22: Consequences

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A/N: Helurr and tysm for 2k+ reads ❤️

Sun's pov:

I furiously scrubbed at the floor, determined to rid the carpet of the blood stains Moon left behind last night. I don't want him to get in trouble again. Not after all that testing he went through. He was lucky enough there weren't any security guards patrolling. I still don't feel comfortable leaving Carl's room in such an unkempt state, so to avoid any legal involvement and to get it out of the way, I decided to make it look like nothing happened. Besides, I enjoy cleaning! I just wish I wasn't always cleaning up blood stains...

When I finished scrubbing the floor, I decided to clean the walls next. Luckily, they were a LOT easier to clean than the carpet. The stains came off almost as soon as the cleaning solution touched it. I wasn't even halfway done when I heard someone slam the door open.

"What the hell are you doing?" a harsh voice demanded. My rays slowly shrunk into my head as I stood frozen in place. "Hey, I'm talking to you, rust bucket. Answer me," I  slowly turned my head to face whoever was talking to me. "Well? I don't have all day," the lady before me demanded. She had blonde hair and was wearing the security guard uniform. She looked pretty scary, too. 

I struggled to come up with a believable response, and she could tell. "Why are you in here? you're supposed to be in your assigned area," the security guard surveyed the room. "And why is there blood everywhere?" she asked. I smiled nervously. "Well, uh, I don't know where the blood came from, but Mr. Afton told me to clean up in here since none of the S.T.A.F.F. bots were available," I lied.

My smile faltered ever so slightly when the lady narrowed her eyes at me in an unbreaking stare. I thought I was done for. The lady finally spoke again. "...I see," she said, eyeing me skeptically. "After you finish cleaning up in here, you go straight back to your assigned area, do you hear me?" she ordered. "Loud and clear!" I responded with a wave. The security guard rolled her eyes and walked away, leaving me to clean in peace.

I felt a much-needed wave of relief wash over me as steam flowed from my joints and my rays popped back up. "I'm going to have a serious talk with Moony when I get back," I murmured to myself as I resumed my work. This is the last time I risk my hide for him. Sure, I would do anything for him, but this has gone too far.

2 hours later:

I carefully slid down into the ball pit, promptly making my way up to the tower, where Moon was calmly reading a book on the bed next to Y/N, who was doing something on her tiny rectangle.

"Hi, Sunbeam!" I said cheerfully after I set down my cleaning supplies. "Hey, Sunny," Y/N replied, briefly looking up from her rectangle. "Moon, we need to talk," I said, grabbing the book from him. He stared at me in annoyance before sighing. "Fine, what do you want?" he grumbled. I gestured to the curtains to signal we needed to go somewhere without Y/N hearing us. "We'll be back, Starlight," Moon said, ruffling Y/N's hair before opening the curtains and mounting his wire. I jumped down and met him in the naptime corner.

"What do you want, Sun? I was in the middle of a spicy chapter," Moon rumbled. I sighed. "Moon, you need to stop killing people," I said. He raised a brow at me. "Sun, I already know you don't like it when I kill people. Go cry about it," he said. He was about to leave, but I pulled him back. "Moon, this is fucking serious, goddammit," I said in a low tone. I saw Moon's eyes widen in surprise to hear me use such language, but the situation was quite severe. "You need to quit killing people, Moon. I almost got caught trying to clean up your mess this time. I was lucky enough to come back in one piece," I explained.

Moon's pov:

Sun frowned and crossed his arms. "I can't keep cleaning up after you, Moon," he said. He gave me a disapproving stare, waiting for a response. For once, I was speechless. Of course, I didn't want poor Sun to get in trouble for something I did. Even if it was for a good cause. "Alright, fine. I'll stop killing people," I paused. "For your sake," I added. Sun breathed a sigh of relief and uncrossed his arms. "Good," he said, peeking out through the curtains.

A Comforting Character | Sun/Moon x Fem Reader | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now