phone call

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.✧ ➤ ❝ phone call ...?¿ ❞

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yuri sat in bed, bam on one side, his head laid on her and maple on the headboard behind her. her phone was in her hand, locked black screen staring back at her as she (not so) patiently waited for the call.

as soon as the call came in, she accepted it, not even waiting for it to ring.

her boyfriend face was on the screen, a smile on it, "that was quick."

"oh, i was already on my phone so i accepted quickly," she lied, not fooling anyone.

"really? because i said i'd call at 8 and it's... exactly 8:01. are you sure you weren't waiting for my call?"

"oh is it already 8? huh, i didn't even notice," she looked around the room before looking back at the screen, "i completely forget you were gonna call."

"uh huh," he sounded unconvinced, his smile growing, "i bet you did."

"i totally did."

"i believe you." he nodded before beaming at her with a much less mischievous smile, "hi."

she practically melted at how soft he sounded, her lips pouting unintentionally, "how've you been?"

"i'm all good. just very tired," he replied, "i've been training a lot. lots of working out."

"it sounds like a lot," she said, brows furrowing in concern, "are you doing okay? don't overwork, hm? you have a habit of doing that."

"i can't promise anything but i'll try. anyway, what have you been up to? are you getting bored without me?"

"oh, not at all. i'm living my best life actually," she joked, "i haven't had this much freedom in 13 years. it feels good."

"you're a terrible liar," he chuckled, "are you actually doing well? i heard you were on sana's show. that must've been nice."

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