2: Tiny Monsters

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Y/N's pov:

I didn't know what I was expecting when the kids entered the daycare, but I was not expecting them to all be so...lively, to say the least.

I knew kids had lots of energy, but these kids were a different breed of energetic.

They were literally bouncing off the walls as if they had eaten a shit ton of sugar before they came here. Some kids were running around the place with marker on their faces, glitter glue on their clothes, and somehow one kid even managed to get every single ball out of the ball pit so that they were scattered all over the daycare.

Now I can understand why Sun needed an assistant. I can't even begin to imagine handling all this bullshit alone.

"Let's not eat the glitter glue, friends! Oh, don't go behind the security desk, please! How about we leave the balls inside the ball pit? Good heavens..." I heard Sun trying to kindly get the kids under control, but they only listened for a few minutes before doing the exact opposite of what he said.

I know he was doing his best to be the fun and happy caretaker he was, but he seemed pretty tired of their crap.

I felt pretty useless just standing around and watching all the chaos, so I attempted to get a small group of kids to a drawing table, where they could cause less trouble and be out of the way for a bit.

"Hey, what are you guys doing?" I asked as I nervously approached a group of small children that were playing with the balls scattered around the floor. "We're making a circle," one of them said as they placed a ball in line with the others. They were indeed, attempting to make a circle out of balls, but they kept getting frustrated whenever one rolled out of line.

"Well, I have a better idea," I said, crouching down to their level. "How about we go over to the drawing table and make a picture for Sun? I bet he'd love that," I suggested. The children stared at me for a moment before each chucking a ball at my face while laughing. "No, the balls are not for throwing!" Sun called out from across the room while holding a wild toddler in his arms.

"Yeah, how about we draw for a bit? You can draw whatever you want," I tried again. I couldn't think of anything else for them to do at the moment.

This time, they agreed and made their way over to a table where they started drawing peacefully.

I stood up and tried to find another group of kids to tame. I found two kids horsing around near the play structures, and they were playing dangerously close to the metal bars holding them up. "Uh, hey, how about you guys come draw for a bit? I'm sure you'll love it," I said as I stopped one of them.

After a little bit of coaxing, I was able to get all the rowdy kids over to a drawing table while the quieter ones continued with whatever activity they were doing.

Sun came over to me while I was watching some of the kids draw. "Wow, you got them to settle down for a bit," he said. He seemed surprised. "They seem like a handful," I replied. Sun looked at the children for a moment before responding. "I love hanging out with the kiddos, trust me. They're just a bit overwhelming sometimes," he said as his rays shrunk back a bit.

I nodded in understanding. It seemed like a lot to handle alone. Then I thought of something.

"Is there a naptime here? Or do the kids just play all the time?" I asked. "I mean, surely they get tired at some point. Kids don't just have endless energy,"

Sun had a terrified look on his face. "NO!" he screamed abruptly.

All the kids stopped what they were doing and stared at us for a second before going back to their previous tasks.

"We can't have naptime! That means we would have to turn off the lights!" Sun panicked. "The lights stay on, on, ON!" he said. I stared at him in confusion.

"Are you scared of the dark?" I asked. Sun paused before nodding hesitantly.

He was either lying or embarrassed, but I couldn't tell.

"Well, what happens if the kids get sleepy?" I asked. "Well, we avoid that by giving them our candies!" Sun said happily. "They provide a boost of energy for seven to eight hours!" he added.

Now I was just concerned.

This place was feeding drugs to kids.

I was speechless as I thought about it.

Now, I wasn't about to report them, seeing as how this job was the only thing keeping me alive right now. If I lost it, I would be gone.

And besides, so far, hanging out with Sun had been a blast.

As the day went on, kids eventually got picked up one by one, and soon, it was just me and Sun.

I helped clean up the daycare a bit, returning toys back to their rightful places, straightening the chairs and tables back, and placing the balls back in the ball pit.

I had just placed the last few balls back inside the pit when I turned around and was met by Sun's legs.

"Shit," I said in surprise.

"Watch your language!" Sun replied as he crouched down to meet my eyes. "We don't appreciate potty mouths in the daycare," he added.

I nodded. The last thing I wanted was to make him angry.

His smile returned and he started bouncing around on his feet. "You did a great job today, sunbeam! I'm sorry you got the rowdy group of kids today, but I promise it's not always like that!" he said as the bouncing ceased.

"It's alright, Sun. I just can't see how you handled all of that alone before," I said. "It must've been awful," Sun stared at me for a moment, his face blank. "It was...hard, I must say," he replied quietly. "But now that you're here, everything is better!" he quickly reverted to his happy old self.

Then, I heard the sound of doors opening, and Sun & I both looked back towards the security desk, where Link had appeared and was now walking towards us.

"Hey, Y/N! How'd your first day go?" he asked. "It went pretty well, I think," I told him. Link nodded with a smile. "That's great! Since your shift is over, I think it's time for you to see your room," he said, grabbing my hand to lead me out of the daycare. We started to exit through the doors Link had used, and as I looked back, I saw Sun staring at us with a sad expression.

"Don't worry, I'll be back, Sun!" I called back to him. I felt bad just leaving him on his own. Besides, I liked being around him.

1134 Words

A Comforting Character | Sun/Moon x Fem Reader | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now