Just Drop It

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A/N: thank you to  DaniRome009 for voting on my last chapter<3


"Mom, No! Don't... don't." i hear spencer yell, i peak into the conference room and see Spencer putting something back on the board, and a woman stading beside him, she has short blonde hair and blue eyes "You can't grab stuff off the board.,This key is evidence." he says

I smile and lean on the door frame and watch them talk

"Mom, the unsub that we're looking for..." Spencer sees the confused face on his mothers face "The... the bad guy knows things about my colleagues'personal lives, things that...Only you would know. Do you write about them in you journals?"

"My journals are none of the government's business!" She raises her voice, she says it more to the room than to Spencer, like there were camera's in the wall

"I'm not the government, mom." He assures her

"Well, this...Certainly looks like a government office."

"Mother, do you write about my colleagues'personal lives?" He asks

"Why did you bring me here, Spencer?"

"I need to ask you some things about a man I think you might know.A bad man.He's killed some people, and he's holding a girl hostage"

"You think I know someone like that?" she asked in disbelief

"Will you just watch the tape and see if he sounds familiar?"

She sighs and nods, she sits down and Spencer plays a couple seconds of the video the 'Fisher King' had sent us

Her face twisted

"You do know him?" Spencer asks

"I'm sure it's...Randall Garner"

"Randall Garner?" i question, stepping into the room

 "He was with me at the hospital.He's a very emotionally disturbed man." Spencer's Mother says

Garcia barges into room "Reid, I got to the end of the IP string.Sir kneighf, the fisher king, his name is Randall Garner.He's Rebecca Bryant's biological father."

They talk, and i kinda zone out, feeling woozy

Spencer's mom shows them a picture, before i know it everyone's pilling out the door, Spencer yells "Red stay here with my mom, keep her company till we get back!"

 They leave, and i turn in my chair to face Spencer's mom, she smiles sweetly at me

"i'm Diana" she says

I give her a warm smile "im-"

"Scarlett Lorlelai Gilmore"

I nod, kinda confused "thats-thats me"

"my son talks about you very much" She says

My smile grows "ya?"

She nods "since he met you, all of his letters has mentioned your name more than ten times"

I lean back on the chair "you raised a very sweet boy"

"your mother raised a very sweet girl"

I raised an eyebrow "you-you just met me"

"i know" She says "but its not in my son's nature to Lie"

After about an hour, there back, and Reid walks into the Conference room, i'm sitting on the couch beside Diana, she has her journal out, and is asking me questions and is sqribbling them down in her note book

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