Chapter Twenty

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"And were an epitaph to be my story I'd have a short one ready for my own. I would have written of me on my stone: I had a lover's quarrel with the world." -Robert Frost

Memory Lane: Chapter Twenty

The next morning, after applying a generous heap of medical lotion to my legs following a much too hot shower, I get dressed and head downstairs for the school day ahead. I skip past the kitchen in high spirits, making a beeline for the coffee and snagging the leftover bacon and toast Aunt June left out for me and Allen.

As I step outside, I'm met with two surprises. One being the surprisingly cold morning air, quite a difference from the warm fall day yesterday, and the second being a group of my friends standing on the porch steps engaged in conversation.

Normally, I step outside and sit on those very steps to put my shoes on as I get ready for my walk; by myself.

Today Allen, Kendall, and Jesse are all standing there chatting. As soon as I push the creaky storm door open and step outside, Jesse's attention shifts to me. He's wearing that same black hoodie I've grown used to seeing and the gray sky as a backdrop mixed in with the dark black of his hoodie brings out that subtle blue ring in his eyes. Of course.

"So, you two are walking today?" Allen asks.

I furrow my brow, but Jesse nods in confirmation.

Oh. We are?

"Are you sure you two don't want a ride?" Kendall presses further, glancing nervously at the cloudy sky. "It may rain."

Jesse leans against the bottom support pillar of the front porch. "I checked the weather. It's just supposed to be cloudy today. We can walk."

Both Allen and Kendall look slightly confused. While Kendall tries to piece together why we would walk together (my mind is working overtime to try and figure out the same thing), Allen sends me a look to make sure I'm okay walking with Jesse. I wave off his concern with a reassuring smile.

"I guess we'll see you guys at school," Allen says, taking Kendall's hand in his and partially walking, partially dragging her to her car.

I watch them drive away and shift my gaze to Jesse with a curled brow. "When did we decide to walk together?"

He shrugs, "This morning."

I press my lips together and sit down on the top step with my shoes, placing the first on my right foot. When I grab my left shoe, I pause and pretend to inspect it. I furrow my brow, shaking it lightly upside down. Then I glance inside of it and pout, shaking it a bit harder. As if trying to rid it of the little rock inside.

Jesse notices me, watching my little show from the corner of his eye. He shakes his head and crosses his arms, keeping his attention on the front yard with a little eye roll. But I see the small smirk teasing the corner of his mouth that shows he knows the exact joke I was attempting to make.

Seems he found it amusing rather than annoying. Oh well. I guess I'll take that as a win, too.

"Just put the shoe on," he says.

Satisfied that he picked up on my joke without me having to say so, I finish putting my shoes on and tie them tight.

"So," I start as we begin our walk down the sidewalk and across the quiet neighborhood road. "Any particular reason you're gracing me with your presence this morning?"

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