Let me out!!!

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Wilds POV
It's been about three days since we arrived to Times place and Mrs. Malon still hasn't let me leave the house! The others have tried to convince her to let me leave but she refuses, so I take matters into my own hands.

Since Mrs. Malon is smart enough to lock the windows and doors I've got to find another way out. I start to wonder the house in hope of finding anything to help he escape, once in the living room I start to see if I can somehow pick the locks with the items in the room but don't see anything.

I sigh, there is nothing in here to help me escape! I sigh as I flop onto the floor and I look at the ceiling. I suddenly look at me feet, and about 5 feet away is a chimney............perfect.

Once I shimmy my way up the chimney I take a peak of my surroundings to check if anyone's around. To my left slightly inside the barn I spot wind and warriors carrying sacks, warriors seems like he's barely breaking a sweat while Wind seems to be two seconds away from dropping his sack and pouting.

In front of me, kinda close to Warriors and wind, Twilight and Time seem to be milking some cows with Mrs. Malon feeding the heifers to keep them happy. Legend and Four are arguing about who is going to catch the Coccos while Hyrule is trying to lure the Coccos in with food with no success, Andeven farther to my left Sky is dozing off by a tree.

Perfect I think to myself the back is wide open. I quickly jump out of the chimney and duck behind it before anyone can notice me, Time looks up at the chimney for a second before resuming his duties with the cows. Once everybody was working I jumped off the back of the roof into the horse pasture.

I crouch down in the grass as I walk up to the herd of horses. The group never lets me hop on a wild horse because it's "two dangerous" I always scoffed at them for that. Even if these horses aren't wild it will still feel the need of wanting to do it. (It will also make this place feel a little more like home.)

I lock my eyes on a lined back dun Mare, the is the one I want. I start slowly walking towards her making sure to not make a sound. Once I'm right behind her I jump on her and grab her jet black mane. The dun is not happy and bucks for a bit but I keep ahold of her and soothe her. I can see Time and Twilight running to me yelling at me to get off but I pay them no mind and direct her away from everyone else. And head to the forest.

Once I get deep enough where I can't see anyone else I pat the lined back dun on the shoulder as I continue forward. I hop off the mare when I see a moblin camp. This is exactly what I need! So I silently creep into a nearby tree. I get my bow out and ready as I check how many there are, seems to be ten, I could deal with ten I think to myself.

I jump from the tree and shoot four of the moblens in between the eyes and back of the heads. Once on the ground I pull out my sword and shield, I then begin the fight. A moblin tries to swipe at me from my left, i doge and flurry rush him enough so that he drops his weapon I quickly rush him and pick it up before he can and bash his head with my shield.

Two of the monsters circle around me trying to find a opening but before they could I swipe ones feet and get out of the circle. I use a spin attack that the others had shown me on the two, but from the force of the blow it shatters my sword. I grab the weapon from the moblin I had killed a few seconds ago (it was a big branch) and slam it into one of the monsters heads. The moblin, who was disoriented threw a sloppy punch at me. I happy doge and preform a flurry rush on the moblin.

The other three moblins join up to the battle and the last four moblins surround me. I think enough is enough as I snap my fingers, that calls and it causes Urbosa's Fury to hail lightning down to strike them. I nod to Urbosa in thanks and turn to see a wolf with very unusual markings jump out of a bush, I could tell that it had no murderous intent, but he also seemed to be worried about something. Even with all the signs of passiveness I still ready my sword just in case.


Twilights POV
Me and Time hear a loud distressed nay come from the horse pasture and run to check it out, with Time yelling at Malon to stay put. Once we got there we saw Wild on top of a bucking horse trying to calm it. I feel my eyes widen with fear of  the little boy getting hurt. I see Time run in front of me as we chase after him and practically yell and beg for him to get off.

Wild notices us running after him and has the horse jump over the fence and to makes it so Wild and the horse can escape into the forest. Me and Time follow Wild into the woods but we lose him fairly quickly because of the speed difference. Time suddenly turns to me "turn into Wolfe and search for him, I'll go back and get the others along with Epona." Says Time, I nod and head off as Wolfe.

I stop at a path and start sniffing to try and track his scent, and catch it with a little difficulty. I slowly followed the sent to a monster camp and there are four monsters surrounding Wild! I must help I think as I run to him. But before I could even try and help Wild snaps his fingers and causes a woman that looks to be a kind of teal color to appear. She circles around Wild and snaps her fingers with a devilish grin. Her display then causes lightning to rain down on to the monsters below. I couldn't stop myself in time to stay out of sight soI jump out of the bushes right in front of Wild.

Wild gets, his sword ready and eyes me with curiosity. Me who doesn't know what to do decides to play dog. I instantly lay down with a pant and roll over on my back to offer my belly. "Please work" I think to my self Wild puts his sword to his side and approaches me. I force my tail to wag to seem excited. Wild pats my head instead then gets up to leave. Weird.

I followed Wild as he rides into a different clearing. Wild gets off the horse and lays on the grass, I walk up and sit by his hip. Wild looks at me and pats my head then looks at the sky, he almost seems to be longing for something. (Maybe he misses his own world.) I notice that he's distracted enough for me to slip away, so I go into the trees, far enough so that I could transform back without Wild knowing I'm also Wolfe. Once I'm back into a human I go back to Wild.

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