Ch. 18: Final Day

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Elsewhere, Luz was starting to wake up. She let out a yawn and leaned up, popping her back as she was surprisingly well rested after getting back to her hotel room by 2am. She got up and went to get ready for work. She had a gator that needed to get prepped for tomorrow's trip back to San Diego.

'After what happened last night, I almost forgot that Bullet is meant to be taken to be with Tank. I hope he likes her.' Luz thought as she went to shower.

She has a feeling they'll get along well, but there is still a fear in the back of her mind. Like what if they don't like each other or try to kill each other over territory!? Luz just had to hope nothing bad would happen.

'Maybe I'm over thinking it because of last night. I'm sure their love each other.' Luz thought as she got dressed and ready for her last day of work in Milwaukee.

Luz arrived and walked into the zoo. All of the animals greeted zoo with cheers/roars as the zoo employees gave her pats on the back.

'Well, I didn't expect this.' Luz thought.

The animals she could understand that Rebecca woman was hurting them for so long and they were glad that she was gone now, but the other zookeepers were surprising. She expected them to still be jealous of her.

'I guess Rebecca was just a bitch to other keepers too.' Luz thought.

She was very subtle with harming animals; she must've been subtle when it came to harassing the keepers. For whatever reason, Luz didn't know why or want to know why, she's in jail now and she won't be a bother to anyone for a long time. Human or animal. She could appreciate the thanks later... she had a job to do. Luz headed to Bullet with a bucket of meat.

"Oh, Bullet, I have a treat for you."

Hearing Luz call her out, Bullet rose from the water and walked onto shore.

"Good morning, Luz." Bullet said.

"Good morning to you, too." Luz said, "Well, tomorrow's the day you get sent to San Diego, where winter is a myth."

"A myth you say? I like it already." Bullet said as Luz poured the meat before her, letting her have breakfast.

"Alright, so, I should explain how tomorrow's going to work." Luz said, "You'll be getting a sedative, which will put you to sleep, and when you wake up, you'll be there."

"A sedative? Really? I can't be awake for the move, I'll behave." Bullet said to Luz as she ate.

"I know but they just want to be safe. Standard procedure and all." Luz said to her, "Just think about it like this, when you wake up, your new husband will be there."

"I hear I'm not the only one getting married." Bullet said.

Luz may have bragged about her getting married after she gets back home just a bit to the animals, but she didn't expect them to gossip to each other.

"For animals that don't go near each other, you sure seem to speak to each other a lot." Luz said.

"Of course, we speak with each other. We may be different species, but we can reach some common ground on shared interests." Bullet said with a smirk. "Especially if it's about a human we like. Why do you think roaring can be heard across the zoo sometimes?"

"I was wondering about that."

'As least now I know that animals can gossip.' Luz thought as Bullet ate.

"So, tell me about this... Tank."

"Oh, you want to know about your future husband?" Luz asked.

"Maybe." Bullet said.

"Well, he's feisty, doesn't like people, and is more than willing to kill anything that gets near him." Luz said.

"I like him already."

'I figured you would.' Luz thought.

"He didn't have the best past, he was saved from a purse and accessory making operation. It was hard for him to trust me as he took the roll of a protector seriously. He's got the scars to prove it." Luz said.

"So, he's the king?" Bullet asked.

"In a way I guess." Luz said.

"Well, every good king needs a queen." Bullet said, "And from the sounds of it, we aren't all that different."

"Is that so? Do you see yourself as a protector too?" Luz asked her.

"No, but I've been in similar situations." Bullet said, "I've been abused by humans before as well."

"Oh, right, I'm so sorry." Luz said as she knells down and rubs Bullet's back.

"Don't be. I surged and those humans got what they deserved." Bullet replied.

'Yep, her and Tank are going to hit it off.' Luz thought, all fear gone.

After Bullet finished her breakfast, Luz picked up the bucket and gave her one last pet before leaving her habitat.

'I hope they're getting the new alligator exhibit ready back home.' Luz thought.

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