37 | fiendfyre

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Just a heads up that the sequel to Draconian (i.e. #4.3) will be released on CHRISTMAS! Hope you're ready for it.

x Noelle




3 7

f i e n d f y re

Unleashes cursed fire.

THE FOREST OF Dean was a lush green as the months spiralled into summer. But there was something about this place that always made a chill run down his spine. Even Theo was quiet as they flew through the forest together on their brooms.

They stopped at a clearing. The Ruins was up ahead; a buzz of magic that alerted Draco to the presence of wards. "See anything?" he asked, as Theo came up alongside him. They were both under Disillusionment charms, and he could only guess where his friend was. "Or feel anything?"

"Yes," came Theo's snarky reply. "I feel the bloody heat and it's killing me. Do you think you can make it snow?"

He rolled his eyes. Blaise or Pansy would've been quieter choices, but he'd always worked best with Theo. His friend was a fantastic duellist with killer instincts. And Theo always had his back. "Stay right here," Draco said. With Theo's inactive Dark Mark, there was no way Theo could get in without triggering anything. "If the alarm sounds, light the phials and get into the building immediately."

"I know, I know. If you remind me one more time, I swear I'll hex you."

"As if you fucking could."

Leaving Theo behind, he moved forward on his broom. A tingle of magic brushed past him as he inched through the wards. He held his breath and waited. Nothing. With a surge of confidence, he flew straight to one of the windows on the third floor. It was latched shut, but he quickly undid the magical locks.

"Alohomora," Draco directed the wand at the latch, and it clicked open.

He sighed in relief and climbed into the room. Then he pulled the door open, wincing at the loud creak that it made. The place was empty, just as he'd suspected. He made his way through the top floor, collecting every important piece of information he could find.

He soon arrived at a large room with brass doors on the second floor. This one was important. It had been his target from the very beginning. He'd been here when Bellatrix had enchanted the place, and he occasionally came here to retrieve information for the Dark Lord.

He placed one hand on the brass knocker. His fingers itched to open the doors. He could. He'd always had full access to this room. But...no. Not this time. It was too risky.

Just as he drew away, a sharp searing pain shot through his arm. He hissed and fell to his knees, curling up in foetal position as he dragged his arm to his chest. Merlin. It felt like his arm was blazing. Like someone had dragged him over a pit of hellfire and dipped his bloody arm in.

As his mind sank into a haze of pain, he registered one last thing in the background. The high-pitched shriek of the siren. He'd triggered it.

The Death-Eaters were coming.

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