Ch. 16: Old Acquaintance

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At the other zoo, Luz walked into the closed zoo. To go with her stakeout, Luz wore all black to blend in with the darkness and special night vision goggles she bought at a nearby superstore.

"I still can't believe you can just buy these."

Superstores really do have everything a person needs. Luz continued through the zoo before making it to the tiger habitat, where Mona said the criminal always passed during their mischief. Luz hid in the tall grass and waited. She had taken points from the animals she communicated with everyday, becoming like Tarzan and embracing her animal instincts.

'Guess that makes Amity Jane.' Luz thought with a smile.

Her thoughts wanted to a scenario where she was in a loincloth and matching bra while sitting in a tree as Amity sat next to her. Their gazes meeting in the rain as they slowly closed the gap.

"Me, Luzan." Luz said to her.

She was knocked out of her thoughts when she heard something. She slowly peaked out of her hiding spot to see someone sneaking towards the tigers! Just like they said they would. Luz watched as the figure continued to sneak before sneaking after then, walking with absolute silence.

'Let's see just where you're going before I knock your ass out.' Luz thought.

They stopped at the exhibit and pulled out a bag. They threw the contents into the cage, before leaving to cause more chaos. Luz looked at the items, it was meat with small pills and broken glass in them. They were poisoning and hurting the animals with tainted/harmful feed! Depending on how long this was going on or how much glass/pills were in the meat, this could kill the animals! Luz was enraged. She was going to find this person and deal with them... and she wasn't going to do it alone. She walked to the Hyena pen, they are one of the most skill hunters of the Savanah, they would be able to help.

"Everyone, watch up. I need you." Luz whispered softly to them.

The hyenas heard her call and woke up, seeing and recognizing Luz by her scent as she gestured for them to be quiet.

"It's time for you to track someone." Luz whispered

"Who?" A small cub asked her softly.

"The very same person whose been messing with you all." Luz said softly.

"I'm putting an end to it, but I need your help."

"What do you need?" Another asked, a pack leader.

"Track down, and corner this person. Do not kill them." Luz went over to the meat full of glass and pills, picking it up, "I have to dispose of these before anyone eats them."

Luz went over and dumped them in the trash. She quickly followed after the enemy with the hyenas silently rushing behind her, they already picked up the scent of the one who tried to hurt them. They easily found the person, who was trying to pick the lock of the reptile house. The hyenas made a cackling noise, startling the person.

"Aah!" The let out, turning around to see the pack of hyenas standing before them. "What?! How did you get out of your cage?!"

"I let them out." Luz said, stepping forward as the hyenas made a path for her. "And you, whoever the hell you are, have messed with this zoo long enough."

"You." They growled.

"Yeah, me, I don't like you messing with these lovely animals." Luz said.

"Lovely?" They asked, humoring Luz.

"Yes, lovely. Each and every one of these animals is sweet and amazing in their own ways. And you're hurting them, why?" Luz asked.

"Yes, it hurts you doesn't it?" They asked.

The Zookeeper 2: The Past and The Present Where stories live. Discover now