We found people!

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Times POV
Once I arrived to the camp I instantly felt everyone's eyes on me. Sky is the first one to come up and take a closer look at Wild, who is in my arms. "Awwww he looks so cozy, maybe I should try it one day" sky says to me smirking and slowly rubbing Wilds head. Wild seems lean into it seeming to be happy. "He's been sleeping quite a lot, it doesn't seem normal." Hyrule says taking Sky's hand away so he can inspect the little boy. "I want to talk to you about the kid Hyrule, got a minute" I ask as I point to the bedding. Hyrule nods and follows me.

Once we got to the bedding I tried to set Wild down but he refused to let go, so I hold him sitting crisscross. "He acts as if he hasn't been touched in a decade" says Hyrule inspecting his scared left hand, then Hyrule continues to talk. "These scars are serious beyond belief... if anyone would of been burned like this... they would be dead, especially at his size." I frown at his comment and say "when we were at the river he told me some stuff about him when I asked, they were vague but he told me his Hyrule is <Big, new, and scary when red>." Hyrule looks at me in confusion and I continue. "Once I asked about the Scary when red he told me that the moon will turn red and monsters will revive... I also decided not to ask about the <new> thing but we probably should soon" Hyrule nods and rubs the kids head. Wild let's out a sigh and leans into the touch.

Hyrule looks at me and says "there's more isn't there?" I nod and adjust Wild in my arms. "When I got him in the water I started to shampoo his hair, he was curious so he touch it and brought to to his face to look at it" Hyrule nods along staring at wild "when he took a good look his shoulders slacked, so I asked him if he was ok and looked at his face and Hyrule, his eyes were looked to be dark and unfocused, and his whole body relaxed, and when I shook his shoulder he rag dolled on me. And was like that for at least 30 seconds to 1, 1/2 minutes."

Hyrules eyes furrowed and lifted up wilds eye lid to check his eyes "they look a little strained, maybe from keeping them open for a while." Hyrule says out loud. Wild forces his eye shut and shoves his face farther into my tunic. "I don't think it's medical" Hyrule says looking up at me "I think it's mental, maybe PTSD or it reminded him of something?" I nod "that could be it and I think we should wake him up" Hyrule nods in agreement.

Wilds POV
Someone was shaking my shoulder, but I paid no attention and tucked my face farther into the warmth "come on Wild you need to get up so you can sleep tonight" a voice said ruffing my hair. I slowly open my eyes to see that I'm in the arms of Time and he's the one shaking my shoulder, and Hyrule has his hand in my hair looking me in the eyes. "There ya are" Hyrule says smiling. Time shifts me so that I'm sitting on his lap instead of laying down. I let out a yawn and rub my eyes, they always feel itchy after I sleep well, which doesn't happen often. Time and Hyrule seem to smile at my yawn and how Times big shirt falls off my shoulder but I don't really notice.

After sitting there for a minute I feel hands being placed under my armpits. "Alright kid up we go" Time says as he lifts me to my feet. Once I'm up I stretch and head towards my cooking pot where people seemed to be arguing about who is going to cook. Twilight sees me and waves. "Hey how you doing there pup." He says. I shoot him a thumbs up as I start to make dinner, I bring out my Slate and decide to make meat and mushroom skewers. "Hey Wild what you making" Legend says eyeing the ingredients I pull out. "F-Food?" I say looking up at him. Warriors decides to jump in. "Yeah Legend food what else" warriors says snickering. Legends face turns red with anger as he starts to chase Warriors. You can tell he was just hungry.

When I finished I grabbed two skewers and hopped up into a tree to eat. "What are you doing?" Four asks. I look down at him and then back at my skewers. "Food" I respond. Four raises his eyebrow and asks "why not food, on the ground" I ignore him and continue to eat.

Warriors POV
It's been about a week of being in this Hyrule and honestly it's TOO big. There seems to be no end to any of these woods, every time we make it to a clearing BAM there's more woods up ahead. We haven't even seen civilization in the time we have been here. And another thing, Wild is a BEAST on the battlefield. The kid has the best bow skills I've ever seen, and that's impressive for his age. (We haven't asked his age yet but he can't be older then twelve.)

Wild looks down at his block... thingy and smiles as he runs up ahead and of course we run after the boy. "Slow down!" I yell as he turns the corner. We stop and look at a weird horse thing made of wood as Wild runs towards it. "What. Is. That." Legend says in disgust.

Twilights POV
Wild runs up to what seems to be a ugly horse head and I follow after him "what is this place" time says beside me. "I don't know." I say to Time and continue to follow Wild. Wild walks up to the front of the the horse head to a man behind a desk "hey Link what could I do for you?" The man asks wild looks back and starts counting the rest of us then turns back to the man and holds up eight fingers. "Eight beds? You have some friends with you?" The man asks cocking a eyebrow to the rest of us. Wild nods excitedly "ok that will be 160 rubies!" Wild hands him two silver rubies smiling. I can hear Legend whispering to Hyrule "how does that kid have so much money?" Hyrule just shrugs.

It's midnight when I wake up to someone crawling into bed with me. I slowly open my eyes to see Wild with his head pressed up against my shoulder, and he's shaking. "Hey pup what's wrong" he pushes his face farther in to my shoulder. "You want to talk about it?" Wild shakes his head and grips onto my shirt. I slowly rub circles on his back until he's asleep.

After about five minutes of Wild being asleep Time wakes up and looks over at me with a frown. "He ok?" Time whispers worry in his voice. I nod and whisper back to him. "Think it was a nightmare." Time nods back to me and says. "If you need anything just wake me up." "Mhhh" I respond and go back to sleep.

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