Safe Haven

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April 14th - 6:02 AM

Cody was unaware of his surroundings at the time, and he wasn't sure of how long he had been out, but suddenly he saw some light shining in his eyes and a glimpse of whoever was holding the shining object. And whoever it was wasn't human.

The teen jumped up, grasping the shiny object the anthro was holding. Cody shoved back the other person in self defense, nearly falling down once he got out of bed. Just then, right as the anthro flew back into the wall, Cody heard wailing from a baby to his left, and she's enough, was Ian and his family along with their newborn baby and Roxie.

It was then it hit him, Cody looked back and saw an anthro dark blue wolf that he had hurt inadvertently, who was more than likely one of Kate and Elliot's "brothers", Eddie to be exact. "Oh my gosh, listen I know this looks weird, but we aren't going to hurt you," said Roxie. "Yeah I figured, but where are we, a safe place?" asked Cody.

"Yeah, Biltmore to be exact, everyone that made it in our group as well as a few others are here, including your sister, Oliver, the remaining steam engines, Eric, and many more old and new faces. Oh! And as I was about to do," said Eddie as he stood back up. He then bent down and grabbed the mirror he dropped, moving closer to Cody, who got defensive. But the blue wolf rather only showed Cody a reflection of the side of his head where he had a large but bandaged scar across the side of his face. "You're welcome by the way," said Roxie.

"Yeah, heck, you're not even the worse one she had to fix, I only went up to you because you were out in a coma for at least 20 hours. But while we were at the other base, the other anthros attacked, and while there, well, take it from him," said Eddie, gesturing to Ivan, who was sitting in a bed on Cody's right he hadn't even noticed.

"Oh hey man, good to see you're ok, did anything happen there that the rest of us need to know about, where's Russell and Jenny?" said Cody as he shook hands with Ivan. Ivan's face then fell into a more solemn and concerned expression. "Bloody hell why did I have to tell him? Well, aside from getting banged up and almost eaten alive, and almost turned by the anthros, and forced to watch Eddie almost die in front of me, we...didn't all make it back. We got a radio transmission where we were told the anthros got a hold of Jenny. Also, I was told about Mrs, Wyatt from Arthur and William according to Sidney," said Ivan as he looked down. Oh," Cody sighed, not taking what happened to her well, especially after Mrs. Wyatt's sacrifice to save himself and Sidney like Ivan mentioned.

"Also, we lost the green tender engine named Brandon, heard the poor guy gave his life when he saw a line of tankers from one of the anthros' engines coming right at him. The other engines are devastated, the purple E2 tank engine especially, given how he had sacrificed himself for her and that other one she herself saved from the same thing that almost killed Ivan and I," explained Eddie.

Cody held a moment of silence for the three before preparing himself for what news was next to come. "As for Russell, he's ok, but the only issue is that when I got here, I couldn't remember anything from the last couple hours or so," said Eddie. "Yeah, their raid also basically got a hold of or destroyed a lot of our research, although we don't know what it was," said Ivan. "Correct, but not all, and you, Cody, need to come with me for a little while to talk to Cooper," said Ms. Leo, as she suddenly came into the room. "Oh, bejesus you scared us, oh, and I forgot to ask, but weren't you Russell's old girlfriend?" said Cody. Ms. Leo was silent, in a way that indicated that she didn't want to talk about it.

"Nevermind about that for now, she just needs to see some of you for about 20 or so minutes, then you all can go get situated like everyone else here, but hey, how are you feeling Ivan?" asked Ms. Leo. "Could be better, may just go with Cody and the others for a short while just to walk it off some though," said Ivan. "Alright, Emma, Oliver, and Sidney are all outside," said Ms. Leo.

ROTWOTA: Book 3 - Resistance, Rebellion, and RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now