watch me

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it had now been two days and Echo stood in front of the door to motorz. she let out a nervous breath and opened the door slowly, skateboard under her arm. as she made her way further into the store she saw all the boys sitting on the two couches except ruben who was laying on the floor. suddenly rays attention turned from the tv in front of him to Echo who stood awkwardly.

"there you are!" ray got up from the couch making the rest of the boys turn their attention to the girl. ray indulged Echo in a side hug.

"where the fuck you been?" ruben asked from the floor. Echo didn't dare turning her gaze towards fuckshit. her plan on acting like nothing happened already cracking. "um, i don't know i just wasn't feeling it i just was at the beach smoking." Echo shrugged awkwardly.

ray made his way back to his spot on the couch and Echo sat down besides fourthgrade. "are you alright?" he whispered to the girl looking concerned for her.

Echo shook her head a slight smile sitting on her face. "mhm." the group of friends sat in front of the school. Echo hadn't said a word to fuckshit. she didn't know what to say. she tried to act as if nothing had happened but it didn't go so well due to her awkwardness. sure she was awkward and shy a lot but not when she was with her friends and the other boys took notice of that. there was this kind of awkward atmosphere around them all and Echo couldn't help feeling bad about it so she tried to mutter up and not think about it.

"two weeks, nigga what the fuck!" ray exclaimed at what fuckshit just said. fuckshit sat in front of the rest of the group on his skateboard while the others sat on the curb. "i know, my parents seen my report card and they were fucking pissed. no car for two weeks. they might as well cut my dick of. my parents are fucking retarded."

"at least you have a car." Echo muttered under her breath.

everyone turned to the girl that had sat quiet almost the whole conversation.

fuckshit kissed his teeth. "what was that?" he asked. 

"nothing." Echo answered shortly looking down playing with the pacifier tied to her croptop.

"i'm a junior in high school, its not like all of the sudden i'm bout to get into harvard or some shit. like my parents did that, they get paid. i get C's and i'm cool with that. that life just not mine." fuckshit continued.

"so what you gon do then?" ray asked.

"skate, have fun. go to parties. shit, just live life." he chuckled.

Ray: "that sounds nice."

Fuckshit: "all that tryin and shit. that shits just corny."

Echo scoffed earning a look from fuckshit. Echo hated that fuckshit was just ruining his life to have a good time right now. he wasn't gonna be school his whole life. soon he had to get out there to live in the real world, not just party and do drugs.

"i think that shits corny. i'm trynna get out the hood. i'm trying to go se shit." ray said.

Fuckshit: "i don't live in the hood, i got options nigga."

Ray:"nigga what options you got?"

"i'm just not trying to take this shit so seriously." fuckshit said annoyingly.

"what, so your just gonna stay in your parents house all your life?" Echo asked sick of the conversation but especially fuckshits answers. "huh?" Echo said when fuckshit didn't answer.

ray broke the awkward silence. "what about you fourthgrade, what do you want to do?" he asked fourthgrade.

"i don't know, guess like make a movie or something." the boys chuckled "this nigga think he's Spielberg or some shit. you know you gotta say words to make movies. nigga i ain't heard you talk, like twice." fuckshit laughed.

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