Dirty little secret 2

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"This was our guy. You chose this guy. He was your pick. You loved this guy. The President loves this guy. He's Clarence Darrow for the 21st century. When he's not writing opinions for the tenth circuit, he herds cattle on his ranch in Wyoming. He's flawless. You know how I know? We vetted him, and we found nothing. The man is a saint, which is why the President stood in front of the press and nominated him to the highest court in the land." Cyrus rants, walking back and forth while billy looks at Elizabeth who looks back.

"Which we could have stopped, if you hadn't cut off our access." Elizabeth says with a annoyed expression. "You know why I cut off your access." Cyrus says looking at Elizabeth. "He's on the list, Cyrus." Olivia butts in. "How did you miss this?" Cyrus says turning to billy. "I didn't. She's wrong. Keating's a boy scout." Billy says folding his arms.

"Oh, come on. You and the V.P. should be thrilled." Elizabeth mumbles as she leans on the wall. "She's right Keating's always been too far left for the republican base." Olivia says stepping up. "Personally, yeah, he wouldn't be my choice,
but I'm a team player, Liv, and so is the V.P." Billy says making Elizabeth roll her eyes and Olivia shake her head. "The manager asks you to put a guy in, you put him in." Billy continues.

"You can't put Keating in. 23 years ago, Patrick Keating slept with a high-end hooker..." Olivia says but billy cuts her off. "Maybe we'll be fine. " he says trying to assure her. "More than once!" Elizabeth butts in.

"Maybe we'll be fine" billy repeats as Elizabeth throws her hands up in annoyance."Confirmation hearings are in two weeks, four tops. Maybe this won't come out." Billy suggests. "It's a dirty little secret" Olivia starts. " and dirty little secrets always come out, don't they, Cyrus?" Elizabeth asks as she stops leaning on the wall. Everyone else looks at Cyrus who sighs.

"Billy, give us a minute" Cyrus says. "Oh no I'll go " Elizabeth volunteers as Olivia makes her way towards the door. "you need to get yourself a backup nominee." Olivia says before opening the door and leaving.


Elizabeth began walking down the hall and heard lots and lots of talking. As she walks towards the noise she sees the person she was trying to avoid in a conference of some kind. Fitz who was in a conversation with someone suddenly locked eyes with Elizabeth.

As Elizabeth stood she locked eyes with fitz but said nothing. "Hey why did we stop?" Olivia asks until she looks forward and realizes. "Ms. Reid the president would like a moment with you." The assistant says as she tries to walk over to Elizabeth. "Please tell the president I'm busy." Elizabeth says before walking away. "You aren't busy" Olivia says making Elizabeth nudge her.


"Where are we?" Olivia asks as she enters headquarters revealing the team who are analyzing the list they got. "Almost done with the list of names." Huck answers as he types away on his computer. "Any word from the U.S. attorney?" Elizabeth asks as she sits on the table. "Nothing. Maybe he couldn't get a warrant." Stephan suggests. Suddenly a knock was heard from the door.

"Police! Open up!" A voice calls out. Elizabeth jumps up and olivia makes her way to the door while the others got up from their seats. "He got a warrant." Olivia mumbles as she opens the door. "Where's my madam?" David asks as he hands olivia the warrant. 

"Come on, David. You're after Sharon Marquette for the publicity and for getting your name in the paper and for upping your shot at Attorney General the next time there's a democrat in office." Olivia says as she hands huck the warrant. "Hey daveed if it isn't my favourite person" Elizabeth says making David turn to her. "Of course it's you Elizabeth and I'm after Sharon Marquette because she's a criminal. Are you seriously the patron Saint of streetwalkers now? Bring her out, or I'll go in to get her." David threatens as he points his finger at Olivia, almost touching her. "Do not touch her." Huck and Elizabeth says in unison.

David looks at Huck and then Elizabeth before sighing. "Harrison! Go downstairs and make sure we don't have any press waiting to give David a photo op." Elizabeth says as she walks to David. "On it" Harrison answers as he stares down David before leaving.

"The madam, ladies. Now." David demands. "Abby...Get Sharon and Stephen." Olivia says when suddenly Olivia's phone begin to ring. She gets her phone out to see who it is before she answers it. "What?..... Did you get a name?" Olivia asks while on the phone.

"Hold on." Olivia says looking at David before turning to her best friend. "I gotta take this. You know what to do" Olivia says making Elizabeth nod. "Of course." Elizabeth answers before turning to David. "I want a private holding cell, no gen pop, and recently cleaned. Handcuffs?Because the nice grandma is so dangerous." Elizabeth taunts as Olivia stepped out to talk on the phone. David doesn't say anything but walks out with the police men.

Harrison makes his way back into headquarters. "So?" Elizabeth asks. "No press, but Patrick Keating and his wife are in the lobby with Billy chambers. They're on their way up." Harrison informs her as Olivia steps back in from her phone call.

Elizabeth stops and makes an expression making everyone look at her. "Elizabeth?" Harrison says looking at her. "I'm thinking...." Elizabeth says staring at the floor. "Harrison, put Patrick Keating in an office far away from the board." Elizabeth commands before turning to Stephen. "Stephen, get Sharon out of jail." She continues and then looks at Huck. "Huck, find out who the hell gideon Wallace is." She says as Huck nods his head. "Abby....you're with us. All cylinders, people! Let's go!" Elizabeth orders as she begins walking.


"No. No. Absolutely no. We gave Cyrus the heads-up because we were doing you a favor, but we don't work at the White House anymore, and Keating is not our client." Olivia says as she whispers to Billy who has a look of confusion. "You have a problem, you fix it yourself." Elizabeth says shrugging. "Guys, it's me. Help me out here. This is an F.O.F. favor, by the way." Billy whispers back. "Ugh don't you friend-of-Fitz favor me. " Elizabeth says shaking her head. "I am telling you, Keating is the real deal, and you're just gonna let him go down? Come on. You guys are the big guns. Fix it....." Billy says trying to convince the ladies.

Elizabeth and Olivia look at eachother before looking at Billy. "How about a friend-of-Billy favor?" Billy asks. Elizabeth just sighs.

Heyyyyy guysssss. I hope this was a good chapter.

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Another update is coming soon!

Ngl I love the Olivia and Elizabeth duo

Love you guys❤️❤️

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