19: Carl's True Colors

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A/N: It's a VERY long chapter, I'm sorry 🤷🏽‍♀️

T/W: sexual harassment

Y/N's pov:

I checked my bag/tote/purse to make sure I had everything in it that I needed or might need if things got bad.

I had my keys to the daycare, my phone, a taser, my car keys, and a notepad and pen in case I had to write anything down.

"Well, here goes nothing," I said as I went to Bonnie Bowl. Carl had asked we meet there since he found it nostalgic, and he claimed the food was good. I felt my heart pound harder and faster the closer I got to Bonnie Bowl. The thought of being potentially alone with Carl in a place where there were nearly no other safe humans terrified me, but the sooner I got there, the sooner I could be done and move on.

I didn't take long to arrive at Bonnie Bowl, much to my disappointment. I entered the attraction, and not even three steps inside, I was immediately greeted by Carl, who grabbed my hand and shook it violently. "Y/N! I'm so glad you could meet me here tonight!" he said. "Oh, you didn't need to bring your purse with you," he added, attempting to take it off of me. I grabbed it and stepped away from him a bit. "I'd like to keep it with me," I said. Carl had a wild look in his eyes, although the rest of him seemed peaceful. "I see...well, come with me and I'll escort you to our seat," he said, still holding my hand as we strolled over to one of the booths.

We sat down across from each other, and I took a moment to take in all the food that was in front of me. There were pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages, beef patties, hashbrowns, and an assortment of fruit along with two milkshakes. "Sorry, it's all breakfast food," Carl apologized. "The S.T.A.F.F. bots here are still getting repaired and made breakfast instead of dinner. But they just got done making all of this, so we might as well eat it, right?" he said. I shrugged and nodded. I honestly didn't mind what food we had as long as it was good.

"So, what did you wanna talk about?" I asked as I fixed my plate. "What do you mean?" Carl replied. "You said you wanted to have a meeting with me," I replied, taking a bite of my food. I have to say, for being made by robots, the shit actually tasted good.

Carl laughed a bit and sighed. "I didn't really want anything important. I just wanted to talk to you again uninterrupted," he said as he sipped his shake. "You could've just asked me to din-" "Anyway, how have things been since you've been back in the pizzaplex? Are you comfortable, or do I need to have you upgraded to a better dorm?" Carl cut me off entirely, and wouldn't take his eyes off me as he waited for an answer. "Well, I'm sleeping in the tower inside the daycare, and it's pretty comfy, to be honest," I replied.

Carl smiled and laughed a bit. "I'm so glad to hear that you're happy," he said. For the next hour or so, he didn't seem so creepy. He was cordial and cheerful like any regular coworker would be. For a whole hour, I forgot all about the unsettling feelings I got from him and the uncomfortable text messages he had sent earlier. For an hour, it felt like a real date with a genuine, trustworthy person. We talked, ate our food, and had a great time in general. It was almost like we were bonding.

After a while, I checked my phone for the time and it read 10:57 pm. "Oh shit," I said quietly. "I'd better go. It's getting a bit late, and Sun and Moon are waiting-" "Wait," Carl said as he stood up. "Before you go, I need to show you something important," he gently took my hand and guided me toward the back of the Bonnie Bowl dining area, taking me to some kind of storage room. There were shelves with boxes on them, crates of Fizzy-Faz in the corner, and some old bowling pins. "What's in here-?" I stopped when I noticed Carl staring at me blankly.

"Y/N, when I first met you, I didn't know what to do with myself," he said. "I couldn't stop thinking about you no matter how hard I tried. I would lay awake at night thinking about seeing your beautiful face again," Carl began to take slow steps toward me, and I crept farther away. "Ever since I shook your hand that first day, I knew you were the one for me," he said. "Your skin felt soft and warm, and your eyes were like a gateway to heaven," Carl abruptly grabbed me by the arms and held me tight, my back up against the wall and my front trapped against Carl's. 

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