Chapter 19: The Touch

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"Markris!" Lorena called loudly, following behind him. "Slow down. I need to talk to you." Her legs caught across her gown, and she stumbled. She caught herself just in time before she fell face down.

She looked ahead and realized he wasn't going back to the hall but instead was going out. She took a turn and finally caught up with him.

"What do you want, Lorena?" His voice was harsh as he stared daggers at her.

"I just want to talk." She breathed loudly, trying to catch her breath.

"About?" His face contorted as he wondered what gave her the right to think she could talk to him.

"What do you mean?" She said, finally able to breathe correctly.

"What do you mean by what do you mean? We said everything that we needed to say to each other when you left them on the altar like the coward you are. Just get out of my face Lorena!" His eyes burned with anger. She shuddered, taking a step back.

"This is exactly the attitude that made me leave. You don't listen to anyone but yourself!" She tried to keep herself calm, but she was frustrated.

He let out a small laugh, turning his head in disbelief. "Attitude? Coming from you?" A frown quickly replaced the laughter in his eyes."Like I said before, Lorena, we are done." He looked her up and down and swiftly turned around.

"Who is the coward now?" She snapped. "Who is running away? Because it's sure as hell not me."

"Are you trying to rile me up, Lorena?" He turned and walked up to her. "Is that what you're trying to do?"

"No, I just want to talk. I want to ask how you've been, but it doesn't matter."

"And what does that mean?" He raised a perfect brow.

"Danielle. Isn't she your date? You moved on perfectly fine, so I guess we're even."

His eyes widened in disbelief. "Even? You think we're even because I fucked a woman after you pulled the kind of stunt you did?" He scoffed. "Asides from being a joker, you also happen to be a big hypocrite. Little Miss Perfect, my ass!" He scrunched his nose.

"And what does that mean?" She said, taken aback by his expression.

"It means you were caught in your lover's street crying like a helpless fool. So if I am to assume, you went back to him. Tell me, Lorena," He took a big step towards her, his eyes dropping a dangerous shade. "If you had found him," He took another step, and this time, alarm bells began to ring in her head. She took two steps backward, her heart thumping against her chest. "Wouldn't you have fucked him too if you had found him?" He took a big step, standing toe to toe with her. A gasp escaped that perfect lips of hers, and her eyes widened. His eyes went straight to her lips, and he swallowed hard. Her scent was doing it again, messing with his head. He was angry with her, but suddenly, he wanted to back her against the wall and kiss her till his lips were imprinted on hers forever.

"What-" She coughed, clearing her throat. "We didn't have that kind of relationship." She said, unable to tear her eyes away from him.

"So you're trying to tell me that you never fucked the man you claim to be so in love with." His eyes pulled up to search hers.

"Why do you have to be so vulgar?" Her voice came out breathless, her knees growing weaker by the moment. God helped her, but she was beginning to remember what it felt like to look into Markris' eyes. He was the most arrogant asshole on earth, but her attraction to him was still very present. The evidence was how her nipples squeezed beneath her gown, begging to be touched. She couldn't remember the last time she had been with a man. Maybe that explained why her entire nerve endings were on fire.

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