20. One-Night Stand

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There was a part of me that wanted to pull that door wide open and let him deal with whoever was on the other side. I wasn't particularly proud of that but it was his mess, I figured he should lie in it.

However, looking at his worried expression and the way his eyes begged me to help, made it impossible for me to actually do that. There was also the fact that he still held both of my wrists in his hands.

I let out a sigh and spoke out loud, "What's going on? Who is that?"

"Shhh!" In a panic, Maddox released one of my wrists, pressing his hand over my lips. He threw an anxious glance at the door just as the doorbell started ringing again.

Trying to stay quiet he pulled me away from the front door and into the living room area. "Please just do me this one solid and don't open the door."

I frowned, getting slightly annoyed at the way he avoided my questions, "I'll consider that request.... If you tell me what's going on."

Maddox clicked his tongue, running a hand through his wet hair. I tried not to get mesmerized by the drops of water that fell down his torso as he did that but it was harder than I thought.

He's a freaking male Medusa!

"I only do one-night stands, and I make that very clear to the girl before, you know, check if she's okay with that." He spoke through his teeth, clearly feeling awkward talking about this. Not that I really understood why considering I'd already been exposed to every hit single on his sex soundtrack. Every night. For weeks.

"But, one night I got drunk at this bar and this girl showed up that I hooked up with a while ago. I think she saw my Instagram stories... Anyway, she came up to me and was very adamant about, uh, wanting her needs to be satisfied. Like I said, I don't do that usually, but I was really drunk, I don't really remember much but, I woke up the next day and she was still in my bed and—" He stopped mid sentence, exhaling loudly in frustration, "I really don't want to talk about this. Can you just—"

"So, she was in your bed.... and now she's ringing our doorbell like a maniac, why?" I was curious about what actually happened but I could also feel a spark of anger growing inside of me. Even though Maddox played around, it kind of sounded like this girl stalked him and took advantage of him when he was drunk. I didn't think that was okay regardless of gender.

He looked at me for a little while, searching my face for something before settling on my eyes. Then he let out a defeated sigh and looked away, finally letting go of the hand he was still holding.

"I asked her to leave. She didn't want to, she wanted breakfast. I didn't. I told her last night was a mistake. She said it was 'destiny' or something like that. I guess I was kind of harsh, cause eventually she cried and left. But, then she kept messaging me, and I ignored her, but — and I'm really not proud of this — she sent me nudes a few days ago when the quarantine started and I was feeling pent up so I replied. It was just a few messages before I got back to my senses but I guess that was enough to, well...." He motioned to the door and took in a sharp breath.

I stared at him, wide-eyed and surprised. I couldn't help but wonder where I was when this was happening. Was I just in my room, unaware of this entire situation?

I opened my mouth to speak but he stopped me, raising his hand.

"Look, I know what you're gonna say. I'm an asshole and an idiot, and it's my own fault this happened. I know all that, but please just this one—"

His sentence was interrupted by another round of ringing and he shuddered. I'd never actually seen him like this. Surprisingly, I wasn't even going to tell him any of those things. Whatever he did, or she did, or they did, it was the middle of a quarantine and this girl had no business abusing our doorbell like that.

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