you ain never gotta be sorry

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fuckshit and Echo had just arrived at echos house. she opened the door and walked in, fuckshit right behind her.

once they made it to Echos room both plopped down on the bed. "so whatcha you wanna do?" Echo asked.

fuckshit was still taking in Echos room. it had been a while since he last was there but only some few things had changed. there was a lot more posters on the walls and it was more messier than it used to with some clothes lying on the floor here and there.

Echo still had her little tv in the the corner of her room with two gaming consoles. fuckshit went up to it looking at the familiar games. "we can play some of this." he said and tossed the game cd to Echo. she went up to the tv and popped in the cd in the tv.

they sat there playing the game until they got hungry and went downstairs to eat. fuckshit and Echo had went up to her room again and sat talking on her bed for a while. it was now dark out.

"do you remember when we stole that racist ass niggas whole shopping cart." fuckshit burst out laughing.

Echo shook her head and laughed with a big smile on her face. they had been laughing so much her cheeks were starting to ache. "nah, i didn't steal it you and ray did. i ran away." Echo said and they both laughed.

the laughter slowly broke down and they were both quiet now facing each other. 

"I wanted to ask you something" fuckshits face turned into a concerned one "yea whats wrong" echos expression softened

 "why do you have a black eye and why is there spots of blood on your jeans where else are you bruised" fuckshits eyes burnt into the girls brown ones

 "i fell i told you" echo looked down fuckshit pulled her chin up softly

 "Please.. Tell me what happened" he said "my dad hit me again.. And and i couldnt take it I wasent thinking I hate coming home when he's here so I just lashed out in myself" she said while tearing up. "I-I'm sorry for crying" she kept her head down till she saw fuckshit get up and pick her up and hold her tight then lays back down with her in his arms "you ain never gotta be sorry for crying ma" he says as he wipes her tears. The twos faces were just inches away from eachother "fuck it" fuckshit says while placing his lips on Echos he holds her waist tight the two are now making out with eachother fuckshit begins to start moving down her neck leaving marks for a minute till echo pulls away "what's wrong" he says "I don't want to mess anything up fuckshit nodded his head "I-I think you should go home" echo says while the two stand up looking down "no I'll sleep on the floor or in the living room but your here all alone and I wanna be sure your safe" fuckshit says pulling her into his arms "I'll be okay i promise" she said sadly she then walked him out

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