27. Catch Up

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We stood in piercing silence for a few moments before he spoke.

"Hm, okay." He said and I raised my head to face him, a mild shock circling through my body. I definitely hadn't expected him to just accept what I said so easily; it made me feel almost... disappointed.

When my eyes caught his, he smiled again. I frowned back at him, which just seemed to amuse him more.

"So, you're... okay with that?" I asked, still trying to wrap my mind around this nonchalant reaction.

"Oh, no, not at all. In fact I'd love to be kissing you right now." His answer was so casual, like he'd just said the most natural thing, the corner of his lips slightly pulled up.

"Wait, what?" My mind spun in circles. Nothing made sense.

He bit down on his lower lip and then walked closer to me, stopping just a few inches away.

"You're scared, right? Maybe yesterday was too real, or you think I'm messing around." Maddox shrugged as if what he was saying was a textbook fact, "I mean, I can't blame you for that." He added with a dark chuckle at the end.

"I'm not—" I started but couldn't finish the sentence.

I was scared. I was scared of getting hurt. I was scared of getting attached. I was even scared of how I felt around him.

Letting out a gentle sigh, he raised his hand and ruffled my hair.

"I can wait until you get used to this." He peered into my eyes, a crooked smile on his face. I felt dizzy.

What was happening?

"I don't think you understand what I'm saying." I tried again, starting to feel slightly unsure of myself. Here I was telling him that we can't be kissing again, which in itself was hard enough to say considering that kiss was mind blowing. And then here he was, telling me he was going to wait for me. Maddox Carter. The infamous playboy.

Was this some parallel reality and how could I get out of it?

"Oh, I do." Then he shrugged, "Like I said, I'll wait."

I put my head in my hands trying to organize my thoughts, "I don't understand what's happening. Don't you only do one-night stands?"

He clicked his tongue in annoyance and walked back to the counter where he'd left his cup of coffee. "That wasn't like—I just didn't want to get close to anyone, or fall for someone again." He muttered that last part so it was barely audible, "But then you happened, and I was never really the kind of person to deny how I felt so...." Shrugging, he took a sip of his coffee.

I felt a sting at that last part, the distinct difference in how we processed our feelings becoming more than apparent. He seemed so at peace with his emotions when I wanted nothing more than to get rid of mine. Even now, in this moment, there was a large part of me that just didn't believe he was being serious.

Seeing my troubled expression, Maddox walked back to me and patted me on the head. He placed one finger under my chin, forcing me to meet his eyes and my heart started beating erratically. "Don't overthink it. Just go at your own pace. I'll wait until you catch up."

He said again, repeating that phrase for the third time before he walked to the living room. I stared after him, slightly in awe of this mature side I hadn't seen before.

My heart clenched, wanting to go to him, but my mind wouldn't let me move.

This was going to be harder than I thought.

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