Papa and Momma

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Times POV
When I get through the portal I instantly turn around to look at Wild but the purple vertex of a portal has disappeared.... Did he really just call me dad? I put my head in my hands and take in a shaky breath.

I feel a hand reach out and touch my shoulder. "Hey old man... we are back on your ranch..." Twilight says and I nod. "Y'all know the way from here...?" I ask and Warriors hesitantly nods. "Good I need a walk." I say and head off deeper into the forest. "TIME!" Sky yells and I glance back. "Don't be out for long...." Sky says softly. I give a small nod and head off to clear my head.

Twilights POV
Time heads off deeper in the forest and I can feel my hands clench at my sides. Time is never like this, he's always been levelheaded and calm. He's the one to calm the rest of us down when something happens so this shows how much Wild ment to him. He ment a lot to all of us but his relationship with Wild grew bigger then any of us could hope to accomplish. "Let's get to the ranch and maybe we can get Malon to help him cope somehow." I say and lead the way.


"Oh boys you were here not too long ago, where's Link and Wild." Malon asks rushing over to us. I lower my head. "Time needed some time to himself..." I say and Malon looks around at all of us. "What happened, I know my husband and he don't take the time to be by his lonesome." She says and I sigh. "Wild... was forced to go on another adventure, alone." I say crossing my arms and looking down. "You boys make yourself at home, I've got to find my husband." Malon say setting a hand on my shoulder before turning to the woods to look for Time.
Malons POV
I head into the forest and take a right, I know my husband, if he's going anywhere it's to that old tree down by the bank of the river. When I arrive I see him sitting by that old tree with his head tilted down and his hands snaking up to cradle his head. "Hey sugar." I say sitting next to him as I set my hand on his hunched back. He stays quiet but leans a little bit of weight on me. "The boys made it to the farm with no problems, their a wee bit spooked but explained most of the problem." I say running my other hand through his greasy hair.

A little bit more of his weight is transferred onto me. "Twilight was taking charge too sug! He explained everything and was looken after them others." I explain and Link takes his hands off his face and transfers his head to my shoulder. I slowly take my hand away from his hair and onto his cheek, I pull him closer as we stare at the flowing river.

"He called me dad." Link blurts out and I pull him even closer. "I'm glad he thinks of you like his papa." I say as I move my thumb back and forth on his cheek. Links breath hitches. "H-He's all alone again.... And we can't even help him... he's too young for this.." he says pressing his eyes into my collar bone. "Oh baby.... So we're you." I say grabbing his face and looking him in the eye. "Wild is one tough cookie, I think anyone could tell you that." I say wiping the tears away from his face as they fall. "You will see him again, Hylia has no reason to show you someone you won't see again." Link presses his head against mine as he tries to compose himself.

"Your his papa now, and you've got one hell of a son to look after." Link sniffles"that makes you a momma.." he says butting our noses together. I let out a breathy laugh. "Come on... I think the others need there big stoic Time back." I say as I pull him to his feet and lead the way home.
Times POV
it's been 8 months since we were forced to leave Wild, and we have been to every Hyrule in those 8 months. Starting with me, then Legend's, Four's,Warrior's, Wind's, Hyrules, Twilight's, and where we are right now Sky's. We are all on edge mainly because we either go back to one of our Hyrules or go and finally see Wild again. We are on sky island when the inevitable portal shows it's face. Swirling dark blues and purples that make my skin crawl and stomach churn. "I'll go first." Legend says grabbing Hyrule by the arm and heading through.

"Four would you like to go with me?" Warriors asks and Four nods so they walk in together. "Oh oh Sky go with me!" Wind says jumping in the air. Sky giggles and gives a curt "sure" before walking through the portal. "Let's go old man." Twilight says with a smirk on his face as he leads the way through the portal.

What we see after is not at all what we were suspecting. Warriors and Legend are protecting a barfing four and sick looking Hyrule from some Bokoblins with Wind facing off against a Moblin. Twilight rushes to help Wind and I take on a Moblin that just joined the fight. "BLACK BLOODS!" Warriors yells as he slashes a Bokoblin so that it backs up. I charge forward placing two hands on my sword and slashing up. I nick its snout and it roars in a fit of rage. The Moblin raises its sword above its head and slams it down. I jump out of the way but the moblin leaves it's sword and kicks my feet out from under me. I hit the ground hard and see stars for half a second but when my vision clears the moblins sword is back over it's head.

I don't have enough time to move so I block the best I can with my arms. Bracing for impact but before the sword could even reach me there is a series of whooshes that fly over my head. I open my eye that I didn't even realize was closed and see 4 arrows right through the moblins skull. It falls backwards into a heap of black blood that's oozing out of its head.

Before I can even stand a figure rushes past me. He doesn't have a shirt on, but has a cape with a hood that covers his right arm and his face. It's hard to make out anything else because of his speed. He slams into the second moblin so that its body slams into a tree then the ground. This person lifts their sword into the air and stabs it right through the throat. They lift the sword out of the moblin and flicks the thick black blood off it before running to the Bokoblins and killing them rather quickly. I'm now next to Four and Hyrule checking them out before standing and looking at the guy. I can now see that he does infact have a scratchy shirt on that looks a few sizes too small. He has his back to us as I walk forward. They drop there weapon before breaking into a sprint and tackling me into a hug. I sit there stunned as I lay flat on my back. I look down to see knotted, and dirty, blonde hair. I can see there left hand clutching the edge of my armor.

The hand is heavily scarred with burns he's even missing hall of his ring finger and pinky. I can't see his right hand because of the cape. "Your here, your back, I can't believe your back." The kid mutters in between sobs. "Wild...?" I slowly ask and he nods and holds me tighter. My arms wrap around him as I bury my head in his hair. "Oh thank the three your alive, your here in my arms. Oh thank the goddesses" I say holding him closer. "I-I thought I wouldn't see you again.... T-The journey took s-so long a-and it ended without you being here. I-I didn't know what to do. It h-had been three hole days." Wild says sniffling.

"Hey I'm- we are here now, we got you." I say as the others join in. "WILD" wind says bawling his eyes out against Wilds back. Wild pulls him in a bit closer. "Oh thank the three" Legend says pressing his head against Wilds shoulder. Sky lays on Wilds back and shoves his face in his shoulder blades. "Your ok!" He exclaims as he nestles in. "Oh kid." Warriors says pressing his forehead against wilds other shoulder. Twilight looks over and acts like he wants to join but he's busy taking care of the two magic users who are either gagging or throwing up"Guys you I love you guys right?" A ask and they nod in a confused manner. "But I can't breathe." I say as the weight of about 4 people has me wheezing. The others look at each other and fall off me laughing.

I take in a big gulp of air and release it before ruffling Wilds hair. "Welcome back kiddo." I say smiling to him. He gives the a big bright smile. I look down and see that his right arm is dark green with many rings with his hand also sporting some rather sharp nails. "Oooo Wild what happened to your arm?" Wind asks poking it. Wild scratches the back of his head with the morphed arm and gives a hesitant laugh. "I'll tell you later." He says as he scoots closer to me.

I sit up and he pulls me back into a hug. "Missed you dad." Wild says and I can feel my heart swell. With emotion as I squeeze him. "NOW I CANT BREATHE!" He yells and we all go back into a fit of laughter.


Or is it?

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