12: Returning

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T/W: skin picking

A/N: I had to tweak the end of this a bit in order to continue writing, so that's why it was unpublished for a bit. <3

Y/N's pov:

The hospital released me after a couple of weeks since I had severe blood loss from my stab wounds, but thankfully they were able to get it all back. I had ridden home with Carl, and thankfully it went pretty okay. Now I was back at the pizzaplex, and my main goal was to check on Sun and Moon to make sure they were still in good condition.

As soon as I walked in through the front doors, I was attacked by a map bot. Again.


"Alright, damn," I said as I grabbed one from it. "Thank you for purchasing a map," it said as it wheeled away.

I put the map in my pocket and headed up to the daycare to check myself in and get started with the day.

As soon as I walked in through the doors, I was greeted by Link, who gently threw his arms around me in a hug.

"Y/N! You're back! I missed you so much!" Link said, stepping back. "I would've come to visit, but I had to watch Sun and Moon while you were gone," he explained. "It's okay. Thanks for watching them," I said. "Are they okay?" I asked. Link nodded. "For the most part. Sun's been a little upset, and Moon seemed pretty pissed with me," he said. "Oh," I replied. "Hopefully they won't be too mad that I've been gone for a while," 

Link smiled. "Well, you would've been gone forever if Carl hadn't saved you," he said.

as soon as I heard his name, I felt chills go down my spine. "Yeah, that was nice of him, but he kinda scares me," I said. Link immediately stopped smiling. "What do you mean?" he asked. "He just seems a bit off-putting. And grabby," I added. "Oh, I'm sorry," he said. "Well, I should probably head into the daycare. I don't want Sun to miss me any longer," I said as I headed toward the slide. "Bye, Y/N!" Link said.

I slid down the colorful slide and landed in the ball pit as usual. When I got out, I didn't see Sun anywhere. "Sun? I'm back," I said.

As soon as I said that, the lights went out.

"Uh, Moon?" I called out. "Where are-" I was suddenly grabbed and tackled to the ground, a weight on top of me keeping me from moving. Once my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I saw Moon's glowing red eyes. He was laying right on top of me.

"Why did you leave for long?" he asked harshly. "Sun and I were worried sick when you didn't come back," he continued. "I know, and I'm sorry. I had to be taken to the hospital because somebody in a rabbit suit had a knife, and they kept stabbing me," I explained.

As Moon listened to my case, his expression softened a bit as he understood. I didn't tell him about Carl, though. I didn't want him to be even more upset than he already was.

He allowed me to get up off the ground before pulling me into a gentle hug. "We missed you, Starlight," he said softly. "Don't worry, I was worried about you too. I'm glad Link was watching you, though," I said as I hugged him back. It felt nice whenever I hugged Sun or Moon. They were so soft instead of cold and hard like I had expected them to be.

"Is it alright if I see Sun now? I don't want him to worry anymore," I asked. "Of course," Moon replied. He made his way over to the light switch and turned on the lights, switching back to Sun.

In less than a minute, Sun came barreling toward me as he hugged me as well. "Y/N! Are you really okay? Moony and I were so worried!" he said. He nuzzled his face against me like a cat, and he was shaking a bit. "Yes, Sunny. I'm okay, I promise," I said. After I explained to him what happened he nodded. "I hope that person doesn't come back," he said.

He then glanced at the time. "Ooh! It's almost time for our little friends to arrive!" he said happily. "I'll see you soon, Sunshine!" he said as he hugged me again before hopping up to his tower.

I began my usual routine of wiping down the tables and chairs before the kids used them, but my arms suddenly felt violently itchy. I dropped the spray bottle and rag I was using to clean and started scratching my arms like mad. When I was done scratching, I was about to pick up the cleaning supplies, but I noticed red beginning to stain my sleeves. In a panic, I rolled them up to see what the problem was, thinking I had scratched a bit too hard. Instead, I was met with shredded skin where my cuts had scabbed over. Some of the ones I had given myself were fine, but others weren't. The cuts I had received from the person that one night were all bloody again, save for the deep ones that had been stitched up.

I rushed over to the security desk and grabbed the first aid kit, planning to do the obvious and bandage my arms. Before I did anything, I decided to pick some of the torn scabs since they were already coming off. I would be bandaging it anyway, so it was fine. Or so I thought.

"Sun, Y/N is taking their arm apart!" I heard a kid say. I snapped out of whatever zone I was in and looked down to see a little boy pointing at me. "Shit," I cursed under my breath as I quickly reached for the bandages. I didn't mean to be tearing off sheets of skin. I meant to get just the torn scabs off. And I most definitely did not mean to attract attention. Especially not from an impressionable kid.

Just as I was wrapping up one of my arms, Sun appeared behind me. "Y/N, what are you doing? And why is there blood all over your clothes?" he questioned. "I just scratched some old scars on accident. It's nothing to be worried about," I said as I finished bandaging my arms. "I'm just gonna go clean myself off really fast," I said as I quickly fled through the doors.

Sun's pov:

I watched as Y/N rushed out of the daycare with blood stains on her shirt, promising to return shortly.

"Aw, I hope she's okay," I muttered to myself. I don't particularly like the sight or mention of blood. Mainly because it means that someone is hurt really badly. I also don't like messes, and blood is very messy.

I stared at the small, thin pieces of skin Y/N had left behind. Just the sight of it made me want to run away screaming.

"Um, how about we go over to the play area? It's time for free play!" I said, trying to get the kids away from the security desk. Luckily, they all migrated toward the open space of the daycare, separating into little groups as they played games and talked with each other.

As I watched over the kids, I decided to do my best to clean up the bits of skin on the desk before Y/N got back.

I was just finishing up disinfecting the desk when I heard the doors open behind me. I turned around to look, and my dear Y/N was there! I crouched down and gently grabbed her.

"Y/N, are you okay?" I asked. She just nodded and smiled. "I'm okay, Sun. It was nothing urgent," she said. I still wasn't convinced, but for the time being, I decided to let it rest until the kids left. "Alright, Sunshine. If you're sure," I said as I gave Y/N a gentle squeeze.

I then felt a tug on my sleeve and looked down to see one of my little friends staring back at me with that beautiful glimmer in her eye that she gets when she wants to ask something. "Yes, my sunbeam?" I said.

Y/N's pov:

"Can we play with the bunny in the lobby?" a little girl asked Sun. "What bunny, friend? We don't have a bunny anywhere," he replied. The child then dragged Sun away, and I followed since I had nothing better to do.

The little girl stopped a ways away from the ball pit, where all the other children were gathered, staring and pointing at something.

Sun and I went a bit closer to see what they were looking at, and I felt my heart drop to my stomach when I saw the person in the rabbit suit again. They were poking their head through the slide and had just smuggled one of the kids out of the daycare, disappearing as soon as they were out.

"Sun, that's the person that stabbed me," I whispered. Sun gasped and frantically began to move to children away from the ball pit. "This way, friends! Do NOT go anywhere near the ball pit! It isn't safe!" he said, urging them to move back.

While Sun got the children in a safe spot, I ran out through the doors to see if I could catch the rabbit person before they left the pizzaplex with the kid. Or worse.

1563 Words

A Comforting Character | Sun/Moon x Fem Reader | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now