Chapter 15: The Game Changer

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"Madam Sapphire," Signora Pallas walked past Paolo towards her. "Ignore whatever you've heard, and let's chat in my office." She smiled.

"Unfortunately, I can't do that," She returned her smile, then turned to Lorena. "Is it true, Lorena? Are you pregnant for Markris?" Lorena scrunched her face, wondering why she was so concerned. She had met the woman just once. So what if she was the anonymous donor for the orphanage clinic? It still didn't give her the right to ask her such personal questions. She noticed everyone's attention was on her, except for her father, who stood rooted to a spot. His eyes were wide, and the color on his face was gone as he stared at Madam Sapphire. She had never known her father to be that quiet. Almost as if he had seen a ghost. "Lorena?" Madam Sapphire called, snapping her out of her observation.

"It's all just a big misunderstanding. I can..."

"It's true.." Alonso said, interrupting her.

"Alonso, stop it!" She seethed, throwing him a sharp look.

"What are we supposed to believe? Is she pregnant or not?" She said, looking between Lorena, and the weird man standing beside her, insisting she was pregnant.

"I'm sorry to say this, madam, but I don't see how this is your business. Why do you insist on an answer when you barely know her?" Signora Pallas found her voice again.

"Ask him," She suddenly said, pointing a finger forward. Everyone's eyes followed her fingers and came to rest on Paolo. "He should know. Right, Paolo? Isn't that why you're acting like a cat got your tongue? Never known you to be this quiet before, if I'm being honest." With each word that rolled out of her tongue, everyone's curiosity was piqued. Lorena watched her father closely. She couldn't believe her eyes. His shoulders were slumped. Paolo Cicero's shoulders were slumped. She wondered who the woman was to have her father so shaken. She still looked very familiar to someone she knew. She couldn't figure out who it was.

"You wretched witch! I can't believe you're back." He hissed, slowly raising his head. The hatred that dripped from his eyes was nothing like Lorena had ever seen from him. Not even towards Signora Pallas, and he didn't like the woman at all.

"I see you're no different from your friend. Both are gullible fools, insistent on their archaic ways. Never mind, though, I'm not here for you." She eyed him from head to toe, like he was some piece of trash, tuning her nose as she did.

"Do you two know each other? What exactly is going on here?" Signora Pallas asked.

"None of that is important. What we need to know is the truth. I will ask you just once, Lorena, are you pregnant?" Her father threw her a pointed look, and she knew the time for games was over.

"Yes, she is. How many times do I have to say she is? We have an appointment with her doctor now, and we must leave." Alonso spoke up before she could. He dragged her hands into his and made to leave.

"You are pregnant?" Madam Sapphire walked over to her, stopping them dead in their track. She stretched her hands and placed them on Lorena's head. Gently, she began to stroke it. "You are pregnant for my Markris?" Tears appeared in the corner of her eyes as she looked adoringly at Lorena.

"Wait, what?" Lorena's eyes widened, breaking the magic of the moment. She took a long glance at the madam and suddenly let out a loud gasp as it slowly dawned on her. "You are Makris's mother?"

The older woman nodded gently, dragging Lorena into a hug before she could object. Her heartbeat was all over the place. Alonso had just lied to protect her from her father, yes, but it just so happened Markris's mother was present. This was the thickest web she had been in so far in her tumultuous life, and she didn't see a way out of it.

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