40 | obliviate

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Happy weekend, my loves, and happy Lunar New Year to those of you who celebrate! And a special thanks to those of you who've reminded me to update, I almost forgot due to it being the holiday season and everything. Happy reading.

Astoria in ten chapters. I'm just saying.

x Noelle




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o b l i v i a t e

Erases memory.

RON HESITATED. And while Draco normally took pleasure in watching the Weasel squirm, he felt nothing along those lines now. Harry's eyes widened as he looked between them.

"I - " Ron seemed unable to find the right words to say. "It's not - I mean..."

Draco narrowed his eyes. "You know I could easily use Legilimency on you to find out the truth."

"Merlin, you're such a bloody prick!"

"Then answer my question."

"Malfoy," Harry intervened, looking rather uncomfortable now. "Stop pushing him. Ron wouldn't do such a thing, right, mate?"

But the moment he met Ron's gaze, the redhead instantly broke down. "Fine, I did it!" He blurted, sounding truly distressed now, his face the same shade of red that his hair was. "It was me, alright? I was the one who used Obliviate on Hermione!"

And there it was.

A heavy silence followed Ron's words. Draco dug his nails in his palms to stop himself from punching Ron in the face, even though he desperately wanted to. But he did agree not to hurt Ron. Sodding Malfoys and their bloody code of honour.

"You what?" Harry was the first to break the silence.

"I used Obliviate on Hermione," Ron muttered, looking rather shamefaced now. "I was some distance away when she fell off your broom, and I saw her being caught by one of the Death-Eaters far below - "

"Wait," Draco interrupted. "Who was the Death-Eater?"

"Like I can remember - "

"Think, Weasel!"

Ron frowned as he tried to remember. "Male, definitely. Blond – not your father," he added, when Draco visibly flinched. "I would remember your bloody father anywhere. It wasn't your father."

"Good enough." Based on Ron's sparse description, he had a faint inkling it was Yaxley. "Carry on."

Ron scowled at Draco's order. "So, yeah, I saw Hermione being captured and I tried to chase after the Death-Eater, I really did. But when I couldn't catch up, I just erased her memories."

"I don't understand," Harry shook his head, looking at Ron with faint hostility, as if he couldn't recognised his friend anymore. "Why, Ron? Why would you do that?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"No," Draco snarked, unable to help himself. It was his nature to be a prick, even though he knew why Ron had done it. It was the same reason that Blaise and Pansy had erased the memories of the Order members several months ago.

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