Ummm you didn't kniw?

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Little wild POV
When we made it back to the camp everyone was packing up "where are we going?" I ask Twilight and he looks down at me. "We are going to see Flora, she may know what to do and how to get you back to your Chain." He says stretching his hands above his head. "Who's Flora?" I ask and Four pops in beside me. "You don't know the name Flora?" He asks with a shocked expression. I bring my shoulders up to my ears and nod. Legend scowls and let's out a irritated sigh. "Floras your Zelda dumbass" he says crossing his arms and speed walks to the front.

I flinch at the vulgar words but continue my pace. "Has your chain not met your Flora?" Asks Wind with a head tilt. "N-No, they were about to." I say rubbing the back of my neck. "Hmm what's your chain like?" Asks Four and Wind nods wanting to know too. "Oh umm.. I mean... they are d-def-init-ely diff-erent..." I say rubbing my chin and I take my time to sound out the words. "Like how! the suspense is KILLING me!" Wind says groaning, and getting all up in my face. "K-K-Killing y-y-you?" I stutter out looking into his eyes. "Yeah I have got to know the differences." Wind says ignoring my stutter.

"W-Well my Wind c-con-con-stant-ly try's to keep me out of t-trou-ble a-and if I want to take night watch he is the first to vo- vol- vol-un-teer to do them with me." I say nervously trying to make sure it doesn't kill him. "Ooooo what about Twilight?" Wind asks next and I let out a quiet little yelp before continuing. "U-Umm he's like a, umm he is very over p-pro-pro-tec-tive. H-He's also the one who gets the most s-scared when im hurt." Twilight looks at me confused. "...gets... scared..?" He asks confused. "Ye-ah l-like when I used M-Mi-phas powers to help he heal. He cried the most a-and wouldn't let me go." I say as I pick at the end of my shirt.

Twilight looks at Four and then back to me. "You can use Miphas powers?" Twilight asks with his eyes as big as saucers, and Four looks confused. "Whos Mipha?" Asks Four and I can feel the regret sink into my bones, he hasn't told most of the Chain. I pull my hood up and walk a little faster. "Hey wait." Twilight call for me and catches up to me. "You can use Miphas powers? What about the others?" He asks and I shake my head dismissing him. "Oh no you have to tell me now it's important." He says stoping in front of me, I can feel the tears well up in my eyes. I shake my head. Twilight let's out a sigh. "Listen I've traveled with Wild longer then these guys this is something I have to know." Twilight say's crouching down in front of me.

I want to tell him I really do, but if the other Wild doesn't want them to know there has to be a reason. I squeeze the hem of my tunic as Twilight puts his hand on my shoulder "come on you-" I cut him off by breaking into a sprint, I quickly grab my slate and teleport to Zoras domain.

When I am Teleported to the shrine I collapse onto the floor and curl up into a ball. I can feel the sobs rack my body and my breathing grow quicker. "Hy-ia-n i o-" I can hear someone talking to me. "Br-a-h" I stick one of my hands in my hair and pull, the Zora? Gently removes it. "Bre-th" breath? Is that what they want me to do? I slowly try and take bigger gulps of air, I get thrown into a coughing fit and the Zora rubs my back. "It's -k o-e t-ime" I take in another gulp of air and it goes through smoother. "Ok ag-ain" the voice calls out and I continue until my vision clears. "There we go all better." The voice says in a cheery voice, a familiar voice.

I peak out with my right eye and see Sidon sitting beside me. Before he could see my face I wrap my hands around him and stuff my face into his chest before he could see it. "Whoa it's ok... how did you get here?" He asks patting my back. I think for a second then place my hand on my slate and Sidon looks down and stiffens. He quickly places his hands on my shoulders and pushes me so he can see my face. "Link..?" He asks confusion clear on his face. I slowly nod and play with my hands. "But... your young... and your scars you still have them, if you were a younger version of Link you would not have those scars?" He questions as he sets his left hand on my left cheek. I melt into it.

"But what about the chain? Link what happened?" Sidon asks as he presses my head back into his chest I grab on to the small bits of fabric that are on him and suck in a big mouthful of air before responding. "I-I don't belong here. I'm not from here, your Links old and I'm not, my chain treat me differently." I say clutching harder onto the fabric. "Wha- different chain? Are you with- I don't understand." Sidon says confused.

I just push my head farther into his chest and listen to his breathing, he may not be my Sidon but I can pretend.

Big Boy Wild POV
"Soooo your Link but older and not from here?" Sidon asks and I just nod. "Well... you didn't grow much more did ya my friend. I bet I could still carry you on my shoulders with no problem." He says with a smile and I let out a fond smile of my own. "Well my Sidon has tried but I wouldn't let him get too far." I respond sticking my hands on my hips. Sidon let's out a big belly laugh. "Oh my why am I not surprised, we'll back to business! I heard your predicament and I will guide you to Zelda so that we can prove that you guys are telling the truth." Sidon says with a smile. I let out a sigh of relief as he guides us inside Zoras domain so that we can rest for the night.

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