its them always them forever

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As the door to the room slams she falls on her knees in tears due to trying to get up and go after him her heart felt sore and shattered she held the test in her trembling hands and threw it to the wall she was crying on her knees hoping for him to come back she was so heart broken she didn't know what to do all she did was blame herself and the unborn baby she managed to get herself up and walk herself to the front door she sat outside the door with her knees to her chest crying her heart out as she hoped for him to come back.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"FUCK" fuckshit said while slamming his fists on the wheel over and over till they began to bleed he didn't know how he was capable to say such hurtful things to her he hated himself for it he wish he could take everything back he wished he never though the test at her he got out of the car and slammed the door he tried skating but was to frustrated and kept messing up he threw his board to the side and began punching the brick wall his bone on his knuckle began to expose he kept punching till he herd someone approach him

"hey handsome everything okay" it was Angela

"trouble in paradise?" she says giggling

"Bitch shut the fuck up before i knock you ass out i have a fucking wife so start fucking running" fuckshit spits at her. He always referred to Echo as his wife when others would hit on him that way they would leave him alone.

Angela scoffed and still stood there

"The fuck you still standing there for nigga?hello? leave bitch" fuckshit grabs his board and throws it at her she tried running from it but she still got hit by it she ran off and Fuckshit grabbed his board and got in the car before he took of he looked at his phone and noticed a test from echo 2 hours ago it said

My Beautiful Binks❤️💍

"i know you hate me rn and don't want to hear from me but i know your upset and i just want you to drive safe i love you"

"fuck im so fucking stupid fuck shit!" he throws his phone on the passenger side and punches the wheel again his thoughts sprawled out through his head how can she still love him after everything he did how can she still want him safe and what broke him most is that she thought he hated her. He knew he had to go home he couldn't be without her he needed her and she needed him

As he arrived to the house he saw her. She was sitting on the front porch asleep his heart shattered even more knowing that she stood out in the cold pregnant waiting for him to come back, he rushed out the car and went up to her

"im so sorry princess fuck im so sorry" Fuckshit whispered while picking her up and opening the door, he walked inside with her in his arms and he locked the door he carried her all the way upstairs and placed her under the covers he saw the pregnancy test lying on the carpet next to the wall so he picked it up and sat next to echo

"Babe im so sorry i never ment to hurt you i was just so upset that you kept me worried when you could have just came to me and we could have figured this out im not mad im just not sure what to do" fuckshit said pulling echo into his arms. Echo pushed herself up out of fuckshit's arms and just stared at him with tears starting to form. The silence grew strong between the two teenagers but was then interrupted by echo finally speaking.

"I-I didn't know what to do i thought you would hate me for it or maybe you wouldn't even want to see me if you knew so i panicked and left the house I didn't mean to hurt you at all but i can get rid of it I-I ill do whatever just please don't hate me im so sorry" she broke down completely

"hey hey shh its okay princess im so sorry i fucked up. I fucked up okay not you I just wish you would have told me Im not telling you to get rid of it thats not what im saying at all gorgeous im so sorry i don't hate you i never have and i never will you are my reason of being like fuck  shit im so sorry ma i didn't mean to throw the test at you fuck im sorry come here are you okay where did the test hit" fuckshit said grabbing echo trying to examine her 

"Im sorry im so sorry i love you so much im sorry this is all my fault im sorry i hurt you i know i did im sorry i don't know what you did when you left but i wanted to stay outside just incase you came home tonight and you were drunk or something i don't know i just was worried and i know i fucked up and im so sorry" echo said crying fuckshit pulled her into his arms

"Ma i didn't do anything when i went on a drive i don't care how upset i am with you cheating is never the option so you never have to worry i had to throw my board at Angela just so she would leave me alone im never leaving you like this again i promise but you have to promise too please you don't understand how fucking sorry i am and i never ment to break you" fuckshit said staring into her eyes

"I promise and i hate her so much ugh but you never have to worry about me cheating either im still really sorry " echo said in a small tone

"fuck still i threw the test at you im so sorry ma are you okay did i hurt you with it im so sorry" fuckshit said wiping Echos tears which brought her attention to his knuckles

"Im okay i promise.-What happened to your hands" echo says while pulling away and softly grabbing his hands

"i was just really upset and I didn't know what to do i just kept punching the wheel then the brick wall" fuckshit says looking down

"im so sorry" she began to tear up more "come on lets go clean you up

"No babe its okay" fuckshit says pulling his hands away knowing she's going to make him put hydrogen peroxide on it

"no let's go" she grabs his arm and takes him the the restroom where she cleans up and wraps his wounded knuckles and he yelled and complained that it hurt. After she finished they both went back to lay down

"Im sorry for everything babe this wouldn't have happened if I would have not freaked out im sorry" echo says kissing his wrapped knuckles

"Don't be sorry but its okay im really sorry i don't understand how you could love me so much and take care of me after what i did to you i mean you have my baby in you and I fucked up Im so sorry" as fuckshit said what he needed to say echo made them both get under the covers

"I will always love you no matter what and if im being honest im happy to have your baby i just don't know what to do" echo said while placing her head on his chest

"I will always love you gorgeous lets leave the whole baby thing for tomorrow but just know im okay with whatever decision and I would not mind a mini me  ill be here for anything ima marry your fine ass one day"  Fuckshit says while chuckling the two hold each other so tight and not letting go he kissed her and they both fell asleep in each others arms

 its them always them forever 

(okayy sorry for the short chapters im trying my best to write but im doing this at like 12 at night but please comment any ideas im open to everything and let me know if you guys are enjoying the book i should post soon goodnight love you guyss)

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