Maddox POV: Welcome to the Wolf's Lair

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"Let me get this straight," I tried to suppress a huge grin, and failed epicly. "You want a girl to live here. With me."

It was the best joke of the century, no, of the whole millenium! My roommate clearly had a sense of humor I wasn't previously aware of. Almost made me feel bad that he was moving out. Though, because of his habit of sleepwalking, life with him sometimes felt like I was living in the r/nosleep thread on reddit, so I didn't exactly complain when he decided to move in with his girlfriend. What a fool he was though, trusting a girl so much he'd move into her apartment.

Cole let out a sigh, and crossed his arms over his chest, which signaled one of his upcoming lectures. Oh joy.

"Maddox, seriously, you need to keep it in your pants this time. She was the only one who could move in on such short notice, and you said you didn't want to ask your dad for money to cover next month's rent yourself so..." I flinched at the mention of my old man. It was a cheap shot. He knew how much I did not want to ask my dad for shit.

"And she's okay, living with a guy?" The thought itself was a bit incredulous, since most girls weren't exactly crazy about sharing a place with the opposite sex.

She was clearly not burdened by how meticulous the apartment would be, or if it'd be awkward sharing a space with a guy. I wonder what she was expecting when she agreed to this. It made me instantly curious about what kind of person she was, and how long it would take me before I won her over.

"I can literally see what you're thinking, this isn't some challenge on how long it'll take you to bang her! Jesus Christ, look, I met her and she doesn't seem the type that would cave into you, so you can just get that out of your head right now." Sure, that's what they all think before they meet me. Cole sounded like he was about to cry though, so I figured I'd play nice for now.

"Yeah, Cole, no worries man, I can behave." I grinned a Cheshire smile, and he buried his face into his hands, muttering to himself as if he was having a public conversation with his conscience.

"What did I do? No, I had to accept her, there was no one else. But this is like throwing a lamb to a hungry wolf. No, she looked like she could handle him, yeah..." he kept muttering to himself as he turned to leave, probably eager to finish packing. I chuckled to myself, eager to meet this challenging woman that could supposedly handle me.

"Yo, what's her name anyway?" I yelled after him, trying to sate my growing curiosity.

"Aimee. Aimee Lovelle." Cole replied begrudgingly, shaking his head as he walked away.


Well, love would definitely not be on the agenda, but something else just might.

The bag she pulled in was probably larger than she was

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The bag she pulled in was probably larger than she was. Considering the little 'out of order' note on the elevator, how she had managed to drag that up 6 flights of stairs was beyond me.

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