03 | muffliato

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m u f f l i a t o

Muffles sound.

LATER THAT NIGHT, Draco eased away from Hermione's grasp. He pulled out the telephone from his drawer, magically lengthened the cord and dragged it to the bathroom. Once the door was closed and a muffling spell cast, he dialled a number that he'd called many times before.

After exactly three rings, the person picked up. "Password, please."

"Dromeda, it's me."

"Oh," Andromeda Tonks sounded relieved and far happier. Then she asked worriedly, "Draco, is anything the matter?"

"I found Granger," he said lowly, then winced when he heard her joyful gasp. "Don't tell anyone about it. You understand what we talked about before."

"Yes, of course. Are they true?"

"She is..." He trailed off. On the one hand, he didn't want his aunt to worry. But on the other, he didn't want to undermine Hermione's state either, nor did he want Andromeda happily whisking Hermione off to saint bloody Potter. "...she isn't well."

Andromeda let out a long sigh. "I feared so. But she is finally safe with you now, Draco. This is marvellous and I am so proud of you – "

"Save the sentiment for another time, Dromeda." Draco rolled his eyes and he could hear his aunt chuckle in amusement. "I'm in a bit of a spot right now. You remember that house at the Quarry?"

"Yes, the place you searched ages ago. Did you find her there?"

"Her, and six other refugees."

There was a pause. And then, "Are they – "

"Greyback and his pack finished them off," Draco said shortly. "Granger was in a secret room below the basement. Her most recent injuries are two weeks old, but the refugees were only there for a week. I suspect that whoever kept her there does check up on her. I made a mistake when I took her away on the night I was patrolling – "

"And you need a cover," Andromeda finished sombrely. "I understand."

"Preferably some traitor of the Order, maybe one whose mind's been messed with so he can't weave a proper alibi. I can't have anyone pinning their suspicions on me."

"Yes, of course, I'll get someone to see to it."

But he heard the self-reproach in his aunt's voice and he let out a sigh. Would this guilt never cease? "Dromeda, this is on me. You're just doing what you have to do so you can save me and Granger. One scapegoat in exchange for Potter's best friend. Sounds like a bloody good deal, so cheer up."

Andromeda laughed, and he was suddenly reminded of how similar she sounded to his mother. The same pleasant, rich tones. His chest tightened and he clutched the phone tighter to his ear as she spoke. "Oh, Draco, you do know how to humour your old Aunt."

"One of my many talents. Gotta ring off now. Keep this between us, will you? I'm afraid the Order isn't ready to know about this yet."

"Yes, I understand. And you're right, they're not." There was a brief pause, before she added, "And Draco - "

He knew exactly what she would say. "Stay safe?"


He closed his eyes briefly - Merlin, how he wished it was his mother telling him that. But he'd settle for his aunt too, the only family he had now. "You too."

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