15: Aftermath

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3rd person:

You and Link arrived at your house with no problems. The ride there had been quiet, but there wasn't much to talk about at the moment.

You both got out of the car, and you went to unlock the door while Link grabbed his things. When you opened the door, you saw that the house was still in the state you had left it in. A little messy in some areas, but just okay for other humans to enter. There was an envelope on the floor, however. That wasn't there before. Curious, you picked it up and began to inspect it. There was no return address or name aside from yours on it.

You placed the letter on a table in the kitchen before moving on to make sure the guest room was a reasonable quality for Link to sleep in. When you arrived at the guest room, it was a little bit cluttered. The floor itself was clean, but there were items of all sorts on the bed and desk. Not to mention there were boxes in the closet that you couldn't remember the contents of. 

"Y/N?" Link called. He then appeared behind you. "Oh, there you are," He surveyed the room. "Is this where I'll be staying?" he asked. You nodded. "Yeah, I'll have to move this stuff out, though. And get you some new bedsheets and pillows. If there's anything living in here, you're gonna have to sleep in a different place," you replied, checking under the bed and in the vents to make sure nothing was there. You may have had bad organizational skills, but you weren't a slob. You sure as hell weren't going to allow a guest to sleep in an infested room.

After you had made sure nothing was living in the walls, you began to take the boxes out of the closet and the books off of the bed and desk. After that was finished, Link helped you take the bedsheets and pillows off the bed so you could replace them with new ones.

~Smol Time Skip~

You finished fixing up the guest room in almost no time at all. Everything looked somewhat new when you were finished. You had never used the guest room for anything but storage, so it was nice to see life given to it again.

Y/N's pov:

I had just placed my Sun and Moon plushies on my bed when I heard footsteps approaching. "Hey, Y/N, where's your shower?" Link asked. "Over there," I pointed toward my bathroom. "Okay, thanks," After that, he walked off with his towels in hand. "Just don't use all my soap," I called after him. He only laughed and shut the door. Shortly after, I heard the water run.

"Now to find something to do," I muttered to myself. Aside from practicing your carpenter skills on your skin, I added.

~Smol Time Skip~

When I returned to my room, I was about to change my clothes when the bathroom door opened.

I had forgotten that Link was in the shower, and I nearly jumped out of my skin when he opened the door. "AHH! SHIT!" I screamed. Poor Link looked like he had been attacked. "Sorry, I forgot you were here," I apologized. He only nodded. "Okay," he said. He walked out of my room, closing the door behind him as he returned to the guest bedroom.

Now alone in my bedroom, I flopped down onto my bed and let myself sit in the comfort of the pillows and mattress. It wasn't as comfy as the beds in the pizzaplex, but it was still pretty comfortable. I held up my Sun and Moon plushies and held them in my hands, just staring at them for I don't know how long. Even though they were robots and I didn't know them perfectly well, I still missed them more than I would miss my family if everything that happened didn't happen with them.

There was no telling how long it would take for the pizzaplex to be reopened, and I don't think I'm going to be getting paid while it's under review. I would undoubtedly have to find a new job. Or two. I don't think there's ever going to be a place that paid as well as the pizzaplex. Who can beat $500 to $600 per hour?

As I lay there holding my plushies, I smiled a bit. It was probably the first time I had truthfully smiled since the pizzaplex had been shut down. I could always get more into engineering. It was always an interest that made me happy. Who knows, maybe it would help me later on in life.

I looked at the time, and the clock read 10:01 pm. It was getting late, and Link might be ready for some dinner. I know I was. I carefully placed my plushies under the covers of my bed so that their heads peeked out from under the blankets like they were sleeping. I knew it was childish, but fuck it. Nobody's here to judge me.

I walked out of my room and started heading over to the guest bedroom, but I saw Link at the kitchen table, so I redirected myself that way. "Hey, are you alright with chicken for dinner?" I asked. I then noticed he was holding the letter I had left on the table. "What are you doing?" I asked.

He looked up at me and held up the letter. "Is this from your ex or something?" he asked. I nodded. "Yeah," I replied. I had completely forgotten about it. "What happened?" Link asked. I gave a weak chuckle and looked at him. "Long story," Link nodded and put the letter back inside the envelope. "Anyway, you said something about chicken?" he asked. 

"Yeah, I was wondering if you'd be good with chicken for dinner since that's all I have in the fridge at the moment. Or we could order some food if you'd rather have something else," I said. "Nah, chicken sounds great," he told me. "Chicken it is, then,"

3rd person:

That night, you and Link ate chicken, rice, and peas for dinner, leaving you both satisfied for the night. You both ended the night by watching some TV in the living room together before heading off to bed.

Of course, you had your Sun and Moon plushies on either side of you. You had pleasant dreams about the good times you three had together. Hopefully, those dreams would become reality again very, very soon.

1070 Words

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