Chapter 25: The Unleash

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"Tanika! Where is Markris?" She pushed through the front door like a fireman rushing to put out a fire.

Tanika rushed out of the kitchen on hearing her name. "I think the lord is in his home office." She bowed, playing with the hem of her dress. Judging by the anger oozing from her lady, she could tell she had found out about the ridiculous rules the lord had instructed everyone to abide by this morning.

"And where is this home office?" Her fist clenched by her side, as she breathed heavily.

"The left turn after his room." She said, but Lorena had taken the steps before she could finish her words. She had never seen a lady that heated. A shudder ran through her spine as she imagined what the days ahead were going to be like if lord Markris insisted on these strange rules. Turning to her heels, she retreated to the kitchen.

Lorena ignored the bodyguards following behind her, as she strode purposefully to Markris's office. She found the door she supposed was the room, and burst into the room without knocking.

"Yeah, let me call you back." Markris ended his call with Jorginho and raised his head to see who dared to intrude so rudely in his space.

"Who the hell do you think you are!" She screamed, walking towards him.

He watched her approach, taken aback by the fury in her eyes. "What?" The words escaped his lips, just as she reached his desk.

"Who the hell do you think you are!" She banged a fist on the table, sending some documents flying all over. She clenched her jaw, her eyes shooting daggers at him. His eyes dropped to the documents on the floor. Important documents they were, and she had just sent them flying like it was nothing. He raised his head slowly and met her eyes.

"Who gave you the right to barge into my office, unannounced? Don't you understand the concept of knocking, and waiting for an answer?" He reclined into his seat, giving her a cool stare.

"Knocking?" She hissed. "Who cares about knocking when you're hell-bent on ruining my life?" She grabbed her chest, thick wrinkles spreading across her forehead.

His eyes followed her hands and laid to rest on her body. "Is that-" He pointed a finger forward. "Is that my shirt?" His eyes widened, as he stared at the designers Jorginho had to jump through hoops to get him. The one piece of clothing he barely ever wore, and there she was just wearing it casually. Wearing it very well too.

"What the fuck are you---?" She paused, suddenly remembering she was putting on his shirt. "And so what? What does that have to do with anything?"

He didn't say a word,  he just stared at the shirt. "Are you kidding me right now?" She scoffed, placing a palm on her forehead.

Markris had forgotten what exactly he was angry about as he stared at the two globes pointing to him on her chest. Who cared if it was a unique design that could not be replicated? They were far more important things in life. His mouth watered, as he stared unwavering at her.

"I am talking to you Markris!" She snapped a finger in his face, and his head jolted up.

"Sorry," He swallowed, shaking his head. "What were you saying again?"

"Huh? This is not happening," She turned her head around, her hands rubbing her neck as she did. She took a deep breath to calm herself and turned her head back to face him. "Why are there bodyguards following me everywhere?"

"Oh, that. Well, I thought since we're married now, it's only right you have bodyguards waiting on you." He said, crossing his legs to calm the tent growing down there.

"I don't need bodyguards! Even if I do, they shouldn't be following me everywhere like flies."

"I disagree. I think they're important." He shrugged. She glared at his nonchalance for a minute, then drooped to a seat, as her legs started to hurt. The movement made her breasts bounce, and Markris drew in a sharp breath, feeling his deflating hardness, growing again.

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