Ch. 19: Camouflage

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In San Diego, Amity was sweeping the giraffe house, while the giraffes were outside. Ghost was by her side since she came into the zoo and was curiously watching Amity as she did her job.

"So, you are in charge of these dangerous creatures? Very impressive." Ghost said to her master.

"They aren't dangerous." Amity said.

"But the history of the Isles says they are." Ghost said to her.

"They've become tame since coming here." She said to her palisman.

"I'll admit, they do seem very peaceful here." Alador said.

"Are you finally coming around?" Amity asked him with a smile.

"Just a TINY bit." Alador said as Swiss sniffed around the air.

"So, I assume that you made Swiss?" Amity asked, "Because if you just found a palisman that looks like you, I will be stunned."

"As a matter of fact, I did. Before the wood needed for them became scarce, witches would each receive a log of palistrom wood to carve our Palismen or ask a master carver if they could with your design in mind." Alador said as he lets Swiss with his finger. "Now a days, most witches have to bond with a pre-owned palisman given to them by the Bat Queen."

"And Ghost?" Amity asked.

"She was... a weird case, not even she knows where she came from." Alador said, "She wasn't damaged or discarded, but she was never anyone's Palisman. When you were born, she would just... be there. Every time we turned around, she would find a way to get inside and get into your crib."

"Really? So, you're pretty special, huh?" Amity said to her white cat palisman.

"I suppose I am. We must be a destined special pair." Ghost said back.

"I guess." Amity said.

Amity went back to work and sweeps the floor some more as Ghost asked more questions about Amity.

"So, how was your life as a human?" She asked.

"Pretty good. No complaints and I'm engaged to the woman of my dreams." Amity said with a smile, looking at her ring.

"Another master?" Ghost said.

"I told you, no titles like "'master" but yes, you'll get to meet Luz soon. She should be back in two days at least. And she loves cats." Amity said, petting her new pasliman/pet.

"Mostly large cats but cats all the same." Alador said.

"Large cats? How large are the cats in this realm?" Ghost asked Amity.

"Very." Amity said.

"Can I see them?" Ghost asked with a head tilt.

"Maybe when Luz gets back, I don't want something to happen to you." Amity said.

"Nonsense. I will be fine. Palismen are much tough than they appear." Ghost said to Amity

"You're about as stubborn as any cat I know." Amity said, "And I'm going to find out where you came from."

Ghost smiled at her master, happy she was so determined to help Ghost find out where she came from.

'I suppose it doesn't matter since I know where I belong.' Ghost thought as she jumped into Amity's shoulders.

Ghost rubbed against Amity's cheek, purring loudly. Amity chuckled at this feeling as she finished sweeping the giraffe exhibit.

"So, what do you typically do after this?" Alador asked.

"I occasionally do a tour, which I have to go do now if you want to join, dad." Amity said.

"I would like that very much." Alador said with a smile as Swiss nodded to her.

"Great. You also may have to hide Swiss, people are pretty scared of wild mice." Amity said as she pointed to his Palisman.

"Don't worry, his staff form is a cane, so even as a staff, he wouldn't be that out of place." Alador said, "Especially at my age."

To make his point, Swiss jumped from Alador's head and posed like a mouse toy with its red hair slicked back and its tail extending to become a cane. Alador caught him and used him exactly like his name's sake.

"See?" He said.

"Alright, now what am I going to do with Ghost?" Amity asked, "It's not exactly easy to hide a pure white cat."

"You said your parents donate a lot of money to the zoo, I'm sure they won't mind you having a cat." Alador said with a shrug.

"Yes, but, I don't want anything to happen to her."

Once again, Ghost was happy for Amity's caring nature and decided to put her worry at ease. Ghost's eyes flashed with magic as she suddenly turned see through, surprising Amity.

"Do you like my camouflage, Amity?" Ghost asked her.

"Wow." Amity said.

"Incredible, I've never seen a palisman do something like that." Alador said, "It's like anything you say, she can find a way to accomplish it."

'Wow, incredible. So if I asked Ghost to help me understand animals.....' Amity thought, finding new hood in having the same gift as Luz.

If finally understanding the animals she's raised and cared for all these years.

"I need more magic practice to help with that, but I promise I will get you to speak to Animals at some point." Ghost said, putting her paws on Amity's cheeks.

"Did you just read my mind?" Amity asked in shock again.

"I am your palisman. We are connected deeper than any animal to a witch." Ghost said with a smile. "Now, I believe you still have a tour to give."

"Right, let's go." Amity said.

The two of them left the giraffe exhibit with their palismen disguised, nobody noticed Alador's new cane or Ghost being camouflaged on Amity's shoulders.

'Ghost had the right idea with the magic camouflage.' Amity thought, being the only one to "see" the white cat on her shoulders.

The Zookeeper 2: The Past and The Present Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora