Chapter 49: The Confession

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"Put me down, Markris. We'll not escape without being noticed if you're carrying me."

He moved his lips to argue but saw reason in her point. A frustrated sigh escaped his lips as he put her down.

"Okay, we need a plan before we burst out of this room," He snapped his fingers, his feet tapping against the floor.

"Got it!" He slapped his palm against his thigh.

"Take off the veil." He ordered, and she quickly did what he said. The sight, from her face down to her stomach, momentarily took his breath away. She looked even prettier, and he couldn't help the barrel of emotions that threatened to overwhelm him.

"Markris?" She waved a hand across his stunned face. "Markris!" She snapped her fingers, and he jerked up.

"Yeah, as I was saying. I'll call Jorginho to round up the car to the door of the room we came in through. We have to pass through the chaos without being spotted."

"The door you came in through? I came in through an escalator. Is there a separate exit?" She asked, already taking off her shoes. In hindsight, she realized she should have just gone with Marcielo's suggestions to wear flats instead of these stilettos that hurt her feet from all that running.

"Yeah, we don't have much time. I'll explain how we got in later." He whipped out his phone from his pocket, and another series of sporadic shots filled the air.

"It's getting closer." She quivered, pushing herself behind him.

"Pick up, bastard!" Markris muttered under his breath with gritted teeth. He tried the number again, but it kept ringing without an answer.

"He's not picking? Are you sure he's not hurt?" Her eyes widened.

"Common, let's go." He dragged her hands into his, and they made their way out of the room.

The scene they met was a chaotic mess. People were fleeing to every space they could find. The stench of bullet powder, mixed with the heavy drinking that had been going on, left an acrid taste in his mouth. If he felt this way, he wondered what Lorena would be feeling.

"Don't panic," He whispered. "You see that door to our right. We need to get to it. Just keep your head low, and we'll be fine. Okay?"

She nodded and pressed herself to his side. She followed his lead as they managed to pass through the host of bodies, fleeing or writhing in pain from a stray bullet wound. Lorena shut her eyes tight, trusting Markris to get them safely out of there.

Also, she could not bear to see so many people in such pain, especially because she could have stopped it. If only she listened to Marcielo and spoken to his guy. None of this would have happened. It was all her fault, and she felt like crap.

She felt a man push past her, hitting the side of her stomach. A sharp pain coursed through her, and she quickly held on to Markris's shirt.

"Are you okay?" He felt the tightness of her grip and turned his head to her.

"I'm okay," She lied through her teeth. They were close to the door now, and she didn't want anything to ruin their escape plan. "Please don't be hurt." She thought, looking down on her stomach.

Immediately they got to the door. She heard her name. She turned her head to see Marcielo racing towards her. "He's seen me, Mark. He's coming!" She trembled, and he quickly swooped her into his arms.

"Hold on tightly." He said, dashing through the door. They burst out to the top of the stairs, and he began to descend as quickly yet carefully as possible. He could neither go too fast nor too slow because she was pregnant.

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