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the group of friends sat hanging out at motors skate shop. Echo, Ruben, Ray and Fourthgrade all sat slouched at the two couches watching the small tv in front of them. Fuckshit sitting on top of the stores counter top.

the group had been friends for a while now . they were just regular teenagers that hung out and skated. Echo loved skating especially to get her mind off of things.

'that's probably the worst would you rather i've ever heard." said ray referring to fourthgrades last "would you rather" Echo chimed in saying "yea like what"

Echo and ray had a great friendship and the girl looked up to him for he was only a little older than her. he was the best out of the group at skating and she loved that he really took skating seriously and  she never had a brother so thats how she sees him.

"what about... would you rather suck your dads dick or eat your mom out?" forthgrade said.

Echo turned her gaze to Fourth Grade and laughed not expecting that kind of question.

"what the fuck!" ray said clearly as taken back as Echo.

"what!" ruben said.

Ray put his head back and put his arms on his face dagging then down as his mouth hung open.

"Oh my god. what kinda conversation is this bro?" ray asked looking at Echo and ruben who both shrugged and laughed.

"fuckshit!" Ray called over to fuckshit on the counter.

"wassup." he answered now joining in on the conversation.

"would you rather suck your dad dick or eat you mom out.

" ray repeated fourthgrades question to him.

"you would suck your dads dick right?" forthgrade asked it as if it was the correct answer 

"that's not a weird answer." he continued and echo looked at him in shock.

"shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up fourthgrade." fuckshit said.

fuckshit rubbed his hands together. "ey,whatever i'm doing i'm drugging on of em motherfuckers. i'm not gon say who but i'ma drug them motherfuckers till they sleep."

"what the fuck!" Echo said disgusted by his answer.

"you gon rape your parents?" fourthgrade asked. "that's like... rape."

"i would rather rape one of my parents then to consciously..." fuckshit said kissing his teeth.

"nah, you guys are weird as fuck." Echo laughed folding over in her seat with laughter.

"i'm not tripin." fuckshit said. "life or death, life or death Binks what would you do then?"

"yea death the answer for that one." Echo said knowing her answer was the only right one.

"fuck it i just rape my parents, or one of em." fuckshit said looking at the ground

everyone started laughing.

"aye for real i'm never coming back here again." the customer who stood at the counter with fuckshit said

"y'all niggas scaring of the customers." fuckshit said while laughing.

"nah, you're the one scaring them of nigga you ain even work here" Echo argued shacking her head with a smile on her face.

no one had noticed the little boy with beaming blue eyes standing by the clothes rack. he was pretending to be looking at the shirts but more eavesdropping on the conversation the older teenagers where having. he longed for some friends and wished he could be with in their conversation but stayed quiet to embrace their distant company


fuckshit had now joined in on the couch with Echo on his lap and ruben had gone down to sit on the floor in front of the tv. they were all watching some skaters skate around in Paris, living life.

"yo, these niggas are in Paris. eating nice dinners, staying at nice hotels." ray said.

"i've been to France before." fuckshit said unbothered. "them niggas are assholes.'

"yeah but you went with your parents like, imagine if that was us." ray said.

"I would love to go to Paris." Echo said from beside fourthgrade.

"maybe someday binki hopefully." ray looked at the girl with a smile.

they had been hanging out for a while now at the shop and Echo was feeling her eyes slowly start to shut. she got up from fuckshits lap "I'm gonna head home now, i'm tired."

she bent down and gave fourthgrade a hug and the same with ray.

fuckshit stood up from his seat and wrapped an arm around Echos shoulder. "you want me to walk you home?"

"No its okay i gotta get home quick." Echo said and freed from the hug. ruben didn't bother getting up from his spot on the ground so echo just dabbed him up and made her way towards the door.

"Bye guys love you." she said and went out.

Echo and fuckshit were good friends but they both have feelings toward eachother and it had been there ever since they met. Both Echo and fuckshit couldn't deny to themselves that they loved each other but echo didn't want to ruin their friendship by hooking up or something. sure there had been times when fuckshit had tried to make a move on Echo but she tried avoiding it so things wouldn't mess up.


Echo skates all the way home in LA's cold weather. She was ofter left alone and wasent really cared for at times she cut herself due to abuse from her father or stress when he was home

She walked in the door to find her father drunk again he storms toward her angerly and begins to yell at her about random things. She build up the courage to tell her father something "Dad please not now i understand your drunk but your leaving tonight and you still have to pac-" she was cut of by her fathers fists swinging at her over and over she screamed for him to stop but he didnt 

it was just about 5 minutes but it felt like hours.

She ran up to her room when he let go and cried her lungs out she ran into the restroom and started cutting her thighs...again

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