6: A Deal

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"Come to play again, Starlight?" Moon said.

I felt the hairs on my neck and arms stand up as the familiar feeling of fear settled in. I didn't dare to let it show on my face, however. I didn't want Moon to know, even though he probably knew damn well that I was afraid of him.

I looked him in the...lights? Eyes? I couldn't tell.

Either way, I looked him in the eyes and put a determined look on my face.

"I came to make a deal with you," I said. Moon looked me over for a moment. "...A deal?" he asked as if he couldn't believe it. "That's what I said," He scoffed. "Alright, then. What do you want?" he asked.

"I- Sunny and I would both appreciate it if you would stop terrorizing people. It's making Sun a nervous wreck any time it's your turn to live," I said. Moon looked at me expectantly. "Is that all?" he said. I nodded. "Why? Is there something else you've done?" I asked.

"Well, I can't say you're asking much of me, but I'll agree on one condition," Moon said.

I felt a knot form in my stomach. I had a feeling this "condition" wasn't a good one.

"What is it?" I asked as my voice wavered slightly. "You have to promise me that you'll work the day shift and the night shift," he said.

I stared at him in confusion. I expected something much more sinister, but that was pretty tame if I'm being honest.

"Uh...why that?" I asked.

Moon seemed to be debating whether or not he should reply. Either that, or he was having a conversation with Sun in his head.

"I will admit, it gets a bit lonely here after the children and employees leave. And maybe you could help us with our...issue," he finally said.

I didn't know if he meant an issue between him and Sun, the current problem he was causing, or some other issue I didn't know about, but I was ready to agree regardless.

"Alright," I said. "I'll see if they'll let me do both shifts,"

Satisfied with my answer, Moon walked away toward the light switch and flipped it, but since it was still after hours, the whole hourly power deal was still in effect.

Moon's pov:

"Fucking hell..." I muttered to myself. 'Language!' Sun said. "Shut up. There aren't kids here, so no one is gonna hear me," 'But dear Y/N is still here!' "Yes, but she's an adult, so I'm allowed to swear," I told him.

I tried the lights again, but they still wouldn't work.

'You should go back and chat with Y/N. I'm sure you two will get along,' Sun suggested. I sighed. "Sun, there's nothing for us to do. She's already agreed to the deal we made, and It would be pretty convenient for them to tell you all about it instead of waiting for however long and forgetting everything," I said.

I then felt something touch me, and I immediately hissed and whirled around to see what it was, but it was just Y/N.

"What?" I asked.

"Moon, the lights are gonna be off for a while, so I don't think the light switch is gonna work," Y/N said. "Shit," I said. "Well, either go back to your room or wait until the lights are back on so you can talk to Sun," I commanded.

'Moon, don't be rude!' Sun reprimanded me. 'Why don't you let them sleep in our room? They look tired,' he said. "Sun, our room is a fucking pigsty. Even I would have enough sense not to allow her to sleep there. Besides, their bed isn't that far from here," I replied quietly.

Y/N's pov:

Since Moon didn't seem to want my company at the moment, I decided to head back to my room and sleep for the night since I would have to deal with a bunch of rowdy kids tomorrow, and it was twelve in the morning.

"Okay, bye Moon. I'm gonna head back to my room for the night. Tell Sun I said bye," I said as I left.

Whether or not he heard me was unknown. He seemed to be pretty focused on arguing with Sun.

Either way, I successfully made a deal with Moon without losing my life.

I'd say that's a win/win.

Now I just gotta make it through tomorrow.

706 Words

A Comforting Character | Sun/Moon x Fem Reader | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now