Chapter 40: The Peaches

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Pitch darkness ebbed into streams of golden yellow, illuminating the earth and casting a warm glow in the bedroom. Lorena stirred, her face widening into a smile as her eyes fluttered open. Her nostrils caught his scent first before she realized she was in his arms.

Maybe it was because she was in his shirt again, but it didn't matter. She loved his scent. Sighing in contentment, she nuzzled closer to him.

"Good morning, gorgeous," Markris said, kissing softly on her head.

Her smile widened some more. "Good morning," She said, her voice still raspy from all the screaming she did last night. She turned to him, laying her head on his chest.

"You sound like you've been up for a while." He stroked her back gently, sending ecstatic ripples through her.

"Yeah. I woke up earlier to check my phone. I had to go through everything I'd missed. It turns out I missed an important meeting in the company." His voice was filled with regret, and it made her want to give him a giant hug.

"Jorginho mentioned it. Still, you can't beat yourself up about that. You were sick, and there was nothing you could have done. I'll like to believe the boys handled it, though?" It was more a question than a statement.

His hands grabbed hers in an entanglement, bringing them to his lips. "Yeah, Jorge did well. Unfortunately, some deals can't exactly push through without my presence. That's why I need to go into the company today," He felt her body grow rigid, and he sighed.

"Hey, look at me." He raised her gently until she was facing him.

"I didn't want to leave for work until you were awake." He said, stroking her chin.

"That's nice, but I wish you didn't have to go in. You've barely even recovered fully." She pouted, folding her hands to her chest.

The movement made him chuckle, his eyes shining from the effect her words had on his heart. "You can't say I haven't fully recovered, considering last night."

Her face immediately flushed just as he knew it would. For some reason, it made him smile. "Bragging when I did all the heavy lifting." She said, rolling her eyes.

He threw his head back and burst into a feat of laughter that had him on the brink of tears. Lorena watched him laugh. Everything about him, from the rich sound coming out from the depths of his throat to how attractive it made him had her fascinated.

Her heart thumped loudly against her chest as alarm bells rang in her head. This man was on a mission to invade her heart, and she didn't think she had the strength to fight him off anymore.

His laughter finally subsided, and his eyes laid to rest on her. It was like he was seeing her for the first time again. The mere thought that the gorgeous woman to ever walk this earth, in his opinion, was on his bed right now had him feeling like a God amongst men.

"Last night was an outlier. Take it as me giving you the reigns." He finally said, finding his words.

She snickered. "All men do is lie." She said, pulling her tongue out mockingly. Before she knew what was happening, he had her pinned to the bed, with him on top of her. Her eyes widened as she stared at the pompous smirk on his face.

"Do you still think I'm not strong enough?" He raised a brow, the corner of his lip twitching.

"This doesn't prove anything." She shrugged, unwilling to let him win. Also, secretly enjoying his weight on her. If only he had stopped talking and raised her shirt. She was reasonably sure she wasn't putting on any panties.

"Lorena? Get a hold of yourself!" She thought, biting her lips to conceal her desire.

"Thinking about me, huh?" His eyes dropped to her lips, and he swallowed.

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