Wakey Wakey Eggs And Bakey

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Wilds POV
I can feel myself pressed up against someone warm, big, and strong. I'm laying on my tummy on someone's chest. They have both of there hands on my back with there fingers clasped together. My head is tucked up under there head enough so that I can hear there not so soft snoring. I can feel the soft breaths they take, it relaxes my aching muscles. I slowly open my eyes and see I'm laying on Time. I smile to myself as I look around, I can see a lot more today which is a big plus. I look over to the fire and see a man who has scars just like mine, must be big boy me.

Me and big boy me make eye contact and he comes closer. "Morning sleeping beauty, I'll make breakfast so get some more sleep." He says ruffling my hair before going back to the fire. I slowly slip out from Times arms and replace myself with a pillow. When that's done I try and push myself to stand but my legs feel like chu chu jelly. "Whoa" says big boy me as he catches me before I fall. I smile up at him and try and walk forward holding onto big boy mes arm, he then helps me sit on a log.

"Umm this where you want to be?" Big boy me asks and I nod scooting closer to him.
"W-w-wh-" I try and say but I can't get the words out. I huff out a puff of air and cross my arms in frustration. "Why don't you try again?" Big boy me says so I do "w-what d-o I c-c-call y-ou?" I stutter out and he nods "you can call me champion" he says with a smile as he starts to set some ingredients in the cooking pot. "You woke up before Time? That's new even for you squirt" Warriors says yawning as he comes to sit next to me "m-m-mor-ning-g" I stutter out and Warriors frowns. "Did your stutter come back when you were with the other chain?" He asks with his eyebrows furrowed. I nod not wanting to talk with the stutter.

Warriors pats my head as he watches Champion cook. "I bet Sky and Wind would love to help you with that when they wake up." Warriors says with a kind smile. I smile back and nod. "Whaaaaaat did I agree toooooo." Wind suddenly asks as he flops on the back of Warriors who almost falls into the fire. "Wind your going to burn my face!" Warriors says to Wind angrily. "Doooont caaaare." Wind says smiling a groggy smile as he goes and sits next to champion. I giggle and try and stand but stumble. "Whoa!" Says Warriors as he catches me. I nod in thanks and start to walk off to Twilight's bed roll. Warriors try's to follow but I stick my hand out in a sign to stop. Once Warriors stops I waddle over and sit beside Twilight, he's using his wolf pelt as a blanket as he lays on his side.

I lean back so I'm pressed up against his stomach and turn my head to face his. Twilight blinks awake and groggy looks up and meets my eyes, I smile down at him. Twi opens up his wolf pelt and invites me to lay with him. I take that offer and get under the pelt while snuggling up to his chest. Twilight wraps his arms around me and squeezes me tight as he buries his face in my small shoulder. We soak in each other's warmth before Twi gives me one last squeeze before letting me go and sitting up to stretch his arms above his head.

I then crawl to four who is laying on his back with his arms spread out. I lay on one of his arms and Four instantly wraps his body around mine to consume my warmth. I giggle and wrap may arms around him and hold him tightly as he shifts around until his head is looking up at me. I smile and snuggle into his hair. Four let's out a comfortable sigh before patting my back and getting up.

Then onto Hyrule and Legend. Legend is laying on his back with one arm behind his head and the other one is spread out beside him so Hyrule can use it as a pillow. Hyrule is laying on his stomach clutching Legends arm. I snuggle in between them and pat Hyrules back lightly. He slowly opens his eyes to look up at me, he quickly lets go of Legends arm and slaps a arm over me, then he crawls closer and sets his head on my chest so that his hair is in my face. From the loss of warmth on Legends arm he moves the arm that's behind his head and lays it across me and Hyrule With a huff. I giggle which causes my chest to shake and Hyrule hugs me tighter one last time before getting up. I turn to Legend and hug him tightly. Legend slowly peeks one eye open and looks down at me. He uses one hand to pull me closer and the other to ruffle my hair before getting up.

Sky's up next, I scoot over to his head. Sky's twitching in his sleep almost like he's playing a instrument as he lays on his back with his arms and legs spread out in different directions. I set both of my hands on his cheeks and move them around. Sky blinks up at me in a confused bleary manner before grabbing my face and pulling it to his so he can rub our noses together. I smile at him and he lets go of my face so he can grab my back to pull me into a awkward positioned hug where Sky's face is pressed up against my chest. Sky takes a deep breath before letting me go and going to the others.

And last but not least Time. I stand up with a wobble that was better then before and walk over beside Time. He's still flat on his back and clutching the pillow. I slowly get back where I was before and remove the pillow. With the extra weight added Time peaks down at me. I give him a smile as I lean my head on his chest. Time ruffles my hair before sitting up with me still in his lap. He smacks his lips and yawns before his eye closes and suddenly opens quickly as he starts to tickle me. I squeal as his hands tickle my sides. Soon I'm on my back laughing and Time is on top of me blowing raspberry's onto my tummy. "HAHAH S-ST HAHA" I try and say stop but the words won't come out. Time finally stops and I'm wheezing from the lack of oxygen. "Alright breakfast." Time says looking up and ignoring what just happened. He laughs at me before helping me stand up to go get breakfast.

Champions POV
I'm honestly quite confused on what just happened with Wild and the rest of the chain. They never acted anything like this with me, but to be fair I'm a adult and this is a child. I'm also surprised that Legend didn't punt that kid into oblivion. "Your confused arnt ya?" Wind asks with his plate of eggs and bacon now cut up on his plate. I nod and look over to him. "Weeeell Wild knows when we are worried about him so he doesn't small stuff like that to show he's ok even when he's still not 100%, that's just how he is. Sometimes the rest of us will pretend to be asleep so he will come and wake us up like that. Tho they were all asleep this time." Wind says with a smile. I nod and begin to eat my eggs. "Don't worry he will do something for me, you and Warriors since he didn't wake us up." Wind says with a wink I blush as I move to my bacon.

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