Definitely a wild sick day

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Malon POV
PARA 1- Once dinner was ready (I made a homemade potato soup) I brought a bowl to our newest guessed. I sat down on the edge of the couch and felt the boys head. "Oh hunny your fever still feels pretty high" I say to my self as I set the bowl down on the coffee table. I should probably get some food and water in him so he can take some medicine. I walk to the kitchen and grab a cup of water, then I also decide to grab a bucket in case he starts to feel queasy and on that note I head back to wilds side.

PARA 2- Once I sat back down on the couch I gently shake his shoulder. "Hey dumpling." I say, Wilds face scrunches up slightly. "you awake sweetie." I respond as I run a hand through his hair, Wilds eyes slowly peals open to look at me. His eyes looked unfocused and tired. "we need to get some water and food in you so you can take some medicine, It will make you feel better." I say with soft smile. Wild blinks and looks at me with a confused face.

PARA 3- Then I hear food steps behind me "it's ok kiddo Malon is my wife and loving caretaker she just wants you to feel better." Time says putting his hand on my shoulder. Wild looks at Time for a minute before making grabby hands. Time smiles before picking up the little boy and siting on the couch. "You ready to eat a little something?" Time asks brushing the kids hair back. Wild starts to press his face Times shoulder  (as he always does when picked up) as he nods.

PARA 4- I grab the bowl as Time starts trying to get the kids head out of his shoulder. "Come on kid you can't eat when your head is right their." Time says rubbing circles on Wilds back to get him to loosen up "mmmm h-head h-hurts" Wild says with a whine in his shaky voice. "Oh pumpkin we know, but if you eat we can get some medicine in you to make you feel as good as new." I say with cheer in my voice

PARA 5- Wild finally picks his head off Times shoulder. I take that as a cue to begin feeding so I get a spoonful of soup and blow on it till it's the perfect temperature, then I bring it towards Wilds face. "Take it slowly." Time says as he continues to rub circles on Wilds back. Wild opens up his mouth and let's the spoon enter and exit before chewing. He leans a bit more into Time while chewing as I get another spoon full. "You don't have to finish sweetie pie but you need a few more bites." I say before bringing it closer to his face.

PARA 6- After 4 bites Wild was done and ready to go back to sleep. I grab some medicine and the water and turn back to the boys "let's take some medicine now ok kid?" Wild blinks and then nods. I pour the thick liquid into a spoon and bring it to Wilds mouth. Once Wild swallowed the medicine he sticks his tongue out in disgust. Time and I giggle as I hand him the cup of water. "Take it slowly honey bun, don't want to upset your stomach." I say. Wild takes a couple of small sips, then he hands the water back. Time sets the kid back on the couch, tucks him in with Twilights wolf pelt then gets up with his back popping like bubble wrap. Wild looks up at Time with half lidded eyes, then turns on his side to fall back asleep.


Legends POV
PARA 7- I was put in charge of the little twerp for some unknown reason, and I'll tell ya it's pissing me off. I've got to say out of all the people you could pick? you pick the guy that would rather jump in a pond and have EVERYBODY find out there little merman secret then watch a sick kid with limited knowledge of the FUCKING WORLD!!! <deep breath> anyway I should probably go to sleep and forget all my problems with this arrangement. I'll wake up if the kid does.


PARA 8- I started to wake up to the sound of coughing and gagging and once it registered in my brain that ~oh no the kid I'm forced to watch seems to be dying~ I shot up out of my sleeping bag and was by his side. He had his hands covering his mouth to keep from throwing up and his eyes were shooting back and forth trying to figure out what to do. Luckily Malon had brought a bucket for this very reason, so I grabbed it and shoved it under his chin just in time for a splashing sound to echo through out the tiny room.

PARA 9- what do I do, what do I do, WHAT. DO. I. DO!!! I thought as the kid was throwing up his guts. Then it hits me Time and Twilight always rub circles on his back so why not try that? I put one hand on the side of the bucket to keep it steady (gross) and one hand on the kids back and start to rub circles. Wild relaxes slightly then tenses beck up for another round of "how much food can I spit back up."

PARA 10 - once the kid was finished he was breathing heavily and was super sweaty. I went ahead and sat next to him on the couch. "ummm you ok there... buddy?" I ask him kinda conflicted on what to do. The kid looks at me with bleary eyes and climes into my lap. "Uhhhhh what are you doing" I ask in a dead pan voice. Wild just looks up seeming to have lost most of his energy. "Jeez at least rinse and wipe your mouth" I say as I grab a napkin and his water from the coffee table. I wipe his mouth, have him swish some water in his mouth and spit it out into the nasty bucket and have him drink some water .

PARA 11- "you see? So much better." I say putting the stuff back down on the coffee table. Once I lean back on the couch the kid has his face nestled into my shoulder. I sigh and start rubbing his back. "Your ok, this happens to the best of us" and suddenly I fell him shake with a sob and my shirt gets a little more wet.

PARA 12- I think I finally felt something in my dark and gloomy heart when I heard and felt the first sob rack his entire body. "Hey it's ok no need to cry" I say rocking the kid back and forth "shhhhh shhhh it's ok no need to work yourself up." The kid has his hands twisted in my shirt. One hand is constantly rubbing his back and the other is in his hair. After a while of that Wilds tears die down and we sit in silence.

PARA 13- "you feeling any better pipsqueak?" I ask. Wild just shakes his head. I just lay down on the couch with the kid still secured tightly on my chest. Oh boy I did not think one sick night with this kid would make we want to commit multiple felony's to make him the happiest kid in the world. I sigh and look down the kids starting to clock out (with sadly a little bit of drool starting to escape his mouth) and the only thing going on in my mind is. Why in the name of all that's holy would they put me in charge of a CHILD instead of Malon, hell I think anyone would of been a better choice.

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