Of course I've been dreaming of the day I get my first Formula 1 win. That day is yet to come but I don't think it's far away. Who knows.

Whilst wandering through the back of the paddock yesterday after avoiding some very overbearing fans and the media. I bumped into someone. Needless to say they weren't looking where they were going to walked straight into me. She was a light little thing who didn't pack much of a punch. A Ferrari fan who seemed to have lost her way and ended up in the paddock. It irritates me when they do that. Somehow blag their way into the paddock to get closer to drivers and behind the scenes.
However, as it turns out; this fan was not a fan. She's called Violet and is one of Charles' best friends. I'm not sure why he's never mentioned her before but I don't think I like her much.
I'm guessing she doesn't like my cold demeanour either. At least that's what her facial expressions tell me.

There is something about her though. Maybe it's because she actually walked head first into me and somehow didn't realise who I was. I'm drawn to her. As Charles knows though, I find it very difficult to open up and trust people. It took a good 2 years in karting for me to actually say that I trust him and Carlos. Their a good bunch on the grid but only a few know me really well. I hope this Violet doesn't go around asking Charles and Carlos things about me I'd rather be kept quiet and safe.

At least Qualifying goes better than Practice yesterday. I qualify a P7 meaning that hopefully I'll get some points for the team come race day. My teammate Daniel Riccardo gets himself P9 for the race start. Not bad. Let's just hope we both get points.

I return to my apartment later that evening to recuperate. I will be spending some time with my team a little later on, but really needed some alone time. I love what I do but sometimes all the attention and social interaction can get overwhelming. Posting a quick picture on Instagram and stated how I thought quali went, I settle down on the my sofa and flick on the TV. Nothing exciting seems to catch my attention and so I find myself bored. Sleep really isn't an option as I know I have plans and I know that I won't wake up once I'm asleep.

Somehow, I end up doom scrolling and find myself looking at Charles' Instagram, seeing if I can find this Violet girl. It doesn't take me long at all given the slightly unusual name and that fact Charles follows her back. Her profile is unfortunately private which takes my stalking to an abrupt end. Charles being in the same profession as me, means that he's tagged in millions of posts and I can't see if she has tagged him in any to give me a little insight into her profile. This sucks.

A little while later, I exit my apartment on the street to meet up with Max Fewtrell (my childhood best friend since karting days), a couple of the engineers and some of the guys from Quadrant for food. I love hanging out with the team out of hours and outside the walls of F1. I can be normal around them, we don't have to talk about racing and I get to know and understand them better. In my opinion it's so much nicer that way, I can connect with them on a more personal level. I love hearing their stories, finding out about their families and knowing that they can be as relaxed as they need to be. I can trust them.
We've booked a table in a little tucked away restaurant in the middle of Monaco, not far away from my apartment so we end up walking. Plus it means if some of guys have a drink (which unfortunately I can't join in on), they don't have to drive back. Most things are within walking distance in Monaco which is very convenient.

We order food and prepare to wait. Jugs of water, a few bottles of wine and my lonely lemon and lime non alcoholic drink line the table. Max sits to my right and Aarav to my left. I nudge Max in the ribs and he turns to me. "What's up?". When he starts to speak, it dawns on me that I actually don't know what I wanted to say. Something inside me just clicked that I should talk to Max but I have no idea what about. He looks at my expectantly and then rolls his eyes. Concern spreads across his face before disappearing as quickly as it came when I open my mouth to speak. "So Charles has this friend". I have no idea what I'm even saying or about to tell Max but I keep going. "Her name is Violet and she walked flat out straight into me yesterday". I wait for him to say something, realising that I haven't actually given any information really or even know what I'm talking about.

"Charles as in Charles Leclerc?" Max asks looking confused. I nod. "And he has a friend?" I nod again not really sure what to say. Max continues to knit his brows together, looking at me like he's trying to read my mind to tell him what I apparently can't seem to say. And he does. "So do you like her?" He asks in a hushed voice, knowing who we are currently surrounded by. I lower my voice to match his level. "I don't know. I obviously don't know her, just her name. I mean I thought she was a fan who was lost until Charles actually introduced us. They seem pretty tight and she had another friend with her. She seems annoying" I frown a little at the memory. Max chuckles. "You think everyone is annoying Lando" he counters and humour lights up his eyes. Max is right. I do think everyone is annoying because I can't trust people and therefore default to everyone being just downright rude. His face turns into a frown again. "So what do you think she thinks of you? What were you like when you met her?" Max knows exactly what I was like and I know I don't need to tell him.
I sigh. "Probably rude, I mean I thought she was a fan and she caught me at not a great time when she literally walked into me". I fail to mention that I accidentally scowled at her when Charles introduced us. Max sighs and gives me a knowing look. "Exactly, if you interact with her again, just be nice" he pats me on the back as I notice food has started to arrive at the table.

We don't mention Violet for the rest of the evening. I engage myself in conversation with almost everyone at the table and push her to the back of my mind.
It isn't until we are standing chatting outside on the road by my apartment later on, that she surfaces my brain again. Some of the guys have gone back to their hotels but a couple are still around including Max. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice someone cross the road and approach our group on the opposite side. As the person comes closer I notice that it's a woman. A street lamp lights up her features as she walks beneath it and I realise it's Violet. In an attempt to hide the fact I notice it's her, I laugh at something Aarav says to distract myself as she walks past. Except she's walking at an alarmingly fast pace and I watch as she rounds the corner of my apartment block and disappears. Confusion consumes me because the only thing behind there is the car park and the entrance. Surely not? Max appears in front of me and looks from me to the corner of the block and back again. "You okay mate?" He asks. I just nod because I don't know if I want my thoughts to be correct or not.


Authors notes: 📝


Another long interlude, another update.
Apologies everything has been a bit mad with university work.

Hope you liked the chapter and the little surprise of the Lando POV!

What do we think Lando is really thinking?

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Hannah X

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