Sidon, Sidon, And Sidon?

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Little Wild (Times POV)
I suddenly turn around to see Wild push away from Twilight, pull out his slate, and disappear into a turquoise blue. I look at Twilight in the eyes as he looks at me guiltily. "What. Happened." I ask in a serious tone of voice. "Well... Wild gave some information about... something so I was asking him about it and I guess he didn't like the question?" Twilight says scratching the back of his head. I sigh. "Ok we need to have a serious discussion about little Wild." I say looking at everyone as they come closer.

"We can't treat the kid like we treat our Wild. The boy is a lot younger then our Wild and he has different needs. You guys have been treating a child like a adult and the pressure has finally gotten to him. We also have to talk about our wording around him, Wind when you were asking about his chain and you said that the suspense was killing you? I think he took that literally, he's just a child and he also seems to be mentally younger then his age." I say as I look at everyone in the eyes.

They all nod and Warriors raises his hand. I sigh "yes Warriors?" I say as I rub my temple with my index finger and thumb. "Umm how do we work with kids? I've only messed with soldiers." Warriors says as he slowly puts his hand down to his side. The others nod there head and look at me... this will take some time to explain.

Itty-bitty Wild (Sidons POV)
The smaller version of Link fell asleep in my arms, or cried himself to sleep. I pick him up and take him to my room. What should I do I think as I hold him close to my chest. I then look around my room. There, it's the old stuffed animals that Mipha used to sleep with. I hold Link with one arm and some stuffed animals in the other as I set them on the bed, I then see the sand seal plushies that Riju sent me and place them on the bed as well. I then set Link down and he slowly wraps his arms around a big barn dog plush with one blue button eye and the other one is black. I coo at him before taking off his shoes and then heading to bed.

Big Wild (Sidons POV)
I lead the chain to there sleeping quarters and ask them if they need something else, everyone says no but Link who is rooming by himself looks at me as if he wants to ask me something. When everyone leaves he walks up to me and places his hands on his hips, trying to seem calm and collected before dropping it as if wanting to approach a different way. "Umm so my Sidon always gives me a hug before I go to bed, sooo like, I know your not my Sidon but can you..?" His question gets stuck in his throat so I just wrap him in my arms. I feel him pull me in closer as if he is soaking in my warmth.

I may of noticed my shoulder get a bit wet but I decided not to mention it. Once he lets go I place my hands on his shoulders. "Next time you don't have to ask." I say with a wink and Link giggles before waving to me and leaving.

Once I get to my room I collapse into my bed and let out a sigh, it's been a stressful day and I'm ready to hit the hay. I quickly take my shoes off and turn my lights off before falling into a nice 'peaceful' sleep.

"Where am I?" Two people say in unison, they look at each other up and down trying to figure out why they are looking at themselves, a replica of them. "You know Link am I right? You must have my Link." One of them says scratching there face. "Oh yes... and your Little Links Sidon, and you have my Older Link?" The other Sidon nods. "What's going on with my Link?" The younger Wilds Sidon asks. "Well I don't know much but he teleported into the Zoras Domain crying about the new chain and how he failed." The older Wilds Sidon says "oh no, that's not good... here I'll tell you some things that cheer him up." The young Wild Sidon says placing his hands on his hips.

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