yuri's 19th

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.✧ ➤ ❝ yuri's 19th...?¿ ❞

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𝗗𝗔𝗧𝗘:  16 august 2016𝗟𝗢𝗖𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡:  BTS's dorm

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𝗗𝗔𝗧𝗘:  16 august 2016

yuri walked into the door, not drunk but definitely tipsy.

she had been out all day. her brother had picked her up and they'd gone to their grandparents house for breakfast, as it was a tradition to do that for her birthday each year. after that, the six older members took her out to an amusement park and then they got lunch.

then finally, she went out with a few of her female friends, girls she had met over the past few years in this industry. she was closest with sana of twice, having known her her almost a year now but the other's were also good friends. they had gotten drinks and it was safe to say that yuri fun since now she wasn't sure if she could walk in a straight line.

even though the day had been a lot of fun, spent with her loved ones, she couldn't help but feel disappointed that someone she was arguably the closest to hadn't even so much as sent her a happy birthday text.

jungkook had already gone out when she was woken up by the rest of the members and he didn't accompany them to lunch or to the amusement park. when she asked, she was told that he was busy with work but none of the members had said more than that and she hadn't asked. that didn't stop her from feeling hurt about it.

now, with only two hours until her birthday was over, yuri was back at the dorm, ready to crash into bed. she switched on the light, stepping past the rows of shoes by the door. the whole dorm was quiet, no sound of laughter or the television, no conversations.

"um hello? where is everyone?" she called, taking off her shoes and leaving them by the door as she walked into the dorm.

"yuri?" jungkook walked out of the kitchen, an apron around his body and a spatula in his hand. perhaps if yuri had been more sober, she wouldn't found his attire odd but right then, she felt hurt more than anything.

"oh it's you," she said, taking her purse off and throwing it on the couch, "the guys said you were busy with something."

"i was. i was doing something," he coughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck, "i was busy. i'm sorry i couldn't join you today."

"i don't know if i accept that apology," she muttered, "what had you so busy?"

"uh..." he looked to the floor.

"did you forget?" she asked, eyes watery, "be honest. you forgot, right?"

"no," he frowned, "i didn't forget, i promise. happy birthday."

"no, you can't say that now. there's only two hours of my birthday left," she scoffed, "you totally forgot. it's okay."

"i didn't forget! i was doing something very important— not more important than you though," he said.

she frowned, confused by his odd behaviour.

"i'm messing this up so bad," he shook his head before walking up to her and taking her hand, "come on, i'll just show you instead of saying it because i keep messing up."

he pulled her to the kitchen. the first thing she noticed was the smell... it smelled like home. ignoring that weird feeling, she turned back to him, confused, "huh? you've been cooking...?"

"come here," he walked her over to the stove, pulling away the lid of the pan. a whiff of spice and flavour hit her nose when she looked at it closer.

"is smells like my mom's," she said, her mouth parted slightly.

"it is," he nodded, "well, you're mom didn't make it. i made it, but i had her help."

"what? how?"

"i called her," he explained, "she taught me how to make it. step by step. it took a very long time and she's actually probably very tired because it was super late when i finally got the recipe right—"

"you did all that just to make me food?"

"i thought it was the least i could do. when we were younger, i wasn't very nice to you," he said, "i know i've apologised and you said it's fine, but i still feel bad about it. especially about eating the food your mom made. i was an asshole for doing that."

"that was years ago. you're not an asshole anymore," she said, "well, sometimes you are but you aren't a mean asshole, just a dumb one."

he chuckled, "but still, i wanted to make up for it somehow. everything's been so hectic since then but now we're finally at home for your birthday so i thought i could do this."

"you don't have to make up for anything, i told you it's really alright. but thank you, this is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me," she smiled up at him.

he cleared his throat, looking down sheepishly as his cheeks flushed red, "it's nothing. you're not mad anymore right? i seriously didn't forget, i just wanted to do something special."

"this is so nice that i can't even make fun of you for it," she said, "i'm not mad at all. i'm actually very happy."

"i also ordered from your favourite place since i didn't know if this would turn out good," he said, "you go and change into more comfortable clothes, i'll set up the table."

"i'll help with it, you've been working hard all day—"

"no way," he shook his head, pulling her away from the kitchen and lightly pushing her towards the bathroom, "you aren't doing anything. it's your birthday. go change and i'll have everything ready when you come back."

"but i want to help," she argued.

"yuri, go get changed," he said, "please."

"okay," she gave up, going to the bathroom to change into something more comfortable than the dress she wore.

when she returned, now clad in a hoodie and sweatpants, she saw the living room had all of the food set out on a table, jungkook siting on on the floor waiting for her. she quickly went and sat next to him. "this all looks so good."

"it's all for you," he said, "dig in."

he watched as she took a bite, his own mouth parted and eyes curious for her reaction. "oh my gosh, this is so good!" she exclaimed, going for a second bite immediately.

he let out a breath of relief, finally taking a bite himself, "that's good. it would've been embarrassing if it wasn't."

"it's really good," she repeated, "you're a good chef, jeon jungkook."

"thank you."

"no, thank you," she said, words muffled by the food, "this really does mean a lot. you spent so much time making all of this for me."

"you're my best friend, yuri," he patted her knee, "i wanted to do something special."

she smiled at him, her heartbeat quickening and a weird feeling in her stomach erupting when he grinned back at her.

she pushed the newly formed feelings away, shaking her head before she went back to eating the food.

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